Chapter 6

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Vyla woke with a start a few hours later. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She was sweating, her was chest heaving. She looked down and saw Corey fast asleep. Quietly, she slipped out of bed, grabbing her pants and putting them on. She walked out to the front door, checking to make sure it was truly locked.

Sighing, she sat down at the window seat, looking outside. She hadn't slept more than a few hours at a time for the last 3 years. Her body was used to the lack of sleep it got. Some days more so than others. She was tired, but knew she would never get back to sleep. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was only 3 am. It was going to be a long night, she thought, running a hand through her hair.

She heard a noise and her body tensed. She felt her breath quicken, and her heart felt like it was in her throat. She looked harder into the night, searching for signs of movement. "Why are you up?" Corey asked sleepily.

Vyla screamed, caught off guard, whirling herself around to see Corey behind her. "Shit, I didn't mean to scare you," he said reaching towards her. She jerked away, trying to calm down. "Vy, it's just me" Corey said calmly, inching towards her again. "I didn't mean to scare you. I woke up and you were gone. I got worried, and came out here." He said, laying his hand on her back.

"Sorry," Vyla said in almost a whisper, "I don't sleep much. And I didn't mean to pull away. I was just-" "Terrified? Scared, maybe?" Corey said cutting her off. Vyla looked up at him, seeing the concern in his eyes. "Something like that." She replied.

" Come on. Let's go back to bed." Corey held his hand out to her.

"Go ahead, I won't be able to." She said looking away from him. "Sure you will. I will make sure of it." He said softly.

"I am not really feeling like sex if that's what your referring to." She said still staring out the window. Corey chuckled. "Nope. Was thinking we could talk instead. Come on." Before she could protest, he scooped her up and carried her off to the bedroom.

Setting her down on the bed, she moved up, getting under the covers as Corey joined her. Turning his body to her, he asked, "Sleeping in all of your clothes? I told you we were just going to talk was all." He said sounding almost hurt.

Swallowing hard, Vyla reached over and turned on the light. "I need to show you something before this goes any further. And if you want me to go after that, I understand. But it's now or never for me ok?" Vyla looked at him, seeing the puzzled look on his face, also mixed with concern.

She took a deep breath, and started to unbutton her shirt. She paused once she got to the last button. She looked at over at Corey. He was about to say something and she turned her back, lowering her shirt to reveal her back to him. She heard a small gasp. Closing her eyes, she started to pull her shirt back up, when she felt his hands stop her. "Don't." He said, moving in front of her on the bed.

He was in front of her now, gazing into her eyes. "Don't hide from me. You're beautiful. You being this honest and upfront with me, only makes me want you that much more." He leaned in kissing her tenderly. "I have never wanted anyone the way that I want you right now." He said against her mouth, kissing her more.

She pulled back in amazement, looking at his eyes, trying to see if he was lying in the slightest. Her heart lit up when she saw nothing but honesty in his eyes.

She smile at him. Really smiled for the first time since they had met. He looked almost surprised, but smiled back, moving to kiss her again. He pulled away from her, urging her to lay back with him.

They laid on their sides, facing one another. "I have to know, how in the fucking hell did Sid get you to come back tonight? I figured he would've walked through the door with you slung over his shoulders, kicking and screaming what an asshole he was." Corey said to her. She chuckled at him, "Well, I knew he wasn't going away easily. But then he basically summed up my entire life for me in about 30 seconds." She said. "How so?" Corey asked.

" He said he knew I was in trouble, and I was always running away from my past. That he knew I had been hurt really bad, and that I push everyone away. But the part that sealed it for me was when he said he the pain I have is killing me, and he wanted to help. He said he couldn't do that if I left." Shrugging her shoulders she said, "And then I hugged him."

He raised his eyebrows at her with a shocked look on his face. "YOU hugged HIM?" He asked, not believing he heard correctly.

"Surprisingly, yes, I did. I started to tell him about Mason, and he told me I didn't have to tell him. Only if I wanted to. It meant alot to me. He reminds me of my brother. My brother died a few years ago. I miss him alot." She said quietly.

"Shit, babe. You have had a really hard fucking time huh?" He said more as a statment than anything. "What are you planning on doing now?"

Burying her head into the pillow for a moment, before looking at him, she said, "I may have to leave again. He's going to find me. It's only a matter of time. I think if he finds me again, he'll kill me." She said.

Panic ran across Corey's face and mind, "You can't just leave! I will make sure your safe. You can't just walk into people's lives and turn the upside down, and then leave! It's not fair to them!" He was starting to get angry, to where he was sitting up, looking down at her. He realized then that his voice was louder than he expected, as he noticed she was inching her way back from him, and he knew she was scared.

"Fuck, Vy, I didn't mean to yell or sound mad. I know we have only each other 2 days, but I can't help how I feel about you. I have never felt this way before about someone. Please, don't ever be scared of me. I wouldn't hurt you." He held his hand out to her. She just stared at him, then his hand. She reached out and took his hand, as he pulled her into his embrace.

She pulled back from him and smiled, while keeping him close to her and said, "Please Taylor, I think I could kick your ass if I wanted to." He threw his head back and laughed. "Is that right?" He asked playfully. "Uh huh." She nodded smiling.

"Pretty sure I wouldn't even have to hurt you." She said trailing her hand down his bare chest. "Then what would you do?" He asked having a feeling where this was going. Her left hand pushed him back on the bed, as she hovered over him, she moved her right hand down to the front of his boxers, pausing, "All I would have to do is this" she said cupping him.

He hissed out a breath. Christ, she barely had to touch him, and he would be so turned on. How was that possible?

She moved her hand up and down the front of his boxers, feeling his body tense with each movement. She leaned up gently kissing his neck, while her hand teased him.

"Thought you said you weren't in the mood?" He asked, hoping she wouldn't stop. "Maybe i changed my mind." She said as she kissed her way down his chest, slowly making her way down his stomach. She paused, looking up to see him breathing heavy, and grinned. She pulled down his boxers, grabbing him fully. She heard him moan as she started stroking him. Leaning down, she placed her mouth around him, and started moving her head up and down. "Fuck!" Corey moaned, grabbing a handful of her hair. "You are really good at that," he said breathlessly, as her tounge swirled around him more. She started to move faster and his grip tightened on her hair.

He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to be inside of her, and he needed to now. He pulled himself up and grabbed her, flipping her on to her back. She looked surprised by him. He ripped the front of her shirt open, buttons flying everywhere. She bit her lip, smirking at him, as he frantically pulled her remaining clothes off. She giggled and asked, "Did you like that?"

He hovered over her, leaning in kissing her quickly, and thrust into her, moaning loudly. He tried to move slow, but she had him so worked up, it was like his body was taking over, and he couldn't think straight. "Harder Corey," she begged. He quickened his pace grunting more, watching her as she started to arch her back. "Right there!" She moaned. They were both so close. He reached down taking her nipple into his mouth, and sucked hard. This did it. A few more thrusts and they both were riding out their orgasm together.

They laid there not moving, trying to catch their breath. He carefully rolled off of her, laying next to her. "What are you doing to me? I feel like a teenager who can't control himself." He laughed shaking his head.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Not my fault I'm good at it." She said laughing.

"I owe you a new shirt. Sorry about that. I got a little carried away." He said sheepishly.

"I'm not worried. I have plenty of others." She said

"Promise me we can talk more in the morning? And by this I mean, not tearing each other's clothes off, I mean really talking?" She asked him.

"No guarantees, but yes, I agree. Let's talk in the morning. Are you tired now?" He grinned at her.

"A little." She grinned back at him, her eyes shutting.

He smiled, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into him. She laid her head on his chest. For the first time in years, she felt completely safe, and fell asleep.

RunningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora