Chapter 30

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"So tell me. How is she really doing?" Tiny asked as he worked on Corey's arm.

"I don't honestly know. She seems fine, then something pulls her back into a memory. And she's lost in it. It's like she doesn't remember where she is or who else is there. She picks fights, but I know it's because she's so angry about what happened. Or then at times she just shuts down. She won't talk until I piss her off, then she explodes. But sleeping? Shit, that's what she calls hell on earth." Corey said shaking his head.

"Those memories won't go away for a long time kid. That fucker did a number on her. Had she not met you, she wouldn't be here." Tiny said.

"I know. A while back she broke a glass, and I saw her change instantly. She was at his house I could tell. She was scrambling to clean it up, glass was deep in her finger. She wasn't even fazed by it. She finally blinked a few times and looked at me. She said my name, then she was back. I feel like I may lose her one time to it. Like she won't come back." He said.

"Jesus, fuck man. That's bad. She's gonna be that way for a while. You think you can deal with her?" Tiny asked.

"I have been. I honestly don't mind. She's changed a lot since I met her. She was so on edge. I took her to a cabin for a few months. It really helped. Then this shit happened. She's doing better than I thought she would. It's still hard for her though. And it will be." Corey said.

"She was getting the shit kicked out of her by him, and I fucking knew it. I called her on it so many times. So did Gabe. Then that dickhead cut her off from everyone. He wouldn't let nobody see her when we came to her house. I tried man. I tried. He had her so locked up in his world." Tiny said disgusted.

"You love her, right?" Tiny asked seriously.

"More than anything." Corey said.

"Then you need to hang tight brother. She wont make it easy. She's gonna try leaving you again. You can't let her go. Don't let her go. But if you can stick with her a little bit longer, she'll be the kick ass kid I always knew. She's already starting. Don't rush her though. No matter how frustrated you get." Tiny said.

"Yeah she knows how to push a button on me. Did she take a fucking class in that?" He asked Tiny.

Tiny laughed. "Nah. She learned from the best though." He laughed pointing at himself. "Put your number in my phone. If you or this Sid guy can't talk her back some time. Call me." Tiny said handing him his phone.

Tiny grabbed Corey's phone, adding his own number. He handed it back.

"I thought I almost lost her when Mason sent her a letter." Corey said quietly. Tiny looked up.

"What letter?" Tiny asked. Corey explained the letter Mason had sent along with the one from Gabe.

"That little motherfucker! I should of broke his fucking neck!" Tiny yelled.

"Sid, was able to talk her back. She said Sid reminds her of Gabe." Corey said. Tiny looked relieved.

"You give Sid my number. I mean it." Tiny said.

"I will. I promise." Corey said nodding.

"No one knows why Gabe did what he did. But this gives me a better idea. Their parents were destroyed. Then that shitface wouldn't let her go to the funeral. It about killed their parents." Tiny said.

"Her and Gabe were tight. Until that fucker came along. Gabe taught her to fight. He taught her from the time she could walk. He was a marine. When he got back, she was lost to that asshole. It hurt him a lot." Tiny said.

"She's not over it. I can tell you that. And the loss of her parents? No way. I don't think she's had time to grieve." Corey said.

"No she hasn't." Tiny said.

"She doesn't want to be alone in a room. I'm not comfortable leaving her alone, even when she tells me to. I have someone with her if I can't be. I just worry constantly." Corey said.

"She'll let you know when she's ready. She'll probably hand you your ass. But, just go with it. And when she's ready, you gotta let her do it. Don't hold her back because you're scared, got it?" Tiny asked.

"I was already thinking the same thing." Corey smiled.

Vyla and Moose returned just as Tiny finished up a Chinese symbol on his arm. "Thanks Moose." Vyla said. Moose nodded, sipping on a milkshake.

"Ya bought him ice cream Vyla?" Tiny asked.

"Well duh! How can I say no to those puppy dog eyes of his. Geez! And who am I to deny someone of ice cream? Have a heart Tiny!" She laughed.

"She has the guys in the band coloring with her and watching chic flicks man. I feel your pain." Corey told Tiny. Tiny roared with laughter.

"She does have a way with people when she's done being an asshole to them." Tiny said. Vyla laughed.

"Hey Tiny. Will you keep this? I don't need it anymore." Vyla said, handing him the gun out of her bag. Corey raised his eyes in surprise.

