Chapter 35

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She drove, not sure where she was going, and not sure how long she had been driving either. She realized she was near the park Corey had taken her to before.

She pulled in and parked. She got out, locking her car. She paused for a moment, looking to see if Corey had followed her. Not seeing him, she headed to the spot in the woods he had taken her before. She sat down on the bench, staring at the city below.

She wasn't sure what just happened with him, but it was like he had changed right then, and it scared her. Yeah, he'd raised his voice to her in the past, but this was different. This was him angry. He scared her. She'd never seen him like that before, and he never had yelled like that at her.

Wiping the tears from her eyes. She pulled a cigarette out, lighting it. She sat watching the city below, smoking, lost in her own thoughts. She heard her phone beep, not bothering to look at it.

She sighed, wondering what she should do next. She knew she had been gone a long time, but she didn't care. She wasn't sure she wanted to talk to him.

She heard sticks breaking, like they were being stepped on, almost right behind her, and froze. She felt her heart pounding. Knowing she no longer carried her gun with her, she reached in her bag, grabbing the switchblade she kept in place of it.

She heard the footsteps again. She didn't turn around, just held on to the knife. "I am giving you fair warning that if you touch me, I will fucking stab you." She said out loud, still not turning around.

"You're really gonna stab me, girl?" She whipped around, seeing Sid, standing a few feet from her, smirking.

"Oh my God! Sid!" She said relieved, tossing the knife down, as she jumped up to hug him.

"You ok? I didnt mean to scare ya Vy." He said pulling back, looking at her worried.

"I'm just so glad it's you." She said, as she wiped her eyes.

"How did you know I was here?" She asked him.

"Your car sticks out, Vy." He grinned.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked, making her sit down with him.

"Thinking about how big of a dickhead my husband is." She said, making him laugh.

"Yeah? He called. Said you'd been gone for the last 3 hours. He's worried. Can I at least text him, let him know you're ok?" Sid asked.

"Up to you. Just make sure you tell him to not come out here." She said.

"Alright. No guarantees he'll stay away." Sid said.

She picked up her knife, as Sid sent Corey a text. She toyed with it, pushing the button, watching the blade go up.

"What the fuck?" Sid laughed. "You were serious, huh?" He asked.

She nodded. "Don't sneak up on a bitch. You may get stabbed." She smirked.

"Shit,Vy." He laughed, shaking his head at her.

"I'm not mad at you, by the way. I'm sorry I haven't called or anything. It was the anniversary of Gabe's death a few weeks ago. It's been hard. I haven't really even talked to Corey." She said, wiping her eyes.

"I wasn't sure. We talk every day, and then nothing. How are you feeling now?" He asked.

"I was starting to feel better. Then I made the mistake of asking Corey about Paul. And he fucking yelled at me. Like, I could see the anger in his face. It scared the absolute fuck out of me. So I came here." She said, wiping her eyes again

Sid whipped his head around to look at her. "He got pissed and yelled at you for that? What the fuck?" Sid asked, starting to sound angry.

"It was his face Sid. His eyes changed. He was so fucking mad at me for bringing it up. He didn't like, do anything to me. He just yelled, and it was how he yelled. Like he was just pissed. He slammed his hands on the counter. I didn't know who he was just then." She said shaking her head. Sid noticed her hands shaking, and it made him angry.

"Hey. Look at me. Are you ok? You're shaking." Sid said, worried.

She nodded. "It just scared me. He's been upset and raised his voice at me before. But this was different. He was someone else, Sid." Vyla said.

Sid leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs, shaking his head. "That motherfucker." He said through his teeth quietly.

"I don't know if I will ever be ok with someone yelling at me ever again. I am trying Sid. It just scares me." She said, unable to stop her tears.

He sat up, turning to her. "Hey, and that's ok. You don't have to put up with that shit from anyone. Corey included." Sid said, feeling his anger boiling. He put his arm around her shoulders, as she leaned into him.

"I'm sorry you're being dragged into this shit Sid. It's not your problem." She said quietly.

"I don't care if it is or not. I wouldn't of come out here if I didn't care. Look, I don't normally take sides on shit like this, but I am this time. Corey was so fucking wrong." Sid said. He was getting more pissed by the minute.

"He just yelled at you right? He didn't do anything else, right? Please be honest with me on this Vy." Sid asked quietly.

"I promise. I told you everything that happened. I wouldn't keep that from you. I swear." She said. She felt the tension in his body ease some.

