Chapter 26

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They pulled up to the courthouse for the third day in a row. The crowds were even larger than the previous days. She felt her hands shake, and her stomach clench. The lump in her throat began to swell.

She turned to see Sid already in front of her. He shook his head at her. "No Vy. This is the last time we have to be here. This is the last time you have to look at his fucking face." He said sternly. "Now, are we doing this the easy way or the hard way?" He grinned.

"Watch it Wilson, or I will kick you in the balls." She said glaring.

He laughed and nodded, "That's my girl!" "Now get the fuck in there." He glared back, sternly at her.

She narrowed her eyes, then smiled at him, causing him to smile. He hugged her hard, pulling away, he said, "Let's go." And he got out.

She shook her head, looking at an amused Corey. "Ready, baby?" He asked.

She nodded, as he kissed her quick. He grabbed her hand helping her out.

"Sid and Vy, have the most fucked up friendship I am ever seen." Jim said laughing.

Chris nodded, "Yeah, but it works." He laughed.

Corey held her hand tightly, leading them to the courthouse doors. He opened the door, ushering her inside. The place was packed with people. She moved to the side of the room, leaning against the wall, trying to calm herself.

"Hey Vy." She turned to see Craig next to her. He put his hand on her shoulder, pulling her in for a hug. "No matter what, you did good. No matter what." He said. He pulled back, and she looked at him shocked. She nodded her head.

"Thanks buddy." She said quietly. He nodded and walked away.

"Hey kid." She heard from behind her. She smiled, turning to see Mick.

"Hey Andre." She grinned. He pulled her into him, giving her a bear hug. "Mick." She gasped out.

"Goddammit! Sorry hun. There's nothing to ya anymore. I'm gonna make sure you eat more." He grinned.

"Thanks Mick. For everything you've done." She smiled. He nodded, as Corey walked over to her.

"It's almost time. Then we are leaving, and not coming back, ok?" He said reassuringly to her.

"Ok." She said, taking his hand, leading her inside the courtroom.

The sat down, with Corey on one side, and Sid on the other. Each of them gripping her hands. The judge came out, the Mason in an orange jumpsuit with two officers. She saw the lawyers taking their seats. The judge called for the verdict. An officer walked an envelope over to him. The judge read the verdict, then told Mason to stand.

"For the charge of breaking and entering, we find the defendant, not guilty." She heard. She gasped, feeling them tighten their grips on her hands.

"For the charge of assault and battery, we find the defendant, guilty."

"For the charge of attempted murder, we find the defendant, not guilty."

"For the charge of sexual assault, we find the defendant, guilty."

"For the charge of attempted rape, we find the defendant, guilty."

She was panting, her hands sweating, tears flowing down her face. She sat tuning out the noise around her, looking down. She could hear her name, but it was far away. She turned her head, seeing Sid.

"It's almost over. They have to read off the sentencing, then we can leave. Come on girl, stay with me. Ok?" He said, holding her face gently in his hands. "Please." He said.

She nodded, catching her breath. As they read then sentencing, she quietly sobbed. She leaned into Corey, as he held on to her.

"Mason Cross, you are sentenced to the California State penitentiary for a total of 15 years, with eligibility of parole in 7 years." She heard.

She jerked up and looked at Corey. "That's it? That's all he gets?" She asked in disbelief. Corey looked just as shocked as she did.

She jumped up, briskly walking out of the courtroom, and to the women's bathroom. She found the last stall, locking herself in, as she sank to the floor, sobbing as hard as she could.

She sat there, staring at the floor in silence, slowing her breathing down. It was silent in the bathroom. She pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her head on them.

The door opened, and she heard footsteps. "Sid, please. Just give me a few minutes." She said.

"Well I would if I was Sid." She heard Corey say. She reached up, and unlocked the stall door, opening it, to see him standing there smirking at her.

"Can I come in?" He grinned. She grinned, moving over to let him sit down.

"What is with you guys and the ladies bathroom?" She chuckled.

"Its cleaner than the guys." He grinned.

"Want to get out of here? I didn't think you liked this place enough to want to hang out in it." He said.

