Chapter 34

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*Still Blaze's POV*

Blaze padded into a camp, cats surrounded them. Shadow paused before an entrance. He glanced in a mewed something. Moments later a spotted golden she-cat padded out.

Was this the cat? It can't be, mother said it was ginger. Blaze thought.

As Blaze was thinking, a yowl interrupted.

"Who are these?" The spotted golden she=cat asked, jumping down from the cliff, and padding over to sniff them.

"These are three cats I have found." Shadow meowed.

"Tell us your names." The spotted cat meowed.

"I'm Blaze!" The yellow kit squeaked.

Blaze heard a murmur behind her.

"She looks barely three moons." Blaze was barely able to listen.

"I'm Sugar." The white cat meowed.

"And I'm Blossom." Blossom looked the cat in the eye.

"The meeting is over!" The spotted cat meowed.

As Blaze caught a ginger cats eye, Blaze's eyes widened. Could this be the cat that will give me my destiny? She thought.

"Howl!" Leopard yowled.

The ginger cat tore her gaze away and padded to the spotted cat.

"Yes?" She asked, something seemed wrong, as if she didn't like the name, or it wasn't hers.

"Take those three around our territory." Leopard flicked her tail, before padding away.

The ginger cat, Howl, padded over to them. "Come on, lets go." She half somewhat growled, half snarled.

Blaze looked at Sugar, the white cat just shrugged and followed the ginger cat out of camp. Blossom soon followed. Blaze trailed after, as the tree cats disappeared.

Blaze scampered to join, her yellow paws crunching the leaves on the forest floor.

"Could you be even more louder?" Howl hissed.

"Sorry," Blaze ducked her head.

The four cats trekked through the forest, soon Howl stopped and turned around. "This is the StormClan border, don't pass it or you will be shredded by the Clan or by me," The ginger she-cat turned on the three others and snarled.

Blaze quickly nodded.

Sugar and Blossom both looked at each other before nodding as well.

Howl led the three cats towards a HighWalkers place.

"This is the HighWalkers place, you mustn't go in there but you may want to but there are badgers, foxes, and loners." Howl growled.

Blaze narrowed her eyes, as a russet pelt was slinking through the trees. "Watch out!" She called, but it was too late.

The fox was already on top of Howl. The ginger she-cat snarled and hissed. "Get off me mange-pelt."

Sugar leaped into battle, her claws un-sheathed.

Blossom looked at Blaze. "Go back to camp and get others!" Before leaping after Sugar.

Blaze bolted through the forest, her gaze darting back and forth, looking for a trail. She sniffed the air and the scent of cats were stronger.

Once she bounded into camp, the cats looked at her.

"Fox... Howl... attacking!" Blaze puffed.

A gray she-cat padded up to her. "I know some herbs, I was taught them when I was in a group, just like this one. I'm Sky, show me where they are."

Blaze raced out of camp, more cats were on her tail.

She lead them to her two friends and Howl. Cats had leaped into battle, another fox had showed up.

Leopard padded up to Blaze. "That was good that you came and got help. Howl could have died and I don't think I can live with more feelings of grief."

Blaze stared after the spotted she-cat, Leopard seemed nice and all, but Blaze knew, that once you got to the inside, she was a bitter, rude cat.

A yowl interrupted her thoughts, Howl was underneath the fox, it was digging its red claws into Howl's shoulders.

Leopard leaped onto the foxes back, she scratched it. The fox let out a howl of rage and tried to fling Leopard off, but the golden cats claws were hanging on.

Blaze felt the air from her lungs disappear. She got picked up, Blaze looked down and noticed the the second fox had taken her, she yowled. "Help! Some cat! Help!"

The cat, Sky, raced out from under a bush, she extended her claws, leaping at its throat.

The fox instantly let go, Blaze fell to the ground, her breath getting knocked out. Blackness swarmed over her, as she felt her eyes closed to the screeches and howls coming from the foxes and cats.

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