Chapter 9

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The next day, as they were getting ready, Corey turned to her and asked, "I have to go see the guys today. Will you go with me?"

"Sure. But if Shawn gives me any shit, I may punch him in the face, just so you know." She smiled innocently.

Shrugging his shoulders, "Guess he'll learn the hard way then." He smirked at her. "Wait, aren't you supposed to be at work today?" He asked, just remembering.

" Yeah. I called in." She said.

"Why don't you just quit? You hate it. You said so yourself." He said.

"And do what? I need something to do. I can't sit around all day and do nothing." She said.

Moving in closer to her, he put his arm around her waist and said, "I could think of something for you to do." He grinned.

"I wonder what that would be?" She asked innocently, moving her hand down the front of his pants, causing him to groan.

He kissed her hard. Grabbing the back of her neck. "Easy killer. Thought we had to leave." She smiled at him as she pulled away.

"Um, right. Uh, ready to go?" He said adjusting himself.

"Sure. Want to drive?" She asked already knowing the answer.

" Fuck yes I do!" He said grabbing her hand, pulling her out the door, making her laugh.

They arrived at Sid's house a while later. Walking in, Sid came running up to her, pulling her into a bear hug and spinning her around. "Vyla! I missed you!" Sid yelled.

She laughed at him, as he put her down. "Well thanks Sid." She said. She turned around seeing the rest of the guys staring at her. "Hey." She said quietly, to the rest of them.

"Only that asshole gets a hug? What about me?" Mick said joking with her.

Corey was about to say something, when he watched her walk past him, and wrap her arms around Mick giving him a hug. He was shocked to say the least.

"Better now, Andre the Giant?" She joked with him.

"Yep." He said smiling happy with the outcome.

"Vy, want to go jump on the trampoline with me?" Sid asked.

" Yeah I don't-" Before she could finish, Sid threw her over his shoulder, and ran towards the door.

"I'll be outside with Sid." She laughed, as Sid ran outside with her.

The guys all turned to Corey amused, also eyeing him up with curiosity.

"So how's your new girlfriend Corey." Shawn asked almost sarcastically.

Sighing, he looked at Shawn and said, "She's doing better. Thanks for asking." He said glaring at him.

"I like her." Craig said quietly. They all stared at him in surprised . Craig never really spoke much, let alone shared his personal feelings about someone.

The rest of the guys nodded in agreement except Shawn.

"Whats the problem Shawn." Corey demanded, as he glared at him.

"We went over this the other night Corey. We don't need someone like her dragging us down." He snapped at Corey.

"Oh fuck off! You don't know shit about her Shawn! And if you did, you wouldn't be talking shit right now!" Corey yelled at him, feeling his anger building quickly.

"So tell us then." Shawn said challenging him.

"That's not my place. If she wants to, she can tell you. But I am not doing that to her." Corey said lowering his voice.

"If you really want to know, why don't you just ask me, asshole." Vyla spoke up surprising them all. No one realized she had been standing behind them for a while. She was stood with her arms crossed, glaring at Shawn.

Corey turned to her, seeing the same look he did yesterday, only this time she wasnt crying. She appeared calm. Her face was getting red. She wasn't screaming. Her anger was different this time. Shawn crossed the line, and she was ready for a fight.

Corey swallowed hard, knowing it was going to get ugly.

"You really want to know about my life? I wasn't really wanting to tell any of you this way but since you are all here, I might as well." She spat at Shawn, but not raising her voice.

"Vy, you don't have to do this." Corey said to her quietly, grabbing her shoulder gently. She brushed him off and walked past him. Her eyes never leaving her Shawn's, as she moved her way through the group of guys. Everyone moved out of the way.

"Apparently I do Corey. And at least I have the balls to say something to someone's face. I don't talk shit behind people's backs like some pricks do." She said calmly, cocking her head to the side.

"My family is dead. I was left some money after they died. I have a psycho ex boyfriend, who hunts me down all the time, and may kill me if he catches me again. I am not after anyone's money. The last thing I need is to draw attention to myself. I am not trying to come in between anyone here, or anywhere else. You don't know shit about me. But you have done nothing but pass judgement on me. I haven't done anything to you. But if you fuck with me one more time, I may change my mind about that." She said in an almost monotone voice.

