Chapter 19

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~Two moons later~

Amberstone was finally able to get out of the medicine den. Her wounds have finally healed. Her grief was still thick for Finchwing, but the prophecy was right, they would team up against Leopardstar and killed her, but Leopardheart also died. Was that supposed to happen?

"Amberstone!" Redsun cried happily. Touching noses.

"Redsun. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good, I see that you have scars." Redsun meowed.

"I'm sorry." Amberstone meowed.

"For what?" Redsun asked, confused.

"I should have stayed awake, maybe Finchwing wouldn't have dived." Amberstone bowed her head sadly.

"Its not your fault." Sandlift padded over to hear what was going on. "Nice scar on you belly, ear and throat."

"Thanks." Amberstone mumbled.

"Amberstone!" A joyous cry came from behind her.

"Some one is happy to see you." Redsun purred.

Amberstone looked behind her and saw Applestar bounding towards her. He nuzzled her affectionately. He purred and twinned their tails together. She leaned on him.

Redsun looked away, amused. Sandlift's eyes glinted.

"I'm happy you are out of the medicine den." Applestar purred.

"Same here," Amberstone nodded.

"Wait, did Smalltail betray us?" Redsun asked, hurt glinting in her eyes.

Amberstone slowly nodded.

"But he is dead, right?" Sandlift asked, flexing her claws, one of them had snapped off and was growing back, slowly.

Applestar nodded.

"I wonder who will NightClan's new leader, because didn't Grayscale die?" Gorsebush asked, Mossybirch as his side, their pelts brushing.

"Amberstone!" Sunsetshimmer gasped, and raced to her foster daughter.

Amberstone looked up and headed to her. They touched noses.

"I thought you were dead! You weren't breathing, but Heatherfrost didn't stop until you were breathing and your heart was pumping." Sunsetshimmer meowed, looking at her foster daughter.

"I'm alive and well!" Amberstone meowed, stretching.

"Applestar, may I be excused from patrols?" Amberstone asked.

Applestar nodded. "Yes, you need to recover."

Redsun groomed his chest fur.

"Where is Ravenspark?" Amberstone asked.

Redsun looked up and flicked her tail to the grieving cat.

Amberstone padded over to the cat. Ravenspark looked up, his eyes sad.

"I know how you feel, I lost my sister as well." Amberstone meowed.

"At least you have other littermates." Ravenspark snarled. Then stalked off.

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