Untitled Part 11

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Sid arrived a few minutes later with his faithful companion, Mojo, a black German Shepherd. Keeping Mojo on his leash, they walked inside Corey's house.

"What's going on?" Sid asked worried.

Corey looked at him sadly and said, "She was going through some of her mail this morning and found a letter that asshole ex of hers wrote and mailed to her. She had me read it first. It mentioned someone named Gabe. When I asked her who Gabe was, she said it was her brother. He killed himself and never left a note or anything," sighing, he continued, "Basically the letter from her ex, was what I read first. It said that he kept the attached letter from her on purpose, and what a piece of shit she was."

Sid looked at Corey confused, but Corey continued, "The letter attached was from her brother. Her brother was reaching out to Vyla for help. Saying he missed her and wanted to talk to her. He wanted her to go with him to get help for his depression. Mason, her ex, never gave the letter to Vyla until now. Mason told her that she let her own brother die." Corey said.

"She threw up after reading it and now she's in the bedroom. She won't talk or move. It's like she's gone. It reminded me of myself a long time ago." He said putting his head down on the table.

"I am going to kill that asshole when I find him." Sid said through his teeth.

Corey nodded in agreement. "Take a number in that one. I should have put that fucker in the hospital when I had the chance."

"Here. Hold Mo." He said handing him the leash, and taking his shoes off. He started to walk towards Corey's room.

Corey looked at him curiously as he started to follow Sid. "Corey, you gotta stay out here for a while ok? I need you to trust me." Sid said.

Corey nodded. "Come on Mo. Let's watch tv." He said taking them both to his couch.

When Sid walked into Corey's room, she was exactly like Corey said. She was just staring off into space.

"Hey Vy. Corey asked me to stop by. He told me what happened. He didn't do it behind your back. He's worried about you. Just like I am." He said sitting down next to her.

He watched her for a few minutes, then sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Vy, your brother loved you. He didn't know the letter wouldn't make it to you. He knew you loved him." He said almost in a whisper. "None of it is your fault." He heard her start to sob quietly.

'Thats a good sign.' Sid thought.

"You can't blame yourself for something that isn't your fault. You can't let what this asshole did, ruin you. Because right now, that's what he's doing." He said, holding her tighter.

She started sobbing. Her sobs sounded like a wounded animal. Her whole body was shaking as she cried. He just held on to her and let her cry. He turned her around and she hugged him as tight as possible. "Its not fair!" She yelled holding on to Sid.

"No. No it's not." He was all he said.

Out in the living room, it was almost physically killing Corey to not go in the bedroom.

He wanted to take her pain away. More than anything, he was fucking pissed. He wanted to beat the shit out of Mason. He wanted to hit him until he didn't move anymore.

When he heard her crying, it gave him some relief. He knew at least she wasn't trapped in her mind anymore.

He heard her yelling, cussing, and screaming. 'That's better.' He smirked to himself. He hoped she kept yelling for a while. "Keep going," he muttered to himself.

Debating on if he should go in there or not, he looked over at Sid's dog. Mojo laid his head in Corey's lap. 'Guess not.' He thought. Sighing, he sat petting Sid's dog, trying to fight the urge to go in there.

About an hour later, his house was silent. Sid emerged from the bedroom. "How is she?" Corey asked, getting up from the couch.

"Better, I think. She's sleeping now." Sid said. "She needs to let her mind rest. You need to help her keep her mind off of this. Just for a little while. She needs to talk about it, but I think she needs some time to let it all sink in."

Corey nodded in agreement. "She say anything?"

"Yeah. She's going to kill him." Sid smirked.

"Thank god." Corey chuckled. Sid nodded.

"She said to me yesterday, that you remind her of her brother. She misses him. I know you two have bonded some, so that's why I called you. I was just hoping I didn't make it worse." Corey said, rubbing the back of his neck. "She said she trusts you and Mick." He said running his hands down his face.

"She really said that?" Sid asked smiling.

Corey nodded. "Yeah. And I told Mick I thought it was good that you were around her." They both chuckled.

"Where's your dog?" Corey asked looking around, realizing he wasn't on the couch.

Corey walked towards his room, stopping when he saw Mojo laying in the bed with Vyla curled around him. Chuckling, he turned to Sid, motioning him to come see.

"No way I am breaking that up. I'll hang out until she wakes up." Sid said smiling. "Come on, I'll kick your ass at Call of Duty." He said.

"You wish." Corey said.

A few hours later, Corey and Sid were sitting in the living room. "Thanks Sid. I thought I lost her. I just didn't know what to do." Corey said to him.