"You sure Vy?" Tiny asked. She nodded.

"I couldn't get to it the day I needed it." She said.

"She just stopped taking clothes with her everywhere too. That's a good sign Vy." Corey grinned. Vyla nodded.

They ate lunch, and sat talking for a while. "I gotta head back Tiny. I'm stopping by the cemetery on my way out." Vyla said to him.

"Alright. But you'll call me at least once a month. Pipe Cleaner has my number. And Sid does to now. I will talk to you." Tiny grinned.

"Thought we were past calling me Pipe Cleaner, Tiny." Corey said amused.

"Right. I forgot. COREY has my number and so does Sid." Tiny said.

Vyla grinned. "Did you talk to Sid?" She asked Tiny.

"Don't need to. Corey is." Tiny smiled.

Vyla nodded. "I will call. And you're coming to our wedding when we get a date. Ok? And bring Moose with." Vyla grinned, making Corey laugh.

"I will be there. I'll walk ya down the aisle even if ya want." Tiny said. Vyla nodded.

"You have to wear a tux." She grinned.

"I will for you." He said.

"Hey Moose! You're coming to the wedding too." Corey yelled to Moose.

"I'll be there. Pipe Cleaner." Corey heard Moose say. Corey chuckled.

"That means he likes ya." Tiny said, laughing.

After saying their goodbyes, they climbed in the car. She looked at Corey. " Come here." He said leaning over the console. He kissed her tenderly. "You're right I was a judgemental prick. I am so sorry, baby. I am. Tiny's a good guy." Corey said.

She smiled big. "I love you. Let's go to the cemetery, then I need out of here." She said as she started the car.

"He does really nice work. I am impressed." Corey said, admiring her arm.

"Yeah he does. I cant ever get a tattoo from someone else." She grinned.

"Your face when he hugged you, was amazing I might say." She laughed.

"Yeah, thought I was gonna die for a minute there." He laughed.

"That's nice of you to ask him to walk you down the aisle. It meant a lot to him." Corey said.

"I know he would do anything for me. Why does he have your number and Sid's?" She asked.

"He said if there was ever a time that me or Sid can't bring you around, to call him." He said quietly. She nodded.

"I hate to think of that, but I get it." She said just as quiet.

"We're here." She said in a whisper.

"Want me to come with?" He asked. She nodded, getting out. He got out and followed.

She stopped. "I don't know if I should be here." She said

"You already are." He said, taking her hand.

They walked further, stopping at three large headstones. She let out a small sob. "I'm so sorry Gabe. I would of been there." She whispered. She sat down with Corey.

Corey leaned over, wiping the dirt from the headstones. He placed his arm around her, moving her into him. They sat in silence for a long time.

The sound of her phone beeping snapped her out of her thoughts. She pulled her phone out, looking at the messages.

"Oh, Tiny. You always could make me feel better." She said laughing. Corey looked at her, questioning her with his eyes.

She laughed, showing him the message. It was a picture of what appeared to be a burned down house. "What is that?" Corey asked her.

"Mason's house. Well, what's left of it. I'm sure he knew nothing about it." She grinned. Corey threw his head back and laughed.

"No. I'm sure he didn't. That guy is something. They broke the mold when they made him too, huh?" Corey said laughing.

Vyla chuckled. "Told you I was just like him." She grinned. Corey nodded.

"No wonder your dad would get pissed." He grinned. Vyla nodded.

"That he did." She smiled sadly, looking at the headstones. "It's time to go." She said standing.

She touched the headstones one last time before they turned, heading back to the car. As they got in, he turned, smiling softly. "Ready to go home for a while, and have that time alone I promised you?" He asked.

"Yes. And no more phones for the next week. I only picked up because he would of come to our house." She grinned.

"After meeting him, I have no doubts he would have." He laughed.

They drove for an hour before either of them spoke. "What are you thinking about?" Corey asked.

"Truthfully?" She asked. He nodded.

"How nice it is to wear makeup again. Do my hair. Wear more than sweat pants. How nice it is to interact with other people." She said, staring forward as he drove down the highway.

"Tell me about it. I want to know." He said, glancing at her quickly.

"I wasn't allowed to wear makeup after about a year with him. Before he hit me. He said it made me look trashy. That should of been a hint there. Then he would tell me how wearing my hair back looked better at first. Then it was, he didn't want other guys looking at me." She said.

