Chapter 32

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It had been a month and a half since Vyla started therapy. It had been hard on both her and Corey. She had become depressed, and withdrawn. He gave her space when she needed it. He was hoping she would start to come around a little, and she had. Some.

Feeling as though she needed something besides him in the house, Corey talked with the adoption agency about adopting Molly. Vyla hadn't said anything more about adopting her since before she started therapy. He had Sid come over the day he left to go pick Molly up and bring her home.

"How's it going Vy?" Sid asked. She hadn't gotten out of bed and it was 3 in the afternoon.

She rolled over in her bed and looked at him. "Like shit." She said flatly.

Sid smirked. "Yeah. Kinda look like it too. Get your ass out of bed. Get a shower for fucksake. I'm serious Vy." He said rather sternly.

"Sid, I appreciate the pep talk and all. But I am just fucking tired." She said, looking at him blankly.

"You're not tired. You're hiding. Guess what Vy? Life is still going on around you, and you're fucking missing it. Get up, or I will drag you out." He grinned.

She glared at him. "Sid, please? I just want to be alone." She said, rolling to her side, her back facing him.

He chuckled. "Last chance Vy. Easy way or the hard way. Up to you. You will get up. You will get a shower. You will get dressed and join the rest of civilization. Last chance girl." He grinned.

She lifted her hand in the air, flipping him off. She let her arm drop, burying herself further into the covers.

Sid laughed. "God I love it when you choose the hard way. It cracks me up." He said, walking to the bed. He yanked the covers off of her. She sat up and glared hard at him.

She's really pissed now, he thought to himself grinning. He held a hand out to her. She slapped it away, laying back down. Amused, he walked over to her, grabbed her arm, throwing her over his shoulder.

"What the actual fuck Sid!" She yelled, kicking trying to get away. He walked to the bathroom, her over his shoulder still, starting the shower.

"Goddammit! Sid, put me down!" She yelled.

Sid laughed setting her in the shower, fully clothed, shutting the door. He sat with his back against the door so she couldn't get out.

"Get a shower." He said.

"You're in here. How am I supposed to get a shower with you in here?" She yelled.

"Well I'm not going to look. But, I will leave if you actually get a shower. Or I'll call Tiny." He grinned, still looking away.

"Fine." She sighed.

"I'll be sitting out in your room." He laughed getting up to leave. He shut the door, then grabbed some of her clothes out of the dresser. He opened the door a crack, throwing the clothes inside the bathroom. "Don't come out until your dressed." He yelled through the crack of the door, before shutting it.

A half hour later, she emerged from the bathroom, dressed, make up on, her hair flat ironed. She looked a lot better. She grinned at him.

"Sid Wilson, why do you have to be right about everything?" She asked grinning.

He laughed. "Think you're the only one I've ever had to do this for? Shit. Corey went through some bad times. Pretty much did the same for him. Except, I did get beat up more in the process of getting him in the shower." He laughed.

"Like when?" She asked.

Sid got quiet for a moment. "Paul. He was our bassist. He passed away. Heart failure, due to drugs. It about killed all of us. Corey took it probably the worse." He said quietly.

"Oh my god. That's awful. I'm so sorry. I really am." Vyla said sitting next to him.

Sid nodded, looking at her. "Thanks. He would've really liked you. A lot. He was the nicest guy I knew." He grinned.

"Thanks for my kick in the ass Sid." She smiled.

He laughed, nodding. "Any time. How's therapy going?" He asked.

"Really rough. 3 times a week, 2 hours each time. We talk about everything. Some days, like today, are harder than others. I've been depressed. Therapist says the next few weeks will be rough probably, but should start getting easier. I fucking hope it does. Tired of feeling like shit all the time." She said.

"You're gonna be fine. Corey said you're starting to come around more. Like doing this shit called talking. Not yelling. Talking. Didn't know you could do that." He chuckled.

"Yeah. And he doesn't have to pull teeth as much to get me to talk. Poor fucking guy. I should buy him a comic book store, for the shit that he has put up with from me." She grinned.

"You would never see him then." He laughed.

She heard the door shut downstairs. She tensed, then quickly relaxed. Sid noticed then smiled. "You are getting better. See how fast you just relaxed?" He asked her.

She sat surprised, looking at him. "I did didn't I?" She said excitedly, smiling.

He nodded. "That's good. You're getting there, huh." He smiled, as she nodded.

"Thanks for throwing me in the shower." She laughed, hugging him. He nodded laughing.

"Why do you two always pick a fucking bed to hug on?" She heard Corey from the doorway.