She nodded. "When do we leave California?" She asked.

"Shawn said we can go tonight. All of us hate the fucking state." He grinned.

He stood helping her up. He grabbed her hand, as they left the bathroom.

Exiting the bathroom, she saw the guys standing there. Jim was the first to greet her. He hugged her close to him, kissing the top of her head. Pulling back he looked at her and nodded, smiling softly.

Sid wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to the door. Once outside, he grabbed her hand, as Corey grabbed the other. Sid led them though the maze of people, back to the limo, making sure her and Corey were in first.

"Hey Sid, I wonder what kind of weird love triangle they will come up with seeing that." Corey laughed.

"I'll just tell everyone that you two had a lover's quarrel, and I was being the referee." Vyla said.

"Wouldn't be the first story like that." Sid laughed.

The guys finished filing into the limo. Vyla lit a cigarette as the started driving. The divider went down. "Ma'am?" She heard.

"Dude! Fuck off! Let me the fuck out if it's that big of a fucking deal." She said.

She heard Corey sigh. "Babe." Was all he said, giving her a pleading look.

She tossed the cigarette out the window, making eye contact in the mirror with the driver. "There. That help get the sand out of your fucking vagina, dude?" She asked.

The guys roared with laughter, as the divider went back up. Corey smirked at her, "I really need to remember that one." He laughed, shaking his head.

Arriving back at the hotel, everyone went their separate ways to their rooms. Entering their room, he watched as she stripped off her suit in the bathroom, throwing it in the garbage.

"That's 3 suits Vy." He said in disbelief.

"Yep. And?" She asked, starting the shower.

"Another shower?" He asked her.

"Why are you picking apart what I am doing?" She asked turning to him.

"I'm not. Just trying to figure out how this is helping." He said. He could tell she was gearing up for a fight.

She sighed. "Corey. I am sorry if I don't want to look at clothes that remind me of all of this. And I sorry if I feel fucking disgusting every time I have had to look at Mason for the last 3 days. Every time I have seen him or his fucking mom, I can fucking feel his hands on me, and it makes me feel gross, ok?" She said getting in the shower.

Rubbing his forehead and sighing, he sat down in the floor. He listened as she washed her hair repeatedly, then listened to her pick up the bar of soap repeatedly. He heard the bar of soap drop on the shower floor, followed by a quiet sob. He listened again, hearing another sob, quiet, just like the first one.

Standing, and not bothering to take off his clothes, he opened the door, seeing her in a heap on then shower floor. "Babe." He said quietly, wrapping himself around her, holding her tight. Her sobs became louder, filling the bathroom. Her skin was red from scrubbing in the scalding hot water. He reached up shutting the water off, then wrapping himself around her again. She didn't put up a fight as she sobbed loudly.

They weren't sure how long they stayed like that. Both of them becoming cold eventually, he helped her up wrapping a towel around her. Her teeth were chattering. He grabbed some clothes from her bag, helping her with her shirt, as she finished getting dressed.

She grabbed some clothes for him, handing them to him, as he changed. She started sobbing again. He picked her up, carrying her to the bed, laying her down. He looked at her, and could see she was exhausted. Her eyes barely able to stay open, dark circles under her eyes, her face was pale. He sat on the edge of the bed, slowly stroking her hair, lulling her to sleep.

He placed his head in his hands, trying to gather his thoughts. He felt exhausted all of a sudden. Like he had been running a marathon. He moved to the other side of her, laying down next to her. Pulling the covers over them, he moved closer to her, holding on to her. She tensed. "Corey?" She mumbled.

He smiled softly, kissing her head. "Its just me baby." He said, as he slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

The ringing of Corey's phone woke her with a jolt. She looked around, seeing him move over her to grab it.

"Hello?" He answered.

"No comment." He growled, hanging up the phone.

"Time to change the phone number." He said, setting his phone down.

She didn't ask what they wanted. She got up, and started to pack up their clothes and belongings in the room. He sat on the bed, watching her. He was amazed at how little time it took her to gather everything, and place it neatly in their bags. He seriously thought it was under five minutes the amount of time it took her.