Corey started pacing the living room, smoking a cigarette.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you called me. I didn't do anything. She did it." Sid said, standing up.

"You did though. I don't know if she would have come back around otherwise." Corey said, as he stopped pacing.

"Bring it in man" Sid chuckled, giving Corey a 'man' hug.

"Hope I'm not interrupting your Bromance." A voice said.

The guys laughed. Sid rushed up to her. "Glad your back Vy." He said hugging her.

She nodded. "Sid," she started to say. He pulled back from hugging her, and shook his head at her. "You don't have to say anything." He hugged her again.

Corey anxiously stood behind Sid. Sid moved out of the way. As Corey went to take a step closer to Vyla, they heard a low growl from Mojo, who was standing behind her. Corey froze in place.

"Alright! Dammit Mo! It's time for us to go." He said laughing, as he hooked the leash up to him again. "Looks like Mo loves Vyla." He said laughing. "I'll see you guys later." Sid said walking him and Mojo to the door.

"Sid?" Vyla called out. "Thanks." He turned and nodded closing the door behind him.

She turned to Corey, who was already rushing up to her. He pulled her tightly against him, wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm so-" she started, but he cut her off.

"Don't. Dont apologize." He said, not letting her go. "Want to get out of the house for a bit?" He asked her.

"Yeah. Let me get a shower." She said, as still held on to her. "You have to let go so I can shower." She giggled at him.

"I don't want to." He said, not letting go.

"Ok. Well I was going to take a bath actually." She smirked, knowing he would let go.

"You should of said that to begin with." He said pulling her into the bathroom, as she laughed at him.

They sat in the tub quietly. Corey held onto her. "I didn't mean to scare you." She said quietly. "It was just too much to take in. I hadn't talked to Gabe in over a year before he died. I would of been there had I known." She said. "As fucked up as it sounds, at least I have some sort of closure. Not totally, but now I know he was depressed. He was never depressed though. I don't know what happened to make him that way."

"When I saw you shut down today, it reminded me of myself once." He said, causing her to turn and look at him. "I was so fucked up with my own depression, I was going to jump off a building one night. I just shut down. Nothing mattered anymore. I was done." He said touching her face. "My friend was able to talk me down. I knew I needed to get my shit together after that. I still fight being depressed, but I know I have to keep going." He said looking into her eyes. She had tears in them again. "It scared me because I knew you were right where I was once. I didn't want that for you. I thought Sid might be able to help."

"I don't know how long Sid had been there to be honest. I remember being sick. Then sitting on the bed. Then Sid was there." She said looking at him.

"I don't know what he said for a while. But what got my attention was, he was sitting behind me, hugging me, and telling me that I couldn't let Mason ruin me, because that's what he was doing right now." She said shaking her head. "After that I remember crying." She said slowing grinning at him, "Then waking up with a really awesome dog in the bed." She laughed, making Corey laugh.

"What did i say to Sid?" She asked him.

Corey chuckled, "That you were going to kill him. That was all Sid would tell me. And, there were a lot of unique cuss words that I heard in the living room."

She nodded "Thank you. For everything. You have done so much for me." She said leaning in to kiss him softly. He held on to her, deepening their kiss.

Looking at her curiously, as they pulled away, he asked, "Exactly how was Sid hugging you again?"

She laughed nervously, "Um, kind of like when we sit in the tub together. Fuck, this is really fucking awkward." Feeling her face get red.

He raised an eyebrow playfully at her, "Really?" He asked grinning.

"Jealous, Taylor?" She smirked at him.

"Yes, but given the circumstances, I'll let it slide this time." He grinned.

"Pretty sure you don't have anything to worry about. Although he does give awesome hugs." She grinned playfully at him, watching him narrow his eyes at her, knowing she was getting under his skin.

"I don't know if he can kiss as good as you do though. Did you want me to find out?" She asked, watching his eyes go wide.

"Oh my god! I am fucking kidding!" She laughed, as he pulled her face to his.

"Asshole." He smirked, kissing her.

"Yeah, but you love it." She said tugging on his bottom lip with her teeth, making him groan.

"Yeah, I guess you're ok." He said playfully, watching her eyes go wide.

"Asshole." She laughed, kissing him.

Pulling away, he looked at her, "Want to get out of the house now?" He smiled at her.

"Where are we going?" She asked him.

"I need to go to the store and get some food." He said.

"Grocery shopping? Stop it. Your turning me on." She said smiling, making him laugh.

"God, I am so glad your back." He chuckled, as they got out of the tub to get ready.

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