"Ok." He said nodding his head.

"Want to come to my house? It's getting dark." He asked. She nodded, as they stood to leave.

They made their way back to their cars, each getting in and leaving the park. She followed him to his house. As they walked in they were greeted by Mo. She sat down as he hopped up next to her, laying his head in her lap.

"Corey has a lot of regrets about Paul. He was closest to him, and Paul had a way of keeping everyone happy. He could defuse a situation like no one I have ever seen. We all miss him." Sid said quietly.

"What do you mean regrets?" She asked.

"We all knew he was getting bad with drugs. We all tried to help him. But he just didn't stop. We thought he had, but he didn't. Corey feels like it's his fault. Like he should of known." Sid said.

"Shit. Now I feel awful. I shouldn't of asked him." She said.

"No. You should have. He doesn't talk about that part of it. He likes remembering Paul for who he was. He doesn't like remembering what happened. No one does. But, for Corey, it's different. You can see the regret and pain in his eyes when anyone talks about Paul." Sid said.

"I didn't know. I really didn't. I was just wondering why he never mentioned him to me." She said quietly.

"Vyla, it doesn't matter if you did or didn't. He had no right to yell at you for it." He said. She leaned over to hug him.

"I'm not sure what to do right now." She said.

"You can stay here if you want. I have a spare bedroom. It's up to you if you want to talk to him, or go home. You're always welcome here. You know that." He said softly.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Mo jumped up barking, making Vyla jump.

"It's probably Corey. I didn't tell him you were here. I'm sure he figured it out though." Sid said standing to walk to the door.

He opened the door, and sure enough, there was Corey.

"Hey, Corey." Sid said, glaring at him.

"Can I come in?" Corey asked, his eyes red, like he had been crying.

Sid stepped outside and shut the door. He pushed Corey hard in the chest, backing him up a few feet. "What the fuck did you do man!?" Sid yelled at Corey.

"Sid-" Corey started, but Sid cut him off.

"Get your fucking shit together man! You can't keep acting like this when someone asks about Paul. Your own wife is fucking scared of you Corey!" Sid yelled, as he stabbed his finger into Corey's chest hard.

He stared hard at Corey, moving closer to him. Corey looked down at the ground. "Fuck!" Corey half yelled.

"Yeah, fuck! How are you gonna fix this? You better fucking fix it. And so help me God Corey, you ever scare her like that again, I will knock your fucking teeth down your throat!" Sid yelled through his teeth.

Corey looked at Sid, shocked. Sid had never gotten this pissed at him before. Corey also knew Sid wasn't kidding by what he just said.

Corey nodded slowly at him. "I won't man. I swear. I feel awful, and now she's scared of me." Corey said, leaning against the house, as he broke down crying.

Sid backed up from him, trying to calm down from the anger that he felt. He took a deep breath, then exhaled.

"Alright. Pull your shit together man. Don't go in there like that. It's embarrassing." Sid said grinning, getting a chuckle out of Corey.

"Yeah. No shit. Is she OK?" Corey asked, wiping his eyes.

"Did you know she carries a switchblade, man? I found her at the park. In the fucking woods. She had it in her hand, didn't turn around to see who was there even. Just said she would stab me if I touched her." Sid laughed.

Corey couldn't help but smile and laugh. He nodded. "Well, I didn't know about that. But be thankful it was the knife, and not the gun she used to carry with her." He grinned.

Sid's face went white. "Are you fucking serious?" He asked.

"Yeah. She gave that gun to Tiny the day we drove to see him." Corey said.

Sid grinned and nodded "She's fine man. Good luck in there. She may tear you apart. Send Mo outside. Don't need him trying to kill ya too." He laughed.

"Thanks." Corey said, amused.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door to be met by Mo. "Get over here Mo." Sid said pulling Mo out of the way.

Corey stepped inside, shutting the door. Vyla looked up from the couch, then looked away. He could tell she was nervous. "Hey." He said in almost a whisper.

She didn't look at him. He walked over to her and sat down on the couch. She moved further away from him. "Vyla. I am so, so, sorry." He said in a soft voice.

"Sure. It's not like I've never yelled at you, huh? We should be even now." She said in a stern voice, not looking at him.

"You've never yelled at me like that though. I am sorry." He said softly, watching her.

She crossed her arms, fists clenched. She could feel her heart pounding. She didn't know if she was more scared or pissed at this point.

