Chapter 35

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*Back to Howl/Amberstone's POV*

Amberstone stood outside a cave, Sky was tending to Blaze. The little yellow she-cat took a fall from the foxes mouth.

Amberstone insisted that Sky should take a look at the wounds the foxes gave the gray cat, but Sky refused.

Leopard padded up behind Amberstone, "Howl, you did quit a fight back there," The golden she-cat meowed.

Amberstone dipped her head.

"I'm a moon, once we get more cats, and our wounds have healed, we will attack the Clans, and rightfully take what we lost." The spotted she-cat flicked her tail and padded away.

Amberstone just stared after her. She had to get to Applestar and Redsun. Amberstone looked around, no cat was watching, quickly, Amberstone slunk into the shadows and raced out of camp, her paws pounding on the forest floor. Amberstone ran by the border, she skidded into camp.

The ginger she-cat looked around.

Kits were playing happily outside the nursery.

A gray and white speckled she-kit that looked to be three moons, glanced at Amberstone. "Rogue!" She squeaked.

Lionpuddle quickly ran out of the nursery and protectively bared her teeth.

More cats were streaming from their dens.

Sandlift attacked. "Get out of our camp, you crow-food!"

"Hold on!" Redsun padded out from behind some warriors. "That's no rogue! That's my sister!"

Sandlift hopped off Amberstone before nuzzling her. "Sorry." She mumbled.

Amberstone pawed her pale coloured sister. "It's alright."

Redsun wrinkled her nose. "You stink!"

"Rogue scent is powering!" Amberstone purred. "But keep this scent in mind when the rogues attack in a moon or two. I'll giver more of an update."

Applestar padded into camp, his pelt bushed up. "I thought I smelled rogue!" The dark brown tom lunged at her.

Amberstone gasped in surprise as her mate attacked. "Stop!" She choked out.

Applestar just snarled.

Amberstone flipped out from underneath him. "Applestar!"

Applestar stared dazed at her. "Who are..." His meow trailed away. "Amberstone!" He purred.

Amberstone shifted her paws uncomfortably. The cut on her shoulder stung.

"Sorry!" He meowed.

"It's okay." She stretched her leg.

"So, what's happening?" Applestar asked.

"The rogues will attack in a moon or two, depending on our wounds." Amberstone meowed.

"Wounds?" Applestar frowned.

"Yeah, I got attacked by two foxes. Blaze ran back to camp and got Leopard and the rest of the group." Amberstone meowed.

"Blaze?" Heatherfrost padded out from the shadows. The old she-cat wheezing.

"Yeah, why?" Amberstone frowned.

Heatherfrost shifting her paws. The old gray and brown she-cat looked at Applestar. "There was a prophecy when you came back the first time."

"Well... what was it?" Amberstone pressed.

Heatherfrost swallowed and looked at Applestar. Before she began to speak a yowl sounded. "Rogues!"

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting, life in High School is tuff. I'll try to post more.


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