She grinned, turning to see him. He stood, leaning against the doorway smiling.

"What the fuck happened to the covers, or should I even ask?" Corey said, amused.

"I pulled the covers off of her, picked her up and threw her in the shower with her clothes on. Told her to get showered, or I'd call Tiny." Sid said grinning ear to ear.

Corey laughed hard. "I'm sure that made you happy too, huh, babe?" He smiled.

"Oh yeah. He sat with his back against the door of the shower. Said he wouldn't look. Told him I couldn't shower with him in there. He said he'd call Tiny. Told him I would shower. He left, then threw clothes through the crack of the door, told me not to come out until I was dressed." She said to Corey.

"Well, at least you didn't punch him in the face like I did." Corey said making Sid laugh.

"It was worth it." Sid said.

"I have something for you downstairs." Corey said smiling wide.

"Did you buy me the monkey Jim promised me?" She smiled.

He held his hand out to her. She stood, taking it, following him down the stairs, Sid close behind.

He walked into the kitchen. "Close your eyes." She heard from him. She did as he asked.

"Ok, open them." She opened her eyes, looking down at the sweetest face she'd ever seen.

"Molly?" She asked, looking up at Corey. He nodded, grinning.

She knelt down, as Molly came up to her, nudging her hand gently, tail wagging fast. Molly took her time, sniffing Vyla's hair, before laying down in front of her, demanding a belly rub. Vyla laughed, happily rubbing her belly.

Vyla stood, seeing Sid smile, walking over to Molly, petting her gently. She turned to Corey, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately.

"I'm still here, you dicks." They heard Sid say. They pulled apart laughing.

"Thank you." She said, seriously. He nodded.

"Thought you might need someone besides just me." He grinned.

"She's gained weight, hasn't she?" She asked Corey.

"They said 15 pounds in the last three months. She weighs 65 pounds now. She has her shots, but we should take her in anyways just to be safe." Corey said.

"Hey Vy, looks like Mo is gonna have a girlfriend now." Sid said, still petting Molly.

"I can't wait for them to meet." Vyla said happily.

That night, Corey and Vyla laid on the couch together, Molly laid close by on the floor. Corey was rubbing Molly's ears gently as she slept.

"She's a sweet dog. I see why you wanted her. I loved her as soon as I saw her." Corey said.

"She is amazing. She's so calm. She needs more food, and a bath. I think she's happy. She acts like she's always lived here." Vyla said.

"She did good in the car. She laid with her head in my lap the whole way here. It was like she knew I was taking her to a real home." Corey said.

"Are you feeling better?" Corey asked.

"Yeah. Sid pointed out that when I heard the door shut, I relaxed really fast. I didn't notice until he said something." She said grinning at him.

"That's great babe. It really is." He said pulling her into him closer.

"How are you holding up through all of this?" She asked him.

He sighed. "I don't know. I haven't really thought that much about how I feel. I worry more about you." He said.

She leaned back from him, looking him in the eyes. "You can't keep worrying constantly about me. You walk on eggshells around me Corey. For Christ sake. I'm not going to break. You don't have to worry about pissing me off or upsetting me. People have arguments...disagreements. You can't keep worrying about if I'm upset or not. You have to worry about you too." She said seriously.

He looked stunned by what she just said. A slow, large smile, spread across his face. She looked at him like he was crazy. "What?" She asked, not understanding.

"You wouldn't leave my side hardly two months ago. You wouldn't even tell me if something was bothering you. You are actually TALKING to me." He said, smile still on his face.

She looked at him oddly. "Of course I'm talking to you. And I have left your side....sometimes." She grinned back at him.

He shook his head slowly. "No. Vy. This is different. This is like when we left the cabin different. This is you having confidence again." He said, sounding amazed.

She grinned at him. "After almost two months and 6 hours a week of talking, I better have fucking something to show for it." She said making him laugh.

He hugged her to his chest. "Oh my god babe. You have no idea how long I have waited to see you like this." She pulled back eyeing him up.

"Did you do drugs when you picked Molly up? I seriously am not seeing what you are seeing." She said puzzled.

"No. I am sober. You may not see it right now Vy. But you will. You just called me on my bullshit. You didn't even get mad." He said, smile still on his face.

"I'm just going to go with whatever you're happy about." She said smiling at him.

He paused, staring almost in shock again at her. The smile she gave him was just like when they left the cabin. It was what he had been waiting to see for months now. He moved over top of her, still staring hard at her.

She laid under him, looking confused, but still smiling at him. "You going to see inside my soul with those baby blue eyes there too, Taylor?" She asked.