He could tell she was scared, maybe a little angry, but more scared. "Baby, please. Just look at me, ok?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"No. Just go, Corey." She whispered.

"I can't. I never meant to get mad at you like that. I swear, I would never, ever, hurt you Vy. I love you so much." He said, his voice breaking. She didn't look at him. She looked like she was going to jump up and run from him.

"Please, Vy. Just look at me." He whispered softly.

She turned her head at him, seeing a look of relief run over his face. "What do you want? Just leave me alone." She said, shaking her head at him.

"Baby. I would never hurt you. I never meant to scare you. I will talk about whatever you want me to. Please, I just don't want you scared of me." He said, almost begging her. He held his hand out to her.

She felt her hands shake, tears forming in her eyes. She looked at his hand, then at him. She shook her head and stood up, grabbing her bag.

He stood up, not hesitating, and grabbed her waist, pulling her in to him, kissing her tenderly. She pushed on his chest, but he held on tighter. "Corey, stop." She said weakly, as he brushed his lips over hers again.

"Baby, I can't. I love you so much. I'm so sorry." He whispered, kissing her softly.

She tried to turn her head away from him, but he moved one hand up to her face, gently holding her closer to him.

"Corey....sto-" She started, as he cut her off, slowly brushing his lips with hers. She pushed a little at his chest before slowly giving in, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He felt her relax against him, kissing her more, holding her tighter. He felt her hands running through his hair. He pulled back, looking at her. "I'm so sorry, baby. Please. I swear to you, I wasn't going to hurt you. I never would." He whispered, not moving his hands from her.

He saw the tears flowing down her face. Her expression softened. She nodded at him, watching the relief wash over him. He pulled her mouth to his, kissing her lovingly, yet frantically. He moaned quietly against her mouth. "I love you." He mumbled, still trying to kiss her as he spoke.

He felt her nod her head, as she was kissing him back harder. "I love you." She mumbled back against his mouth.

"What the fuck, guys? Hey, no fucking in my house!" They heard Sid yell from behind them. They pulled away laughing.

"Not even on the couch?" Vyla asked, turning to grin at Sid.

Sid looked disgusted. "Ugh! What?! No! I fucking sit there you assholes!" He laughed.

Corey laughed, shaking his head. "Sorry, man. Hey, at least you caught us in time." He grinned.

"Ok...that's it. Go home and have make up sex. Get out." He grinned, opening the door.

Vyla walked up to him, hugging him tight. "Thanks for sticking up for me. I heard it all." She whispered to Sid, grinning as she pulled back.

He nodded. "I was happy to do it. Call me tomorrow. We can go to the skate park, ok?" He grinned. She nodded stepping outside.

"Thanks Sid. You haven't kicked me in the ass in a long time. And never like that. I owe you. A lot." Corey said, stepping outside.

Sid nodded, walking behind him. Before he closed the door, he called out to Corey. Corey and Vyla turned to him. "No thanks are needed. And hey, been dying to say this with no one around...Vy, you looked hot as fuck at your wedding. And you know what I'm talking about Corey!" He laughed, closing the door quickly.

Vyla was laughing so hard she had tears. Corey couldn't help but laugh. "I knew he would mention it at some point. I deserved that one. He's been sitting on that one for a while now." Corey said, still laughing. Vyla could only nod her head, as she laughed.

She regained her composure, as did he. "Meet me at home?" She asked him. He smiled wide, nodding, pulling her back to him again.

"Kiss me." He said grinning.

She pulled his head down to her, kissing him hard. She felt him grab her hips roughly, pulling her even closer to him. He heard a quiet moan escape her lips.

"Go home! Not in my yard either, you assholes!" They heard Sid yell from the window.

Vyla laughed, "Alright. Love you Sid!" She yelled.

"Love ya Vy! Now get the fuck out of here!" They heard Sid laughing and the window shut.

They arrived home, and were met by a very happy Molly. She ran up to both of them demanding to be petted. Once satisfied, she flopped down on her pillow next to the couch.

Vyla took off her jacket, and set her bag down. She felt arms around her waist, surprising her. Corey began kissing her neck gently. She pulled away, turning to him, shaking her head.

"Nope. You need to talk to me first." She said seriously.

He grinned softly, then nodded. "You're right. Come on." He said taking her hand, leading her to the couch.

They sat down, turning to look at each other. He rubbed his neck, unsure of where to start. He sighed, looking at her.

