Chapter 28

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The four cats padded into camp.

"We need to attack the Clans!" Bark yowled once he was in the clearing.

Cats had scrambled out of their dens to hear what the brown tom was saying.

"Why?" Daisy asked, she looked at the large tom.

He swirled around at looked at the small cream she-cat. "What?"

"I said, how come we have to attack the Clans?" Daisy asked.

Shadow padded out of the leaders den. "You don't want to attack the Clans? Are you going soft for those little kitty pet losers?" He snarled.

"No!" Daisy defended herself.

"I think she is saying that we need more cats." Amberstone meowed, stepping between the two cats.

Shadow narrowed his eyes in thought. "Maybe, but who?" He asked.

"Maybe some kittypets?" Whitefrost suggested.

"Yes! That's it. Bite, you take Scratch, Olive, and Howl to the Highwalkers Dens." Shadow ordered.

Whitefrost nodded and shook out his pelt. "Olive!" He called to the black tom dozing in the sun.

Olive's green eyes flashed with annoyance. "What?" He snorted.

"We are going to get kittypets." Amberstone meowed.

Olives eyes brightened a bit. He stood up and stretched. "Lets go." He stalked past the cats and out of the camp.

Amberstone and Sorrelstep looked at eachother and then followed the black tom. Whitefrost trailed behind.

The cats trekked through the Highwalkersplace. Olive slowed, the cats behind him skidded to a halt.

A black and gray cat leaped over a large wood wall. "Greetings!" He meowed.

A calico cat followed.

"I'm Smudge and this is Sunny." The tom meowed.

"Greetings, I'm Olive and this is Scratch, Howl and Bite." Olive dipped his head.

"We are wondering if you want to join our group." Whitefrost padded to the front.

Smudge and Sunny looked at eachother. "We could go for a day to see what the 'group' is about." Sunny meowed, glancing at the white tom. "Are you the fierce wild cats we have heard about from other Housecats?" Sunny asked.

"Which fierce wild cats?" Amberstone asked.

"The Clans?" Smudge pressed.

Olive shook his head. "No, the Clans are weak and useless, we are building a team to take them down."

Smudge frowned. "Why?"

"Because... they have killed many of our friends, they need to pay." Olive meowed quickly.

"Okay... but we can leave if we want to go home? Right?" Sunny asked, her pelt rippling.

"Yes." Whitefrost meowed.

"Lets go." Olive meowed, then turned and padded back to camp.

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