Chapter 7

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When he woke up the next morning, Vyla wasn't in the bed. He felt panicked, and got out of bed, throwing on a pair of boxers. He walked out to the living room, and breathed a sigh of relief once he saw her bag. Turning around, he walked further down the hallway to the closed bathroom door. He knocked lightly.

She flung the door open, and he stared at her, with his mouth open. "Your hair." He said in amazement. "Yeah," she said, "It was time for a change." She looked totally different. She had changed her hair color to a firey red, and and cut layers into her hair, framing her face. She had sparkly silver eyeshadow, with black winged eyeliner. She was able to cover most of the bruising under her eye. She had on a black Nirvana t shirt, and dark jeans.

" Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked feeling self conscious all of a sudden. "It's my natural hair color. I'm not a big fan of it really." She said nervously.

" You look fucking hot." Corey said catching her by surprise. " Like really, really fucking hot." He said move towards her.

She felt herself blush, but didn't back away from him. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck, slowly making his way up to her mouth. His hands started roaming over her. "Okay. Time out." She giggled, pulling back from him. "Keep that up and we really won't be talking today."

Groaning, Corey leaned his forehead on her shoulder, "But this is so much more fun." He whinned. "Get a shower, and get dressed. I really need to stop by my house. Please?" She said looking at him.

" But I like you without clothes on." He said, smirking at her. "Uh huh," she said, not giving in. "Come tiger, shower." She said, slipping past him. He grabbed her hand before she could make it past him, pulling her back to his chest, staring deep in her eyes. He leaned down, kissing her tenderly. He brought his hands up to her face holding her gently. Pulling away, he smiled at her. She smiled turning to go out the door. He playfully reached out and swatted her on the ass. "Keep it up Taylor, and I will hurt you!" She called out not looking back. He chuckled and started the shower.

A little while later he came out to the living room, finding Vyla sitting on the couch. Her phone was next to her and she looked distraught. "What's wrong?" He asked. She simply handed him her phone. He opened the screen, and saw numerous text messages. All from who he assumed was Mason. They ranged from name calling, to knowing where she worked, to killing her once he found her. "How many of these are there?" He said scrolling through her phone.

"Since Friday, there have been over 70. I lost track." She said disgusted.

" How does he have your number?" He asked. She shrugged.

"How does he always find me? I honestly don't know. I don't use credit cards, I use PO boxes for mail. My house is under a business name. I don't even have a bank account, and I work at a bank." She said sighing.

"What do you do with your money? Stuff it in your mattress?" He said in amazement. She chuckled, "Close. I have a safe that is cemented into the floor at my house. The only way it's being opened, is by me or some C4." She said. "He's close Corey. He's going to hurt all of you. Anyone associated with me will get hurt. He's done it before. Just ask my ex-best friend." She said closing her eyes at the memory.

" What? What do you mean?" He asked worried.

"My once best friend tried getting me away from him once. She was helping me move out when he was at work. He came home early. He went after me. She tried pulling him off, and he beat the shit out of her too. She never talked to me again, and I don't blame her." She said feeling nauseated again.

"Vy, I can't let you walk away from me. I don't want to be without you. I want to help you, but you have to let me. And you have to trust me, Okay?" He said kneeling in front of her. "Please, let me in." He said.

"Corey, I want to. And I have let you in. More than anyone in my entire life, and I don't know why. It scares me. I am so fucking terrified of hurting you because of my own fucked up life. I am not exactly the girl you want to take home to meet the family. I am bitchy, I have trust issues, anger issues, and I have some fucked up moron who wants to kill me. Not exactly Grade A girlfriend material. I hate big crowds, they terrify me. I am so used to being alone, I don't know how to interact with others. Why the fuck are you smiling at me right now?!" She demanded.

He was smiling like an idiot, and he knew it, but didn't care. "Because you just opened up to me about your life and let me in more. And that just makes me want to be with you more."

"What?! Have you totally lost your shit? I am a hot fucking mess! Why would you ever want this sort of drama and bullshit in your life?" She yelled.

He smirked. He thought she was even more sexy when she was annoyed. "Maybe I don't care. Maybe that's what I want." He said grinning even more.

" Oh my god you are fucking insane Corey. Bat shit crazy even." She said shaking her head at him.

"I've been told that before. Come on, let's go to your house so you can get your things and come back here with me." He said.

" What? I have to work tomorrow. I can't just stay here." She said almost desperately.

"So you can't stay the night on a school night?" He said sarcastically at her.

She narrowed her eyes and smirked at him, "Smartass." She laughed at him now.

" You have no idea, my dear." He said pulling her off the couch. "Come on, show me where you live he said.

Once they were in the car, he entered her address into his GPS, and they started driving.

"I know almost every road in Des Moines. Where the hell is this one? I don't think I have ever heard of it." He said.

"When I was looking for a house, I wanted to be way out in the country. I like my privacy, and I wanted to be able to shoot my guns and not worry about neighbors." She said

"Guns? Seriously? Do you really know what your doing with one?" He said, concerned.

"Yes Dad, I do." She said rolling her eyes. "My Dad taught me. We used to go shooting all the time when I was a kid. I'm actually a pretty good shot." She said simply.

"I don't know if I should be scared, or turned on right now." He said grinning at her. "How many do you own?" He asked.

"Let's see, I think 10? I have to double check." She said.

"God damn Vy! Why do you need that many?" He said surprised.

"I like guns. It's not just a protection thing, I just like them." She said. "Oh, turn here." She said.

He pulled down a dirt road, noticing there were no other houses for miles. After about five minutes, he came to a stop at a gate with a keypad. "Are we here?" He asked her.

"Yep. The code is 16359." He punched in the code, and the gate opened. He pulled in, the gate closing behind them. "This is your house?" He said in awe when they stopped. The house was huge. It had a two car garage attached to it. Off to the right of the property was a pond. There was tons of acreage surrounding the home.

" How they hell-" he started before she cut him off.

" My parents were really well off. When they died, I was the only one left, and they gave it all to me." She said

"Like how well off? This place is bigger than mine or any of the guys houses." He said lost in amazement.

"I hate talking about money, but, let's just say, I don't have to worry ever again about it. I think that's why Shawn' s comment pissed me off so much the other night." She said unlocking the door.

She looked over at Corey, who looked shocked, and his jaw was almost on the ground still. "You alright over there Rockstar?" She asked sarcastically

" You are full of surprises aren't you?" He said as he walked up and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her close.

"I told you your fame and money didn't mean anything to me. Just like this house and the money I have doesn't mean anything to me." She said looking him in the eyes. "Believe me now?" She asked

"I never doubted you before. I never thought you were after any of that. I just couldn't believe you knew who I was and didn't say anything about it." He said as they walked in the door.

"I was surprised to see you in the coffe shop. I knew who you were right away when you walked in. But I don't go out of my way to interact with people, and also was annoyed that day." She said

"Annoyed about what?" He asked

"My boss was being a royal cunt that day at work." She said annoyed

He stood there staring at her in shock. That was one word he had never heard a female call another one. That word was off limits. Even for him.

" What? Did I hurt your virgin ears or something?" She asked looking at him.

"I just didn't...I don't.." He stammered

"Didn't think the word cunt was in my vocabulary? It's actually one of my favorite words." She said

"Yeah, but most women hate that word. I try to never use it" He laughed.

"Sorry cupcake. I'll try not to use it then" she laughed at him. " Come on, let's go blow some shit up out back." She said looking excited.

"Better be careful Vyla." He said looking at her seriously.

"Careful with what?" She asked confused.

"My heart. I think I may be falling in love with you." He said as he walked over to her, pulling her close, kissing her hard.

She pulled back breathlessly, looking at him, "That's not possible. It's hasn't been that long even." She said

" It is possible. And I'm serious. There is no one else I want. Just you. And it's driving me crazy. I don't want to ever be without you. I know It doesn't seem possible, but you can't tell me there isn't something there either." He said not letting her go.

She looked away. The butterflies were back, and she felt dizzy. She did feel the same way, and it was terrifying. "There is." She whispered. "But I am so fucking scared."

"Then let's be scared together. I love you Vyla." He whispered, holding her tight.

"I love you too Corey." She whispered back.

He looked relieved. She smiled at him and grabbed his hand. "Can we please go blow some shit up now?" She asked.

He laughed, "Lead the way." He said holding her hand.

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