"Paul was an amazing friend. I miss him. We hung out all the time. We talked about everything, helped each other out. He was just a great person." Corey started.

"He had some drug issues. While most of us either stopped or had toned it down, Paul didn't. When he died, we thought he had been clean. He kept it hidden from all of us. I had suspicions, but couldn't prove it. I could tell something was off. But I never said anything to anyone about it. Including his wife. I should have. But I kept quiet. Then he was gone. And now I live with the guilt." He said, tears falling. He wiped his eyes, looking at her.

"You would of helped him if you knew right?" She asked

"God, yeah. Of course." Corey said, wrinkling his eyebrows at her.

"But you didn't know. Just like I would of helped Gabe if I had known, right?" She asked looking at him.

She could tell it was slowly sinking in what she just said. He nodded slowly, deep in thought.

"I should of told someone that I suspected him of using again." Corey said.

She shook her head. "What if he hadn't been, and then you accused him of that? You had no real proof. I would have done the same thing you did. Corey, we all have regrets. We can't change the past. Do you think Paul would like you being this upset anytime someone brings it up?" She asked.

He looked away, shaking his head. "No. And he would have kicked my ass for how I acted." Corey grinned. She nodded.

"Baby. I can't tell you how sorry I am. It just happened, and it never will again. Vyla, I am so sorry. I wouldn't hurt you." He said sincerely.

"You scared the fuck out of me Corey. I didn't know what to do. I didn't think you would do anything. But, I also wasn't sure. You had a look I had never seen before. I honestly wasn't sure who you were right then." She said, her eyes watering. "I don't know if I will ever be ok with someone yelling at me. I'm trying so hard, but, I don't know if I will ever be ok with it. I'm sorry. I really am."

"God, Vy. I will never do that again. I wasn't even thinking. I have never hit a woman in my life. I would never dream of doing that to you. I didn't realize how bad it was, until I saw the look on your face. I knew I scared you. I'm sorry. I know that doesn't make it better, but I don't want you afraid of me. It about killed me when I saw how scared you were." He said sadly. "And when you left, I thought you weren't coming back. I was scared you left me.I tried calling you, and texing you. I was worried something happened to you too." He said, watching her.

She didn't say anything, she climbed in his lap, snuggling into his chest. She heard him sigh in relief, as he held her tightly.

"I love you so much." She said.

"Vy, I love you more than anything, baby." He said, not loosen his hold on her.

"I didn't mean to upset you Corey." She said softly.

"No. Please don't apologize. Vy, you had every right to ask about it. I had no right to act like an asshole. I'm sorry." He said, still not letting go of her.

"I'm sorry I called you a dickhead." She said, as she looked up at him.

He chuckled, then wrinkled his brow at her. "I don't think you called me that, babe." He said, slightly amused.

"Not to your face. I told Sid you were a dickhead." She said, making him laugh.

"I deserved that one too." He said, still laughing. She nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. You kinda did." She laughed.

"Want to color with me?" She asked grinning at him.

"Yes. I do." He said, smiling.

"You are so fucking full of shit Taylor." She said making him laugh. He nodded.

"If you want me to, I will." He said sincerely.

"Nah. I'll wait until were on the bus with the rest of the guys." She grinned.

He glared playfully. "I know you will make good on that threat too." He said laughing.

"Oh just wait. It's going to be flowers and kittens for you on the tour bus." She said making them both laugh.

"Asshole." He said smiling.

"But you love me." She grinned.

"Fuck yes I do." He whispered.

She sat up, turning to look at him, seriously. "I need to tell you something. And, if you don't want to be with me after this, I understand." She said looking at him.

She watched his face fall, growing more concerned by the second. "What is it?" He asked. She could tell he was nervous. She felt his body tense.

"I should of told you before we got married. I'm sorry I didn't." She said, still looking at him.

"Just tell me what it is." He said softly.

"I...I can't have kids. Something happened and, I can't have them. I'm so, sorry Corey." She said, moving off of his lap.

He didn't move for a moment. She turned to look at him. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked in disbelief.

She shook her head, looking away from him. "I....I...don't know." She whispered, going to stand up.

He gently grabbed her hand, pulling her back to the couch. "Its not your fault you can't have kids, Vy. I'm a little disappointed, I won't lie. But, it's not your fault." He said.

"I think that's why I didn't tell you. I knew it would disappoint you." She said looking away.

"Are you sure you can't?" He asked, still shocked by what she had said.