"How many times did you have to move?" He asked, startling her.

"I lost count after 15, around year 2 of being away from him." She said.

"Jesus. Is that why there's nothing in your house, except the bare minimum?" He asked.

"Yeah. I would leave everything that wouldn't fit in my car. It really cuts down on what you own or think is important." She said zipping the last bag.

"Did you practice it or something?" He asked.

"Yep. Multiple times a night for the first six months. I couldn't even tell you what's on tv, because I haven't owned one in 3 years." She said, sitting on the bed next to him.

"You didn't even watch tv?" He was having a hard time wrapping his head around everything.

"No. Too much noise. I read some, but mainly sat watching and waiting. And making sure the windows were nailed shut, the door was locked. Know what's stupid?" She asked.

He looked at her waiting. "When we were on the bus the first week, I would get up sometimes to check the doors. And we were fucking driving." She said shaking her head.

"Its not stupid. It's habit. I didn't know you did that. " He said, grabbing her hand.

She nodded. "You sleep pretty deep most nights." She said.

"What did Mason do for a living?" He asked, looking at her.

"He was a personal trainer at a gym for a while. That's when..."she trailed off.

"When, what?" He asked softly.

"When everything was at its worst. He was lifting weights all the time. Every day. He didn't do steroids or anything, I can tell you that. I wasn't allowed to have Tylenol even in the house. He took nothing. Then he worked as an engineer." She said.

"I should have fucking killed him." Corey said through his teeth.

"No. Then what? You would of been in a cell next to him." She said.

"He beat the shit out of you. He was lifting weights, and beating the shit out of you. It makes me fucking sick. And pissed." He said.

"Hey. He can't do it anymore. You stopped all of it. Both times. He would have killed me those times." She said, pulling his face to hers. She gently nudged his nose with hers.

"Mmm. I can't wait to be home with you alone." He said, as she pulled back from him. He ran his mouth along her neck, making her shiver. "We're not answering the phone, or the door, for at least a week." He said against her neck, dragging his mouth across the other side. She closed her eyes, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Fuck!" He growled, making her laugh. She moved off of him, allowing him to stand. He walked to the door, answering it.

"Hey man, bus is leaving in an hour." She heard Shawn tell him.

She heard him finish talking to Shawn, then close the door. She laid back on the bed, watching as he came back to lay next to her.

They laid facing each other. She looked so tired. "You look exhausted Vy." He said.

She nodded. "I am. I have never been so tired in all my life." She said.

"When we get on the bus, promise me you'll sleep as much as you need to. It's been years, Vy. You need it." He said to her softly.

"I plan on it." She said.

"I can't believe that fucker wasn't found guilty of attempted murder. What the fuck! I had to leave before I stabbed him with a fucking pen." She said, disgusted.

"I don't understand it either. And breaking and entering...not guilty? No one let his fucking ass on there." Corey said shaking his head.

"At least I don't have to worry about him for 7 years. They have to notify me if he's released. So at least I can prepare for it." She said.

"But I don't want you being worried until that time comes Vy. You can't worry about him getting out until the time comes, ok?" He said, watching her nod.

She closed her eyes, as he laid watching her, until it was time to go.

"Vy, hey. It's time to go ok?" He said softly, nudging her gently. She woke up, slightly startled, but got off the bed.

She went to the bathroom to fix her hair, noticing his suit in the garbage. "Corey? Your suit is in the garbage?" She asked puzzled.

She heard him walk to the door. She turned to look at him. "I don't want to be reminded of this every time I see it. Plus, I hate suits." He said, making them both grin.

Grabbing their bags, they headed to meet the others in the hotel lobby. Everyone was already there. She walked up wrapping an arm around Sid from behind him. He turned, picking her up, bear hugging her.

"How are you?" He asked, his face concerned, as he set her down.

"I'm not really sure yet. Tired. Really fucking tired." She said. He nodded.

"You look like you are." He said.

"Babe. Mary is walking this way." She heard Corey say in her ear quietly. She nodded, turning to him. She slipped off her bracelet from the guys, and the ring he gave her. She handed them to him. He raised an amused eyebrow at her, and stepped aside.