He nodded slowly. "Uh huh." He said, still looking at her.

"Babe? You ok?" She asked, looking worried.

"More than you'll ever know." He said, his lips moving over hers frantically.

He pulled back staring at her. She felt her face turning red, causing her to look away. He laughed, unable to help it. "I still have it huh? Making you blush. That's twice in the last few months." He said happily.

She looked back and nodded. He moved to sit up pulling her to sit facing him in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck, his around her waist. He leaned in, kissing her hard. His hand instantly moving up to her chest, carressing her, making her moan.

She pulled back, kissing her way down his jaw, nibbling lightly on his neck, making him hiss quietly. He ran his hand through her hair, gently grabbing it, tilting her head back, as he left a slow trail of kisses down it.

They heard his phone ring. He groaned. "I'll get it later." He said.

"It's Sid." She said glancing at the phone.

Grumbling, he picked up the phone. "What's up Sid?" Corey asked.

"Hey put me on speaker phone." Sid said. Corey hit the button on his phone.

"Vyla! Why are you not calling your uncle!" They heard Sid yell.

"Jesus Sid. I will, tomorrow, ok?" She said shaking her head.

"The fuck you will Button." They heard a deep gravel voice on the other end of the phone. Corey and Vyla looked at each other.

"Tiny?" They both said.

"No. It's Sid fucking around. Of course it's Tiny, Vy!" Tiny said.

They could hear Sid laughing in the background. "Why are you with Sid, Tiny?" Corey asked.

"Sid invited me up." Tiny said. Corey and Vyla looked confused.

"What!?" Vyla yelled.

"Yeah. I called Sid a few days after you left. We've been talking. He invited me up. I'm at his house. Get your boney ass over here." Tiny laughed hanging up.

"I'm gonna kick Sid's ass!" She hissed out quietly.

Corey laughed. "Come on Babe. Let's take Molly with to meet Mo." He said grinning.

"There had better be a good fucking reason he invited Tiny here." She said through her teeth.

"I'm sure there is. They can explain it to you." Corey said, putting Molly's leash on her.

The loaded Molly up in Corey's car, and drove to Sid's. When the arrived, they noticed all the guys cars in front of Sid's house. "What the fuck?" Vyla asked.

Corey shook his head. "He's making Tiny feel like one of the guys? I have no idea babe." Corey laughed.

The got out, helping Molly down. Vyla grabbed Molly's leash, as they walked to Sid's door. Corey knocked on the door. Jim answered. "Vy!" She heard his booming voice. He picked her up hugging her. Corey took Molly's leash.

Vyla laughed as Jim set her down. He moved so they could walk inside. Entering the living room, all the guys were there, including Tiny and Moose.

"What the fuck Tiny?" She growled at him. Tiny laughed, turning around. He moved over to hug her.

"Can't get rid of me so easy. Can ya?" Tiny laughed.

"Hey Vy." She heard a deep voice behind her.

She turned, laughing. "Moose. You came along too, huh?" She grinned.

She noticed everyone had gotten quiet, as they stared at her. "Uh, so this is Molly." She grinned, point at Molly who was already laying next to Mo.

They all smirked. "She doesn't have any idea. Does she Pipe Cleaner?" Moose said, making them laugh.

She turned to Corey, giving him a questioning look. "Any idea about what?" She asked.

He laughed. "Remember when you told me to name a date, and you would be there to marry me?" He asked.

She nodded smiling. "Yeah. I remember." She said.

"Well, how does 2 pm tomorrow sound?" He smiled.

She was stunned. She never thought he would ever plan a wedding, let alone, her not knowing about it.

She felt tears in her eyes. She nodded, jumping up, as he caught her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him. "Is that a yes?" He asked pulling back. She nodded, smiling. "Yes." She whispered.

Jim cleared his throat. "Um, Corey. Dick move man. I promised her a monkey, man. You planned a wedding. Vy, I'm sorry. I can't compete anymore. You have to marry that asshole now. I'm out." Jim said, making them laugh.

Corey set her down. Tiny walked over to her. "I still get to walk you down the aisle, right?" He asked.

She nodded, hugging him. "Yeah, now that I don't have to kick the shit out of you and Sid." She said.

"You have any idea how hard it was to not let any of this slip Vy?" Sid said, peaking around Tiny.

"I can only imagine. I was seriously going to kick the shit out of both of you when I got here. I thought Tiny here, was coming to hang out and just showed up. Or you two had been plotting behind my back." She said, hearing the guys chuckle.