"The doctors said they were 95 percent sure." She said quietly.

"Can....can I ask what happened?" He asked gently.

"Yeah. Um, I...I was pregnant once." She said, looking down at the floor.

"By Mason?" He asked.

"Well, yeah. He was the only one besides you." She said, still looking down.

"Sorry. I...yeah..go on." He said quietly.

"I was about 3 and a half months along. I...I didn't know until the beginning of the 3rd month. He knew I was pregnant. didn't care that I was." She stopped talking, looking away.

Corey leaned over to her, moving her closer to him. "What happened?" He whispered.

"He threw me down the stairs that night. I knew something was wrong, right away. I...I was in the worse pain of my life. I started bleeding, alot. He wouldn't take me to the hospital." She said, wiping her eyes.

"Baby, you don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to." He said, brushing the hair out of her eyes.

"No. You deserve to know. He wouldn't take me the hospital. I begged him to. He let me lay there in a horrible about of pain that night. I kept bleeding. The next morning, he finally took me. I had lost the baby, which I already knew. But, the bleeding hadn't stopped. I had surgery, and then when I went for a follow up appointment about six months later, they found a ton of scar tissue." She said.

"They said I most likely can't have them. So I got an IUD when I was with Mason, because I didn't want to have a kid with him. Ever. I wasn't taking any chances of it happening again. 95 percent, meant there was a 5 percent chance it could happen. I wasn't taking that chance. I'm so sorry Corey. I really am." She said, not looking at him.

"Vyla, I'm sorry. I really am. I wouldn't leave you over that." He said, lifting her chin to make her look at him.

"Would you still be with me even if I had told you before we got married?" She asked, looking at him.

"Yes. I still would be. There's always adoption. It wouldn't of made me leave, Vy." He said, smiling softly.

"Its been a shit day, hasn't it?" She asked.

He chuckled, nodding his head. "Yeah it has. Thank you for telling me though. I'm glad you did." He said, holding her tighter.

"Thank you for tell me about Paul. I'm sorry he passed away. He sounded like a great guy." She said

He smiled. "He was. You two would have been as close as you and Sid. And you would of had him laughing his ass off all he time. He had the funniest laugh. I miss that guy a lot." He said, moving her so she sat facing him. She put one leg on each side of him, leaning her head against his.

"Want to try for a better day tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yes. Definitely." He said, moving his hand up to carress her cheek gently.

She gently pressed her lips against his, feeling his arms moving around her waist. He pulled her into him more.

She placed one hand on each side of his face, gently kissing him. She moved her mouth softly down his jaw, then to his neck, barely touching his skin. She heard a soft moan escape his lips. She moved her head to the other side of his neck, lightly licking and sucking, working her way up to the spot behind his ear.

He gripped her waist harder. "How do you do that? You hardly touch me, and I feel like I can barely control myself." He said in husky voice, as his eyes closed.

She grinned, working her mouth back up to his ear, sucking lightly on his ear lobe, then pausing, to moan softly in his ear. She felt his whole body tense, as he let out a groan.

"Jesus, Vy. Keep that up and we won't make it past getting our clothes off." He said roughly.

She pulled back to look at him, and grinned. In the blink of an eye, he lifted her shirt, pulling it off of her quickly. He quickly flipped her over, laying down on top of her, kissing his way down her chest.

He reached behind her, undoing her bra, throwing it on the floor. He moved his mouth over her breast, licking and sucking softly, making her moan.

He sat up, pulling his shirt off, leaning down, kissing her passionately on the lips. "What are you doing to me?" He asked, softly, as he pulled back looking at her.

She moved her hands down to unbutton his pants, then moving them down the front of his boxers, making him close his eyes and hiss, at the same time. "I'm not doing anything." She said quietly, moving her hand firmly on him.

He grunted as she moved her hand slightly faster. "I think you are." He panted. "I'm about two seconds from pulling your clothes off....and...." He groaned loud, as she picked up speed. She watched as his head rolled back. "Fuck." He whispered, breathing heavily, as she moved her hand more and more.

His eyes flew open, staring down at her. He pulled back from her, yanking down his pants, then doing the same to hers. He kissed her quickly, then thrust into her hard. She moaned, arching her body into his.

He moved fast, he couldnt stop himself. She wrapped herself around him pulling him into her hard. "Fuck!" He moaned out to her.

