Chapter 36

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The cat who yowled was Darknight. He raced into camp panting. "Rogues are in the territory, they want a cat named Howl back."

"With the rogues I'm Howl." Amberstone quickly meowed. "Why don't we pretend that you have captured me?"

Applestar's eyes brimmed with a memory. "I guess..." He didn't sound sure.

"Please!" Redsun pleaded.

"Fine, go to the apprentices den, Redsun, you guard the den along with Coldbreeze." Applestar flicked his tail towards the mossy log.

Redsun lead Amberstone towards the den.

Cats burst into camp, once Amberstone settled down on a nest.

Leopard was in the lead, her pelt bushed. "Where is she?" Leopard yowled.

"I'm here," Amberstone pretended to sound shaky.

"It's okay, I'm here." Leopard cast a quick glance towards the apprentices den. Then turning to Applestar. "Let her go, I could scent her with Clan cats this morning at our border. Let her go!" Leopard screeched, launching herself at the leader.

Applestar barely dodged out of the way, as Leopard slashed at his throat. A scratched showed around his ear as her claw caught a part of it.

Amberstone raced out of the den. Leaping onto Leopard as the golden she-cat tried to give Applestar a killing blow, as he was on the ground.

"Howl! How could you? I am your leader!" Leopard snarled.

"No you're not! Applestar is," Amberstone hissed back, lashing her claw at Leopard's eyes.

Leopard stumbled backwards, yowling in pain.

Shadow leaped in to defend his leader.

"Oh, and Shadeear, you weren't abandoned. You abandoned your Clan," Amberstone warned.

"But I attacked my brother, Dewstripe!" Shadow growled.

"Dewstripe?" Nettlestrike padded forwards, he let out a gasp when he saw Shadow. "You're back!" He exclaimed.

"Father?" Shadow's voice sounded like a lost kit.

Nettlestrike raced to greet his son. "Shadeear! I knew you would come back!"

"Come back?" Leopard snarled, one of her eyes was closed from the impact of Amberstone's claw.

"Shadow, you're a rogue, you were the first cat to join my group, you surely can't leave, the party has just begun. Either, you stay here with the weaker group, or join my group and conquer the forest!" Leopard stalked towards the black tom, her good eyes narrowed.


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