"Vyla, I hope you're happy now. Look at what you've done!" Mary yelled.

"Go fuck yourself Mary." She said turning to walk away. Corey stood surprised by Vyla, as she seemed to be letting it go. He started to walk next Vyla.

"Mason was right. You are a whore!" Mary yelled.

Vyla stopped, turning around slowly to face her. "What did you just call me?" She asked calmly.

"Oh shit." She heard Jim in the distance.

"I said you are a whore!" Mary yelled.

Without warning, Mary's head snapped back, as Vyla punched her in the face. Mary stumbled back falling to the ground. Vyla stood over her. "I warned you, you fucking cunt!" She yelled. Feeling someone grab her arm, she shook it off.

"Don't EVER call me a whore. I better never see you again." She said calmly, moving away. She realized the hand that grabbed her was Sid. He was smiling at her. "I forgot one last thing." She said turning back to Mary, spitting on her.

"Hey babe? I think that anger management we talked about is working. I'm not mad anymore." She called out to Corey. She could hear the guys laughing as she walked outside of the hotel.

Feeling her body shake as she sat against the building, she heard many footsteps walking up to her. She didn't bother turning to look at who it was.

"We may need to find you a pottery class or something to mellow you out." She heard Corey say laughing. She looked up at him. His face red from laughing.

She grinned, as he helped her stand. "Was it me hitting her or the anger management comment that has you laughing your ass off." She asked.

He laughed harder, "It was all of it." He said. She turned to see who else was there. She met the amused stares of Sid and Mick.

"Awfully brave grabbing my arm there, Wilson." She smiled at Sid.

He laughed. "Yeah, well when Corey sat down in a chair and watched, I felt someone needed to be an adult and step in." Sid said.

"You sat in a chair Corey?" She asked laughing.

"I told you I wasn't stopping you if she did it again." He smiled.

"Goddamn Vy!" Mick laughed, hugging her.

The bus pulled up, Vyla breathing a sigh of relief. "Get me the fuck out of this state." She said to them.

They guys came out of the lobby, piling into the bus. Vyla and Corey were the last to get on. He stopped her, grinning at her. "Two more weeks. Then we're home." He said quietly in her ear making her laugh. He grabbed her kissing her hard.

"What the fuck Corey? It's like you are enjoying rubbing it in my face that Vy's gonna marry you now." The heard Jim from the top of the stairs, making them laugh as they pulled away.

"Get on the fucking bus. This state sucks. Let's go." Jim yelled, walking away.

"Couldn't agree more." Vyla said, getting on the bus.

"What's up Chuck Norris?" She heard Jay ask.

"Hey Jay." She laughed, hugging him. He let go, walking past her.

Making their way back to their bunk, she took her shoes off and climbed in. "What time is it?" She asked Corey.

"It's seven. Why? Got a hot date with Jim?" He joked, making her laugh.

"Yeah she does asshole." They heard from Jim as he walked past. Vyla laughed as Corey shook his head amused.

"I'm so tired." She said her eyes closing.

"Get some sleep." He said, covering her up. He laid next to her, and realized she was already asleep. She'd never fallen asleep that quickly since he'd known her.

He kissed her head, quietly leaving the bunk, pulling the curtain. He went upstairs to join the guys.

"Where's Vyla?" Chris asked.

"Passed out. She's exhausted. Years of not sleeping, and all this shit, she couldn't keep her eyes open." Corey said sitting down.

"She needs it. No offense, but she looked awful." Jim said, as Corey nodded in agreement.

"She didn't take the sentencing very well. I can't believe he can be up for parole in 7 years. The legal system is a joke. And not guilty of attempted murder? What the fuck. He was going to kill her that day." Shawn said disgusted.

"I know. I just hope she pulls through this. She's pretty upset. Everything's been thrown in her face, and the world pretty much knows. It's not going to be easy for her. She's been trying to pick fights." Corey smirked.

"Watch your face man. She may take it off." Alex laughed.

Corey smiled. "Yeah but I don't care. At least I can talk her down when she's pissed most times. And she didn't break my hand, like she did some guy that fucked with her." He said.