Every time he moved, she pulled him into her harder. "Mmm you keep doing that, and I won't be able to stop." He said, panting harder.

"This?" She asked, gasping to him, as she pulled him in harder with her legs.

He moaned loudly. "Yeah, baby...that." He groaned, not slowing down.

"I don't want you to stop." She panted. "Shit!" She exclaimed, sucking in a breath quickly. "Don't stop...I am so close." She whispered.

He could feel how close she was. Every move he made with her, was pushing him closer to the edge. He watched as her eyes fluttered close. He felt her whole body tensing around him, making him move faster.

She ran her nails down his back, arching her hips more to him. He felt her tighten hard, squeezing her legs around his waist, as she pulled him in harder again. He felt her body tremble, as she cried out.

He moved again, feeling her nails run down his back, making him tense up, moaning loudly, as she pushed him over the edge.

He moved off of her. "Are you ok, baby?" He asked softly laying next to her, catching his breath. "Yeah." She panted out.

He moved up to look at her face. She looked up and smiled at him. He chuckled, kissing her sweetly, then laying down beside her.

He pulled a blanket over them, as she moved closer to him. "I'm so sorry about everything today." She said quietly.

"Babe, no. You have nothing to be sorry about. Today was a bad day. Tomorrow will be better. I promise." He said.

He felt her relax against him, as she fell asleep quickly. He laid there holding her close, not wanting to let go.

He moved from under her, throwing on some pants. He wrapped her up in the blanket, then picked her up, carrying her to bed.

He laid her down, covering her up. He sat on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. He sat, piecing together the day. He was replaying in his head, the scene from earlier in the kitchen, when he yelled at her. He was so disgusted with himself.

He was hoping that her forgiving him would calm his nerves, and it had, just not enough. He wanted a drink so fucking bad right now. He knew they didn't keep any alcohol in the house, which was a good thing right now.

He stood, walking back down to the living room grabbing his phone. He dialed Sid's number. Sid answered on the second ring.

"Man, I will kick the dog shit out of you if you yelled at her again." Sid said with a warning tone.

"You don't have to worry about that. We're fine. It's me whose not." Corey said.

"Whats up, man?" Sid asked, sounding concerned.

"I wish I had a fucking drink right now. I haven't wanted one so bad in years." He sighed.

"Ok. Hold up. Let me get this straight. You want to drink now. Now that court is over, your wife was fucking attacked and nearly killed, and your wife almost left your dumb ass today because you thought being a prick was a good idea?" Sid said bluntly to him.

"I don't know why. I just had an urge I haven't had in years." Corey said quietly.

"Let me ask you this Corey. How much do you love Vyla?" Sid asked.

"More than anything. You know that. I never want to be without her." Corey said.

"Try imagining your life without her if you pick up that bottle. You thought she was scared of you today? She will be gone quicker than shit if you start drinking again. She won't give you the time of day. Remember how you used to get Corey? The guy who had too many shots, and would start throwing shit. Think Vy, will stick around even one time for that?" Sid asked.

Corey knew what he was talking about. He would get angry. Really angry. He would break things, yell at people. He didn't care who he hurt. Just as long as he could drink. Fuck, what was he even thinking wanting a drink. She would leave his ass in a heartbeat. And she would never come back again. The thought of never being able to see her, or hold her again, broke his heart.

"You're right. Christ. What the fuck was I thinking?" Corey asked, clearly disgusted with himself.

"I know I'm right. I won't talk to you again if you do. Neither will the guys. It's not just you that it effects. It's anyone in your life." Sid said quietly.

"Still thinking about that drink?" Sid asked seriously.

"Fuck no!" Corey almost shouted in disgust.

"I'm glad you called first though. That meant you really didn't want to." Sid said.

"Sid, you may have to come live here for a while man. This last year, I don't know if Vyla or I could of made it without you. Especially Vy. Thanks man. I mean it." Corey said sincerely.

"Don't mention it. But I'm not living with you guys. I don't want to hear you two fucking all the time for christ sake." Sid said, laughing.

"Yeah. Might make shit a little weird." Corey laughed.

"Go hug your wife before Jim tries to marry her again." Sid laughed.

Corey chuckled. "Alright. You stopping by tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll see you then." Sid said, hanging up.

Corey hung up the phone, taking a deep breath. He turned, making his way upstairs to bed. He got undressed, laying next to Vyla. He stared at her, taking even more to heart what Sid said.

He held her close, before falling asleep.

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