She left out a few private details. They didn't need to know some things. Those were things that only one other person knew, and it would stay between them.

When she finished, it was quiet. "Anything else dickhead?" She asked Shawn.

She was almost shaking, she was so pissed. Shawn looked at her sheepishly and said "Look, I didn't know. I'm sorry. I shouldnt have judged you." He said seriously.

"Ya think? Stop being a fucking dick to me. If you have a problem with me, take it up with me. Don't EVER talk shit about me behind my back again. Grow a pair and say it to me. Understand?" She said, as she cracked her neck looking at him, trying to keep herself in check. She could feel her anger boiling. If she didn't walk away now, she knew she would punch him. She did not want things to come to that.

"Anyone else? Problem or concern you have with me? Now is the fucking time." She said glancing at all of them.

The response was a lot of, 'no, I'm good' and ' no problem here', from all of them.

"Nothing else from anyone then?" She asked dropping her arms to her side. She nodded her head once "Alright then." She grabbed Sid's hand. "Come on Sid. Our trampoline awaits." She said dragging Sid behind her, walking outside.

"Goddamn Corey. You ever get tired of her, let me know. I would fucking marry that girl in a heartbeat." Jim said laughing.

"Thanks Jim. I am sure Vy will appreciate that." He said sarcastically at Jim.

Jim laughed, shaking his head as he walked off.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Corey turned to looked at Shawn, with a look of slight disgust on his face. "I am being serious when I say this; don't ever talk about her like that again. I will beat the shit out of you next time. Understand me?" He snarled at him, his eyes narrowing at Shawn. He was trying to not let his temper escalate anymore than it already had.

Shawn simply nodded his head. "Yeah. I understand."

Outside, Sid and Vyla were sitting on his trampoline smoking. Neither saying a word to each other. Sid looked over at her and asked, "You alright?"

"Yeah." Was all she said staring off I to space. "I don't want to come between you guys. It's not right. You guys have been friends for too long." She said quietly.

Sid laughed and looked at her, "What? That was fucking awesome! The guys talked about you all night the other night." He said.

Sighing, she looked down and groaned.
"Fuck. I can only imagine what was said." She said dryly.

"I'm not kidding Vy! It was nothing but total respect for you. You came back AND you told Shawn to fuck off. They were impressed. Just like now." Sid said excitedly to her. She could tell he was enjoying this a little too much. "Seriously. The guys think your great. They all like you. Know what I think though?"He asked her.

"Do I dare ask?" She asked him, slightly worried.

"I think you need more fun in your life." He smirked mischeviously.

"And that means what exactly?" She asked him carefully, eying him up.

"Come on. Jump on the trampoline with me." He said pulling her up with him.

She laughed as they started jumping. Sid doing flips in the air every once in a while.

Corey and Mick watched them from the house. "Big difference from 3 days ago." Mick said to him.

Corey smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Sid reminds her of her brother. I think she misses him a lot. I can't believe I am saying this, but I think Sid may good for her to be around." He said deep in thought.

"Whats up man? Something's on your mind. I can tell." Mick said turning to him.

"I'm just worried about her. She's had a rough life. She has alot of shit she hasn't dealt with. She broke down some yesterday. But she needs to do it a few more times at least. She needs to open up more." He said shaking his head. "She is scared to sleep at night or during the day, Mick. She wakes up at night to check the lock on the door. She has nightmares almost every time she sleeps. I don't know how to help her. I'm trying. I just feel like I make it worse sometimes." He said almost desperately.

"Shit. I swear to God, if I find this little mother fucker, I am going to put him in the hospital at the very least." Mick said shaking his head in disgust. "You already have helped her. Look at how different she is compared to 3 days ago. You couldn't even get her to make eye contact for long." Mick pointed out. "She actually looks at you when you talk to her now, and not away like she did when we first met her. She doesn't seem as nervous. But she needs some time to relax. She has been on edge for years. It's going to be hard for her to shut that off." Mick said.