"Wait, what?" Sid asked. Corey realized then what he said.

"Fuck. I don't think I should of said anything." Corey shook his head.

"Just tell us. We won't bring it up to her." Sid said. The guys nodding in agreement.

Corey told them the story, "So, that's how she ended up being the only female in a court ordered anger management class." He finished.

"Holy shit I love this girl!" Mick said laughing hard.

"Can't blame her for being pissed off all the time though. After what she went through, I'm surprised she's only snapped a few times." Jay grinned.

"Yeah, well, I hope we find her a different outlet instead of hitting people eventually." Corey laughed.

"I don't think pottery classes will help with that." Sid laughed.

"So let's see. She hit that asshole when he came at her, she cracked Sid once, punched that bitch in the mouth, Violent J got his ass handed to him, and she hit you too Corey. Not bad." Jim said impressed.

"Sid and Corey don't count. She didn't mean to do that." Shawn corrected him.

"True. But Corey, seriously, Vy said fuck off she's marrying me instead." Jim said, as they all laughed.

"You wish dickhead." Corey laughed.

They were all quiet for a moment, until they heard Craig laughing hard. Confused and surprised, they looked at him. "Sorry, but the whole 'Babe! I don't need that anger management, I'm not mad anymore' was fucking awesome!" He said laughing at what Vyla had said.

The guys laughed. Corey laughed, nodding his head. "The night I met her, I made a comment that she was something else," he laughed, remembering, "She said something like, 'Yeah well they broke the mold when they made me. Don't go getting all emotional and shit on me.'" He finished grinning.

The guys laughed more. "Seriously. I know this hasn't been the best time for all of us, but the times we've had that have had, she's made them nothing but awesome." Mick said smiling.

"When are you guys getting married?" Chris asked Corey.

"We havent had a chance to talk about it. We are going to see her only living relative sometime after we get back. Her uncle. Tiny." He grinned.

"Tiny? Why do I get the feeling he is anything but a small guy?" Shawn asked.

"He owns a tattoo shop in Springfield, where she's from. We heard from him the other night. He's not happy she didn't call. He saw it all on the news. He sounds like he's seven feet tall on the phone." Corey said smirking.

"She never called him?" Sid asked.

"I think it's a complicated relationship. She had cut everyone out of her life to try and keep Mason from getting near them. She was afraid they would get hurt. I think she thought she was protecting him somehow. She's been alone for years. She had us packed up and ready to go in under five minutes at the hotel. It was the craziest thing I'd ever seen. She said she used to practice packing for the first six months she was on her own. She said she lost track after moving 15 times in two years." He said, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Her parents died in a car accident, a few years after her brother killed himself. Mason wouldn't allow her to go to her brothers funeral even. And then years of running away, being alone, and then this shit, I don't know how well she will hold up." He said, worried.

"Her own brothers funeral? She couldn't go to it?" Jim asked, not sure he heard correctly.

"Yeah. She's really fucking tore up over it still. I don't think anyone of us could have dealt as well as she has." Corey said sadly.

"Damn, man. She's had it rough." Chris said shaking his head.

"Yeah, well, don't go feeling sorry for her, or she will kick your ass." He said to Chris, making them all smile.

"That she will." Chris laughed.

Vyla slept through the night, and was still sleeping the next morning when Corey woke up next to her. He was surprised. She had hardly moved in her sleep. Getting out of bed, he walked down to the kitchen where a few if them had gathered.

"Vy still sleeping?" Mick asked, sounding surprised.

Corey nodded. "Yeah. I'm glad she is too. She barely moved even. Never seen her sleep like that. I'm not waking her." He said.

"Well when she gets up, there is food in the fridge for her. She needs to eat. I damn near broke her, giving her a hug the other day." Mick said.

"She lost 15 pounds in a month from stress. She didn't have it to lose in the first place." Corey said, watching Mick's face grow worried.

"Well, whatever she wants to eat, let me know. I'll make sure she gets it." Mick grinned.

"Thanks, man." Corey said, heading back to the shower. He peaked in, looking at her, still fast asleep.

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