"Eventually, it turned into, I couldn't wear make up or do my hair, because I looked like a whore. The pulling me away from everyone. That was actually a slow process. I didn't even realize it, until I was asking permission to go somewhere with my own mother." She said shaking her head.

"Know what upset me the most? I should have noticed it before it got as far as it did. I am so pissed at myself for that." She said, clenching her fist.

"People can be master manipulators when they want to. You don't realize it until it's too late. It's something that has been taught to them. It's learned behavior." Corey said. She nodded.

"Yeah I can see that with his mother. Everything was about her. If Mason didn't do what she wanted, she would weasel her way to get him to do it." Vyla said.

"So did you really not go to Tiny because you were worried about him going to prison?" Corey asked.

"Yeah. I knew he would kill him. I wasn't having him go to prison for my own mistakes. I was going to go to him had I not met you when I did. I was out of options. And I was tired. Physically and mentally, tired." She said.

Corey nodded. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, glancing at her before moving his eyes back to the to the road.

"You know you can." She said.

"Why didn't you hug anyone for 8 years? I thought you were kidding that night, but I realized you were serious. You froze, you didn't move. I was surprised when you actually hugged me back." Corey said.

"It wasn't allowed. Not with anyone when I was with Mason. Not my parents. No one. After a while, I avoided it with anyone. I think I forgot how to. Sounds stupid, but I did. Then when you hugged just brought back...I don't know feelings of being cared about. It was the same when Sid hugged me. I about came undone in front of people. I hadn't felt like anyone cared about me in years. To have two people who barely knew me, actually make me feel like I was worth a was hard to take." Vyla said looking at him.

He reached over the console, grabbing her hand. He brought it to his lips kissing it, then holding it tightly.

He grinned to himself, followed by a chuckle. "How much fun do you think Tiny had lighting up Mason's house like he did?" He asked.

"More than anyone will ever know." She laughed.

They arrived home a few hours later. It was getting late, and Vyla was already asleep in the front seat.

"Vy...babe...were home." He said, gently nudging her.

She stirred, opening her her eyes to smile at him. He smiled back. It was the first time she had ever woke up like that since they had been together.

They got out, making their way inside. "I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted." She said.

He kissed her quick. "I'm going to give Sid a call. Let him know he may get a call from Tiny sometimes. Don't need Sid freaking out." He grinned. She nodded, making her way upstairs.

Picking up the phone, he called Sid. "Miss me already, asshole?" Corey heard on the other end of the phone.

"Ha! You wish dickhead. I'm actually calling to give you Tiny's phone number. You know Vy's uncle?" Prompting Sid's memory.

"Um. Ok. Why?" Sid asked.

"I went with her today to meet him. He asked that I make sure you have his number. He said if something ever happens to where you or I can't bring her around, to call him." Corey said.

It was silent on the other end. "Everything ok with Vy, Corey?" Sid asked, suddenly sounding worried.

"Sid. You know how she's been. Good days and bad days. She had a bad night the other night. Like she wouldn't move from the corner of the bedroom for a bit. She told Tiny about you. Said he likes you already. And trust me man. This is a dude you want on your good side." Corey chuckled.

"So is he seven feet tall?" Sid laughed.

"Pretty fucking close." Corey said.

"Is she alright though? Seriously Corey, is she? Your kinda freaking me out." Sid said.

"For now. We actually bought a house the other day. Scott Ian's house. She had the worst dream the other night Sid. Like she asked me if what happened in the dream, really happened. The one night we have been here, she actually slept. She couldn't sleep at my house. And I couldn't either. So I called Scott. She bought it after only looking at 2 rooms." Corey said.

"Fuck man." Sid said.

"Yeah. Not how either one of us were hoping to spend our first days home, but Tiny is a great guy. A little intimidating at first. But he loves Vy like she was his own." Corey said.

"That's good man. She needs to keep in touch with him it sounds like." Sid said, sounding more at ease.

"Yeah. Said he'd call you or me if he doesn't hear from her at least once a month. Sorry man. I wasn't telling him I wasn't giving him your number." Corey said as they both laughed.

"That's fine man. I don't mind. But, Corey? I think the storm is brewing in her. She's held it together too well. Know what I'm saying?" Sid asked.

"Yeah. I do. I think it's starting. She just doesn't realize it yet." Corey said.

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