"Yeah. You're right. Corey said nodding his head in agreement. "She hugged you. I couldn't believe it. The first night she stayed with me, I hugged her and she cried herself to sleep. She told me she hadn't hugged anyone in 8 years. She didn't even know what to do at first. She tensed up, and it took her a few minutes to even hug back. How does that happen to someone? You have to be so broken, to not know what to do when someone hugs you." He said shaking his head. "This asshole fucking worked her over. Bad." He said feeling angry. "Sometimes it's like she's back there with him inside her head. She gets shakey. I know there are things that just bring back random memories for her. She hasn't said what though."

"You already have helped her. Look at her. She's actually smiling. She barely cracked a grin before. It's not going to be easy, but you are going to have to push her to talk more. She's gonna get mad at you. Really mad. Hell, she may even hit ya. But you can't let her walk away. She's not damaged or broken. She's just a little lost man. She just needs help finding her way back. You need to help her. We all do. She deserves to be happy. Just like anyone else." Mick said.

"I know." He chuckled, "I am pretty sure she won't make it easy. Hell, I know she won't make it easy." He laughed softly.

"No man. She won't. She isnt gonna give you a helping hand." Mick said smirking at him. "You got your work cut out for you. She has some fire in her. Good luck dude." Mick laughed.

"But seriously, if either one of ya want to talk or yell, or whatever, my door is always open." He said rather seriously.

Corey smiled, nodding his head, "Thanks man. I'll See you later."

He headed outside to see her and Sid, who were out of breath laying on the trampoline.

"Having fun?" Corey grinned at her.

"He's killing me. He's having me do this shit called exercise. Exercise! I thought he wanted to be my friend. Help!" She said dramatically, holding her arms out to him.

Corey laughed at her, picking her up off the trampoline, not setting her down. "You going to put me down?" She asked raising her eyebrows at him.

"I like holding you this." He smiled kissing her passionately. She pulled his head closer to her.

Clearing his throat, "Ugh, damn guys! I'm right here!" Sid said hopping down.

"Sorry Sid." Vyla smiled at him, as Corey set her down.

"Ready to Go?" Corey asked her. She nodded. "Sure. Let me say bye to Sid."

Turning to Sid, she said, "Thanks Sid. I'll see you soon, ok?" She pulled him in for a hug.

"Don't I get a kiss like Corey did?" He said joking, as they pulled away.

"No. But i forgot. I do have something for you," She said smiling, as she reached into the pocket of her pants. "Yeah, it's right here." She said pulling her hand up and flipping him off, smirking at him. Both Corey and Sid laughed.

Sid pulled her in for another hug. "Take care of her Corey." Sid said letting her go.

Corey nodded, "I will, man. I promise."

She turned grabbing Corey's hand as they walked to her car. They got in and drove down the road towards Corey's house.

She stared out the window quietly. He was sneaking glances at her. "You alright?" He asked her.

She was stewing about her argument with Shawn. She thought she should of handled it better. Maybe she should have pulled him aside instead.

"I'm fine." She responded not looking at him.

Corey knew when a woman said she was "fine" she really wasn't.

"Just talk to me." He said to her.

Groaning, she turned her head and looked at him. " Can i just have a few minutes to myself to think? Am I not allowed?" She asked him annoyed.

"Every time you get quiet, I know something's wrong. You're annoyed about something and I want to know what it is." He said.

She didn't say anything to him, as they pulled into the driveway. They both got out, and walked inside the house.

She flopped down on the couch, curling up into the corner of it. He sat at the other end, turning to look at her. "Are you going to sit and stare at me?" She spat, annoyed at him.

He smirked at her, like she was amusing him. "Yep."

She narrowed her eyes at him, feeling herself getting pissed. "You are starting to piss me off Corey." She growled at him.

Letting out a chuckle, he said, "Then talk to me."

"I don't want to interfere in your life ok? I don't want to cause problems with your career or your friends. Goddammit, why are you fucking smiling at me when I am pissed off?! " she yelled looking at him.

He smiled more at her. God she was hot when she was mad. He wasn't sure what it was, but he really liked it.

He moved over her, trapping her down on the couch with his body. "God, you are so fucking hot when your mad." He said smiling at her.

"What the fuck? What the hell are you talking about? I am pissed and you want -" He cut her off pressing his mouth over hers.

