Chapter 1

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Vyla sat in the coffe shop staring out the window. So many things ran through her mind. She wondered how her life became this way. Being stuck in a job she hated. A psycho ex boyfriend that wouldn't leave her alone. No kids. Almost 40. Not a lot to show for.

Just as she started to think more about how life had not been going as planned, she felt a hand in her shoulder snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Well hello pretty lady." The voice said.

Vyla looked up at the man and groaned out loud.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked.

The man was older than her, balding hair, glasses and had a cheesy grin on his face.

"Well l was wondering why someone as pretty as you was sitting all alone. Thought I could take you on a date or something. My name is Bob."

Vyla sighed, showing her annoyance. She was so not in the mood for this.

" Thanks, but no thanks dude. Not interested." She stated.

"And why not? You don't even know me. This would be a great way for us to get to know one another. " Bob said.

" Have you ever heard of no means no? Jesus. I am sure your a nice guy, but I am not interested. Now kindly, piss off." Vyla said.

"Why are you such a bitch?" The guy snarled, seeing that Vyla hit a nerve.

Vyla raised her eyebrows at him and could feel how pissed off she was getting. Trying to remain calm, she took a deep breath and said "Seriously? Get the fucking sand out of your vagina. I said no already and asked you to kindly piss off. Now get the fuck out of my face!"

Bob's face went a brilliant shade of red. He snatched up Vyla's wrist and squeezed tightly.

Vyla was caught off guard by this. But before she could say anything she saw another man approach and place his hand on the man's shoulder.

"I think she made it clear that she's not interested. Now get your fucking hands off of her." The other man said calmly to Bob.

Bob dropped Vyla's arm and glared at her. He then turned and left the coffee shop.

Vyla took this time to look up at the stranger. He was shorter than her. Longer blondish brown hair. But what stood out the most was his piercing blue eyes. He stood looking at her with a smirk on his face.

"Get the sand out of your vagina? Gotta say, that's a new one. Even I haven't heard that one before. My name is Corey by the way." He chuckled and sat down across from her.

"Yeah, well, I have this awful habit of saying the first thing that comes to mind. I am Vyla. And thank you for saving me from Captain Asshole." She said.

Corey laughed, "Captain Asshole? I love it! You are something else."

"Yeah. They broke the mold when they made me." Vyla said dryly.

Corey looked at her for a moment. She was pretty. Almost olive colored eyes that were surrounded by black eyeliner. Sandy blonde hair that was straight and stopped at her shoulders. But there was a sadness that she had about her. It showed not only in her eyes, but you could see it on her face as well. She seemed somewhat nervous. She kept looking out the window. Almost like she was keeping watch for something.

"So. What do you do for a living?" He asked.

"Oh, you mean my soul sucking job.I work at a bank not far from here. I deal with customers and money. And I get to be a babysitter most days for not only employees, but for customers and their bank accounts. It's draining. But I have been in this line of work for 20 years and I don't know anything else." She said.

"Soul sucking? Never heard anyone put it that way before. But, that must suck working at a job you really don't like." He said.

"Yeah but what are you gonna do, right? Piss and moan about it basically" Vyla smirked

Corey laughed at this. "Your funny. I like you." He said

"Easy tiger. Don't get all sentimental and shit on me" Vyla said sarcastically

"Jesus girl! You are killing me over here! Most women have zero sense of humor, and want to talk about clothes and shit. You are over here swearing like a sailor, and you have to be one of the most blunt people I have ever encountered" he laughed

"I am just getting started" she said

Suddenly Vyla's phone buzzed and brought them out of their conversation. She reached down to grab it and looked at the text message. When she read it, she felt the blood drain out of her face and her hands shake.

"Um. I have to go. Sorry. It was nice to meet you and thanks again." She said nervously while collecting her bag.

Corey noticed the sudden change in her behavior. "Are you ok?" He asked.

Vyla looked at him with fear in her eyes. "I'm fine. I have to go."

"Vyla, you don't look fine. You look terrified." Corey said looking her in the eyes.

Vyla broke out of his gaze and paused before leaving the table. "You seem like a great person Corey. But I am damaged goods with a shit load of baggage. You need to pretend you never met me. It will be a lot better for you in the long run."

And then she walked out the door before Corey could say anything to her.

What the fuck? Corey thought. What is she so scared of and why does it seem like she is running from something?

Shaking his head, he grabbed his coat and headed for the door.

Once outside, he lit a cigarette and looked around. It was almost dark out and there were very few people out now. He started to walk down the street when he thought he heard yelling. He stopped for a moment to listen, and heard it again. Yelling. A woman and a man. He turned to where the yelling was coming from, and slowly walked towards the alley behind the coffee shop. Pausing to listen again he heard them. It sounded almost like Vyla

"Fuck you Mason! We are over! I can have coffee with anyone I want! Stop fucking following me you prick! Leave me alone!"

"You fucking belong with me Vyla!"

"Get your fucking hands off of me Mason "

And that was when Corey heard a slap ring out. He started to run to the alley. As he turned, he saw Vyla on the ground, And a man standing over her ready to strike again. He ran up to the man and shoved him away from Vyla.

"Get the fuck away from her!" And swung his fist at Mason.

Mason stumbled back, and onto the ground. He sat for a moment dazed. Then shook his head and stood up, ready to attack again. Corey was ready, and took another swing that connected to Mason's jaw. Mason fell back, hitting the ground and was unconscious.

Turning his attention to Vyla who was still sitting on the ground covering her face. "Vyla?" Corey asked hesitantly. She didn't move. She was almost frozen in fear. "Vyla, Are you ok?" Corey asked reaching out to her.

Vyla flinched at him touching her, but looked up at him with tears in her eyes, and a bruise forming on her right cheek. "Yeah. I'm great. Never better." She said mumbling as she stood up.

Corey stared at her for a moment. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

Vyla looked at him like he was crazy. "I am fine. Look, I am nothing but problems. You don't want this. I am telling you now. Run while you still can. Seriously."

Corey stared at her, with his piercing eyes. He leaned in closer to her. Almost touching her nose with his, causing her to blush and wanting to look away. "I'll take my chances." He said and grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the alley and across the street to his car. He opened the door and motioned for Vyla to get in.

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