"Guess we kinda did." Tiny laughed.

She nodded. "I don't mind if it was for this reason." She grinned.

She turned to Sid. "Is this the real reason you threw me fully clothed into the shower today?" She grinned. She heard the guys laughing.

"Part of it. And it was worth you calling me a fucker numerous times, I might add." Sid said laughing.

"Oh. Um, you heard that while I was in the shower?" She asked, sheepishly.

"I'm surprised your neighbors 5 miles down the road didn't hear you." Sid said, smiling.

"You got some balls kid." Moose said, slapping him on the back, moving him forward a few feet.

"I fucking like this kid!" Tiny laughed, slapping Sid on the back as he walked past.

"Hey! Moose, Tiny, not everyone is built like a brick shit house. Go easy, man!" Sid said laughing.

"Sorry!" They heard from the kitchen.

"You threw Vy in the shower today?" Chris asked confused.

"Yep. Right after I pulled the covers off of her, threw over my shoulder. She said put me down. So I did." Sid smiled proudly.

"Yeah, thanks for making sure it was cold water too, ya little shit." She said, hugging him.

"You said nothing about water temperature preference." He grinned.

A few hours later, Corey and Vyla headed home. She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. "What?" He asked, smirking.

"I never knew anything. You even kept it together on the way over here. That is so impressive." She smiled at him.

"Wasn't easy. I had no idea what I was doing. Your dress, that was even harder. Measurements and all kinds of shit." He laughed.

"So I know the time we are getting married. Where are we getting married at?" She asked.

"At our house. Back yard." He grinned.

"Oh my god! This gets better and better. And who all is coming?" She asked.

"Not that many people. I kept it under 50. Hope that's ok?" He asked, glancing at her.

"It's perfect." She smiled.

"How long had you been planning this?" She asked.

"Since the day you said pick a time and date." He smiled.

They arrived home, helping Molly out of the car. It was late, and knowing they would have a busy day, they went upstairs to bed. Vyla set up a large dog pillow for Molly, and she happily laid down, settling in for the night.

He laid down next to her, propping himself up on one arm, looking at her. She laid on her back, smiling at him.

"I love you so much. Thank you. For everything." She whisper, leaning up to kiss him.

"Just marry me tomorrow. That's all I want." He whispered back, moving over the top of her.

"I love you. I knew it the night we met." He whispered, gently moving his mouth across her neck.

"I knew I'd always want you. One time would never be enough." His mouth moving down her chest, as he undid the buttons on her shirt. He undid one button at a time, then sucked and kissed each new bit of skin it revealed, until they were all undone.

He moved his mouth back up to her neck, dragging his mouth over her skin. "You mean everything to me." He whispered, his lips moving over hers again and again.

"I want you all the time. You're all I think about." He whispered, gazing at her. His hand ran over her bare hip gently, making a circle pattern with his fingertips, making her gasp.

"I need you." She whispered. All he ever had to do was touch her, and she would crave him. But when he would talk sweetly along with it, she could barely control herself.

He licked, and kissed at her chest again, making her moan quietly. "I love watching you." He whispered.

She leaned up, slowly, dragging her mouth over his chest, kissing and grazing her teeth across him, as she did. He moaned softly. She ran her fingernails lightly down his spine, then back up it. He shuddered at her touch.

She wrapped her legs with his, as he pressed into her. She gasped, biting her lip. He locked his hands with hers, as he picked up speed.

He kissed her softly, making her tense around him, as he moved. He moved one of her legs around his waist, as his hand ran up and down her thigh.

She moved under him, making him groan. Leaning her head up, she kissed his chest lightly, running her tounge over it occasionally, making him shiver. "Corey." She sighed, arching into him more.

"God, I love it when you say my name." He whispered, feeling the heat between them becoming more intense.

She ran her hands down his back, as their need grew stronger for each other. "I love you Corey." She whispered, making him moan louder.

She moved her hips under him, urging him to go faster. "Don't stop, baby." He said. She lifted her hips into him more, as he matched her movements.

She felt her entire body tingle, as her hips moved harder and faster under him. She felt her body tensing, as he increased the pace they were at. She ran her hands down his chest, then back up to his shoulders.

She moved both of her legs around his waist tightly, as she felt herself losing control. She arched her back off of the mattress, crying out as she did. Corey's body tensed hard, as they collapsed into each other breathlessly.

He gently pulled away, laying down beside her. She turned on her side, pulling the covers up over them.

"Ready for tomorrow?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. I am." She said, making him smile.

"I love you." He said kissing her softly.

"I love you." She said.

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