She tried pushing him away, with her hands pushing at his chest. She was annoyed. But mainly because she wanted to be annoyed about something. His hand had moved its way down between her legs, making her gasp, as he kept kissing her, and rubbing her gently.

He broke the kiss, moving to her neck, nipping and sucking gently, driving her crazy. Her fingers were already in his hair, pulling harder on it. "Dammit Corey, I'm still mad." She choked out to him.

"Uh huh." He said pausing what he was doing, "But you like what I'm doing." He said going back to her neck.

She groaned as he pressed himself into her. She could feel how hard he was. "No, I hate every minute of it." She moaned out, closing her eyes, and arching her back, pressing into him more.

He unbuttoned her pants, and slid his hand down the front, feeling her tense up. He slid two fingers inside of her, slowly moving his hand. "I can tell how much you hate it." He said, grinning, as he watched her grab onto the end of the couch.

He grinned down at her, enjoying watching her. He moved his hand faster, then slowing down, then faster again, making her bite her bottom lip and moan louder. She tensed more around his fingers. Her face was heating up.

Her eyes opened, and she narrowed them at him. She pulled at his shirt, queuing him to take it off. He removed his hand from her, and pulled his shirt over his head. As he leaned over her, she reached up and bit him lightly on his chest, then moving over and doing the same to his nipple. He hissed out a breath, and moved against her more.

Reaching down, she undid his pants, running her hand down the front of his boxers, and gripped him hard, making him moan. "Fuck!" He hissed. She smirked at him, moving her hand, making him shudder.

She leaned up slightly, sucking on his neck gently, as she continued to move her hand, holding on to him.

He started pulling off her clothes, throwing them across the room. They both were frantically trying to rid themselves of any barriers they were wearing. "We should go to the bedroom." He said, panting, as he frantically kissed her neck.

She shook her head at him. "I want you right here. Right now." She said grabbing him with one hand, guiding him to her, while the other hand grabbed his neck, pulling him down to kiss her. He groaned into her mouth as he started to enter her.

He was slowly pushing into her, barely moving his hips. "Don't be a fucking tease Corey." She moaned as he moved a little more inside of her.

"I think you like me teasing you like this. Don't you?" He grinned at her.

She wrapped her legs around him, pushing him into her more, making them both moan. She raked her nails down his back, making him jerk forward and move more. "You're not playing fair." He hissed out.

"Mmhm. But you love it. You can hardly control yourself." She purred at him. She was right. He loved the pain mixed with pleasure, and he could barely contol himself.

Not realizing it, he started moving faster. She ran her nails down his back, harder this time. "Fuck!" He said through clenched teeth. If she kept that up, he would be done in 10 seconds.

She bit down harder on his nipple this time, making him grunt loudly. She ran her thumb over his bottom lip, and he gently ran his tounge over her thumb. His eyes rolling back as he closed them.

Her skin felt hot. Her body felt like it was on fire. She wrapped her legs harder around his waist, urging him to go faster. "God." She moaned out, "I'm almost there." She panted at him.

She groaned loudly as he started moving faster and harder. He felt her start to tighten around him. He was fighting to hold out for her. She clawed at his back and his chest, making him lose control.

She pulled his hair tighter, and she bit down hard on his chest. She cried out as he moved harder into her, sending both of them over the edge.

They both laid there not moving, trying to catch their breath. He moved to the side, rolling off of her, laying next to her.

"Can I piss you off more often?" He laughed.

"Careful what you wish for Corey. I was being nice." She grinned at Him, making him raise his eyebrows in surprise. "I wasn't pissed at you. You were annoying me. Big difference." She said.

"So I should stare at you and annoy you again?" Making them both laugh.

She shivered, she was freezing. He grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch, throwing it over them. She laid her head on his chest, enjoying the quiet.

"Vy." He said. "Hmm?" She said . "What are we exactly. I want you in my life. But I don't want you running away from me because it's too much for you." He said.

She lifted her head looking at him. "Be patient with me. I will try and pull away from you, but I need you to pull me back. Don't hurt me, ok? And I don't mean physically, because we both know you wouldn't do that. I mean don't break my heart". She said to him.

"I won't. I promise." He said.

"Better not. I feel for you if you do." She said as he laughed.

"So...can I call you my girlfriend then?" He asked playfully, making her laugh.

"Hmmm. I have to think about that. You have seen me naked. And you did save me twice in under an hour from two douche bags." She said thinking out loud. "Yeah, I'm ok with that I guess." She giggled.

"Asshole." He said laughing.

"Yeah. I am." She giggled. "Admitting it is the first step, right?"

"You are going to drive me insane." He smiled at her, as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I know." She said proudly. "And I'm sure you will enjoy every minute of it." She said kissing him.

They laid there for a while not saying anything. "Corey?" She asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

He was surprised by her question. "I just knew you needed out of that situation. I really wasn't thinking. I just wanted you safe. I knew there was more to your story just by looking at you. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. Most people just don't get involved with things like that. And they never would have taken a stranger into their house either." She said.

She lifted her head up and looked at him almost glaring. "You were trying to get in my pants weren't you?" She asked.

"Whoa! No, no, no. I....I didn't know-" he stammered, looking up at her to realize she was kidding with him. "Fuck!" He said laughing almost relieved, "I thought you were serious."

"Are you that afraid of me?" She laughed.

"No. I just care about you, and don't want you upset. You have had enough to be upset about. I like seeing you happy." He said moving her hair out of her eyes.

"Alright. You're making me blush again. Time to get dressed." She said trying to move over him to get off the couch. He stopped her, causing her to lay on top of him.

"Not used to that, huh?" He asked her, looking a little sad, as she looked away from him.

"No." Was all she said, moving away to grab her shirt. She threw on her shirt and grabbed her clothes, throwing them on as fast as she could.

He laid there watching her, knowing he struck a nerve. She was uncomfortable. He didn't think she was mad...yet.

She grabbed a cigarette, lighting it, not saying anything.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked as he finished putting his clothes on.

She shook her head, not saying anything. She put out the cigarette, fidgeting with her hands instead. He could tell she was on the verge of tears, but she didn't want to cry.

"What is it then? Whatever it is, you can tell me." He said gently, sitting beside her.

"It's nothing. Please, just let it go." She said almost begging him.

"I want to, but I can't. I just can't Vy. That's not how it works." He said softly, "Whatever it is, just tell me."

The tears spilled down her cheeks. She let out a sob. "I don't know what to do when you say things like that to me. I never had anyone be as nice to me as you are. Ever. I was never told I was beautiful, or loved. No one has ever said that to me. It's not that I don't like it, it's just new to me." She said, feeling her face turn red with embarrassment.

"No one ever said they loved you or that you were beautiful?" He asked making sure he heard her correctly.

"Unless you count my parents. No. No one ever has." She said quietly.

He shook his head, stunned by what he just heard. What man doesn't tell his girlfriend that he loves her, or that she's beautiful? He wanted to beat the shit out of her ex boyfriend. He should have hurt him worse the other night.

"You have to be kidding right? I mean your ex never even said that to you during the first year things were ok with you guys?" He asked still not believing he heard her right.

"Unless you count the times he said I didn't look as fat as I had the last time I wore a certain pair of jeans." She replied, wiping her eyes.

"What? Why the fuck would he say that?" Corey said more as a statement than a question.

Who knows. I should of left a long time ago and I didn't. It was just as much my own fault. I don't want anyone feeling sorry for my own mistakes." She said sternly.

"Vy, You didnt ask for any of that. I feel bad that no one ever made you feel loved before. It breaks my heart honestly. Everyone deserves to feel love. I just hope you let me show you. Please?" He asked, turning her to look at him. He placed his hands on the side of her face, leaning in to kiss her gently.

He wrapped his arms around her back, as she moved to sit on top of him, straddling him, not breaking their kiss. He pulled her into him harder, deepening the kiss more.

They pulled away from each other, touching their foreheads together. "Is that a yes then?" He asked her seriously.

"Yes." She said smiling at him.

"What do you want to do now?" She asked him, laying her head on his shoulder as she sat facing him.

"Food? Want to eat something?" He asked.

She couldn't help but laugh. "Come on. Let's see what you have in the kitchen." She said standing up.

RunningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora