Untitled Part 15

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They arrived at the cabin late that night. It was a huge five bedroom, five bathroom cabin. There was a large fire place in the living room, large eat in kitchen. It reminded Vyla of something out of magazine.

Everything about the place was perfect. It really was in the middle of no where, but it was quiet and relaxing. Something they both desperately needed.

They brought in their bags, making their way to the master bedroom. They put their stuff away, heading to the living room.

"Are you hungry at all?" He asked her.

"No. Go eat if you are though." She said, laying on the couch.

"You haven't eaten all day. Remember what the doctor said?" Corey said.

"I do babe. I just can't eat right now. I have felt so sick all day today." She said.

"Still taking your meds, right?" He asked.

"Yes Dr. Taylor. I am." She smiled at him. "Sometimes, I just don't feel good even when I take them. It's just part of an ulcer unfortunately." She said.

"If you eat 2 crackers, I'll leave you alone about it." He said smiling softly.

"Ok. If it will make you feel better." She grinned.

"Yep. It will." He said walking back in with some crackers.

She sat up, nibbling on them. "Are you ok babe? You were really quiet almost the whole way here " He stated, moving her hair out of her face.

"Honestly, or do you want me to lie?" She asked.

"Honesty would be preferred." He smiled.

"Then, no, not really." She said, setting her crackers down.

"I just thought about everything on the drive up here. I thought about from the first time, to the last time he hit me. I don't know why, I just did." She said looking away.

"Tell me about the first time he hit you." Corey said softly to her.

"Really?" She looked at him. "This isn't what I really wanted to talk about tonight." She said almost defensively.

Corey thought to himself, She has to talk about it. Looks like I struck a nerve.

"Please?" He asked.

She was annoyed. She just wanted to forget. Why the fuck won't anyone just leave her alone? She thought.

She rubbed her temples, trying to not get mad, and said, "Fine. It was just a normal night out. We went out to eat, went to a movie, we came home. Everything was fine. No fights, no disagreements even. I went to get ready for bed, and I had forgotten to put the toothpaste back. He came into the bedroom and told me to go put it away. I told him I would put it away in the morning." She paused, remembering the look on his face that night.

"He changed. Right in front of me. His face was red, and he just started yelling at me. I was trying to get him to calm down, and then he came at me. He punched me on the side of my face." She said shaking her head in disbelief. "He just became a monster right in front of me. I was terrified. I couldn't believe he hit me over fucking toothpaste."

"What happened next?" Corey asked her in a soft voice.

This was the part she didn't want to think about. This was the weight on her shoulders that she carried with her every day, and she hated it.

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. The lump in her throat was making impossible to swallow. Her adrenaline was kicked in to over drive at the thought of it.

"Corey, it's not something you want to hear. Please. Let's not talk about that." She said avoiding his eyes.

"You can't keep picking what you think I can handle, and avoiding the shit that hurts to much, because your afraid of what I might think, or you think it will change my feelings for you." He said rather sternly at her.

"You can't get past it if you don't let it out," he continued, "People don't get through life alone. Sooner or later, everyone needs someone."

Her breathing was fast. She felt like she had just ran a marathon. Her face felt hot, as though she had been in the sun for hours.

Sighing, she turned so her feet were on the floor. She looked down at them and said, "He kept yelling at me. He was in my face. He reached out and slapped me on the side of my face he just punched me on. I fell back on the bed." She had to pause and take a deep breath.

"He told me that I had better take my clothes off, or I would get hurt more. I stared at him like he was crazy. I didn't think I heard him right. He just beat the shit out of me and I was supposed to be in the fucking mood? He just started pulling my pants off, and I was trying to fight him." She said feeling the tears fall from her face.

"He punched me again on the other side of my face. He just pulled my clothes off, and was on top of me. I laid there crying, hoping it was a nightmare and would wake up soon." She paused to wipe the tears away.

"It hurt so fucking much. It didn't even matter to him. I was in so much pain, and he didn't care that I was. I just had to wait for him to finish, and then he told me to go to sleep. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up to sleep next to him. I didn't sleep that night." She said wiping her eyes.

"The next day, he got up, and acted like nothing even happened. He didn't acknowledge my face, or anything he did. That's how it was for a long time." She said.

She wouldn't look at him. She didn't want to see the pain on his face that he felt for her.

They sat in silence for a while. Neither of them touching each other. They didn't look at each other. Both of them seemed to be processing what she just said.

"What about the last time he hit you. Before we met." He asked, the sound of his voice made her jump.

"Um. He came home from work. He had a bad day. I could tell by the way he walked in. He came straight at me. No words. He grabbed my hair and drug me across the floor. He was on top of me punching me with both fists. He started kicking me in my ribs. The pictures you saw were of the day I left. That was also the last time he, uh, he...FUCK!" She yelled.

"It was worse than any time before that, and I'm not talking about him hitting me." She couldn't bring herself to say it even. She was sobbing now. She could hardly get words out.

"You don't have to say it. I know." Corey said hugging her tightly. She didn't see he was that close to her. He was just there holding on to her. "How did you get away that night?" He asked.

"I waited until he was asleep. I was in so much fucking pain. I didn't have a car. I half crawled, half walked to the door. I had to be really quiet, not to wake him." She took a deep breath trying to calm down.

"Once I made it outside, I ran. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to run almost 3 miles to a house down the road from us. I kept hiding in ditches, or behind a tree whenever I saw lights from a car. When I got to the house, I pounded on the door until someone answered. They called the police. I went to the hospital. They went to arrest him, but he was gone." She said between sobs.

She couldn't hold it in any longer. She was crying so hard it hurt. Her whole body ached. Her throat felt like it was on fire.

He laid them both down on the couch. She wrapped her body around his, and cried into his shirt. He whispered to her, telling her that he loved her, and she was ok now.

She cried for herself, her parents, and for Gabe. She never took time to grieve for any of them, but now that she had, she didn't know if she would ever stop crying.

Hours went past, and they remained where they were. She continued crying well into the night. Corey had never heard anyone cry for as long as she did. But he knew she had carried all this pain for far too long. He simply held her, and let her cry.

When she finally fell asleep, it was just before dawn. He carefully picked her up and carried her to bed. He laid down exhausted next to her. He was asleep in a matter of minutes.

She woke later in the day, and the bed was empty. She went to the bathroom, and showered. She was finishing getting ready when he appeared.

"Hey, you're up." He said smiling at her.

"Yeah. You could have woke me up. I can't believe you let me sleep so long." She said, looking away from him.

She felt awkward about the things she told him last night. She felt almost like she did the first night they met, not being able to look at him.

Corey could sense this, and moved his head to try and force her into eye contact with him. She looked at him, and he smirked. "What are you smirking about?" She asked him.

"Nothing. You're really cute when you try and avoid eye contact." He said chuckling at her.

She snapped her head up and glared at him, "I am not avoiding looking at you." She said.

"Keep telling yourself that, and you may believe it." He grinned.

"Fuck off." She laughed trying to move around him. He stopped her, grabbing her waist, pulling her in close.

She looked at him as he moved in to kiss her. She placed her arms around his neck, as he gripped her tighter.

He deepened their kiss, as her hands gripped his neck harder. She wrapped one leg around his waist. He moved his hand down picking her up and walking back to the bedroom.

He had just set her down on the bed, when he heard his phone ringing, for a face time request. "Its Sid. I'll call him later." He said kissing her neck, and checking his phone at the same time.

"It might be important." She said laughing at him.

Growling under his breath, he answered, and Sid appeared on screen. "What's up Cockblocker" Corey said to Sid. Sid started laughing.

"Bad timing, I take it?" He asked raising his eyebrows at Corey.

Vyla moved the phone to see Sid, "You are fine Sid." She laughed.

"Hey Vy!" Sid said, smiling.

"Hey Sid, how's Mo?" She asked. Sid moved the phone so she could see Mojo, who was sleeping next to Sid on the couch.

"Aww! I miss you guys." Vyla said

"Its been a day Vy, how can you miss him?" Corey asked laughing as he looked at her.

"I always miss Sid." She smiled at Corey.

"So how's the cabin? Everything Good?" Sid asked.

"Yeah, everything's good man. It's still in one piece." Corey said chuckling.

"Good to hear. So, what are you guys up to today?" He grinned knowing he interrupted them.

"Nothing now Cockblocker." Corey sighed, making Vyla laugh.

"He didn't mean that Sid." Vyla said shoving Corey playfully.

Sid laughed hard, "Oh yes he did! Alright I'll let you guys go. Hey Corey, no fucking in my room!"

"Don't worry I plan on breaking in every bed and the couch while we are here." Corey smiled.

"Ahh, Come on man!" Sid said sounding disgusted.

"Bye Sid." Corey said as Vyla waved to him.

"Bye guys." Sid said shaking his head grinning.

She was laughing when he hung up. "Told you it wasn't important." He said tossing his phone down on the nightstand.

"But it could of been." She said still smiling at him.

"Are you fucking with me?" He asked playfully, tickling her, making her laugh.

"Would I do something like that?" She asked innocently.

"Uh huh." He smiled tickling her again.


It had been a month and a half since into their stay at the cabin. They knew their time was coming to an end, and soon it would be back to real life for both of them.

"I wish we could stay here forever." Vyla said one night while they were eating.

"Me too." He said, feeling a little sad about leaving soon.

"But, I know you have a career, and we both know it is time to get back to real life." She said smiling at him. "I am sure in a month I will regret saying this, but I miss the guys." She laughed.

Corey laughed, "You will so regret that, I agree."

"Think you can do this?" He asked her seriously, referring to going on tour with him.

"I didn't think I could do this, but I am." She said referring to their relationship. "So, yeah, I think I can."

"You didn't think we could be together?" He asked.

"I didn't really see you staying around after the first night. In fact, I was surprised you didn't leave me on the side of the road when I asked you to." She said honestly. "It's not the typical start to a relationship, and when you hugged me that night, and started crying, I figured you would of told me kick rocks the next morning."

"You had that little faith in me?" He asked almost like he was angry.

"Are you mad at me for what I just said?" She asked him.

He shrugged, taking his plate to the sink. He kept his back to her. "Fuck this." She said annoyed getting up from the table.

She walked in to the bathroom, and ran the water in the tub. She loved this tub. It was a Jacuzzi bathtub. As the water ran, she added bubble bath, then took off her make up waiting for it to fill.

Once the tub was filled, she got undressed and got in. She had a washcloth over her eyes, relaxing in the hot water. She was almost asleep when she heard the water splash, startling her.

She jumped, taking off the washcloth, watching Corey get in with her. "You scared the fuck out of me!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry." He grinned at her.

"I didn't even hear you come in here." She said trying to calm down.

He sat on the other side of the tub, facing her, not saying anything, just grinning at her. She looked at him, waiting for him to speak. "What?" She asked him. He still didn't respond, just grinned more, as he stared at her.

She was annoyed now. She wasn't sure what he was doing, but staring at her, and not saying anything was going to piss her off.

She moved to go past him, and get out of the tub, when he grabbed her waist, pulling her back to sit in front of him.

"What are you doing?" She asked clearly annoyed with him.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to sit with me." He laughed, holding her close to him.

"You could of asked, like most people do." She said still a little irritated from earlier and from when he got in the tub.

"I didn't mean to brush you off when you asked if I was mad." He said, making her calm down a little.

"I was hurt at first, to be honest with you. I was hurt that you thought of me like that. But then I thought if I was in your position that night, I would of thought the same things. I'm sorry. I really am." He said hugging her.

"It wasn't anything personal Corey. It really wasn't. I just figured you didn't want to get involved with a basket case like me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't know you like I do now. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to make you feel bad. I wouldn't do that on purpose." She said turning to look at him.

"I know. I was just being...I don't know" he said at a loss.

"Sensitive?" She grinned at him, turning back around.

"What? No. Women are sensitive with their feelings and shit like that." He said almost offended, making her chuckle.

"You have to see where I was coming from. Guys don't get involved with someone like me. Most guys don't want an emotional basket case like me. I figured when you got out of the shower that day, you would of called a cab for me or took me home, and that would of been the end of it." She said. "So, why didn't you?" She asked him.

He looked away for a moment, then back at her. "Honestly?" He asked. She nodded.

"I couldn't. The pain and the hurt that I could see on your face and in your eyes that night, it reminded me of myself once. It was like I had to do something." He said

"So you felt sorry for me?" She asked, sounding almost offended.

"I felt bad that you were hurting. I didn't think you were a charity case, if that's what you mean." He said looking at her.

"Maybe you weren't the only one who needed someone that night too." He said.

"Maybe I needed you." He said watching her as she looked stunned.

"Why would you need someone like me?" She asked him, her eyes filling with tears.

"Because. You're everything I have ever wanted, and was missing." He said softly, as he moved her hair out of her face.

She smiled at him,"Someone gets make up sex for sure now." She said making him laugh.

Later, as they were drying off, Corey was laughing, shaking his head, "I need to thank Sid's parents for getting this tub." He said, smiling at her.

She nodded in agreement. "We should send them a thank you card." She said, making him laugh.

"Yeah, 'Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Thanks for letting us have sex in your awesome tub.' I am sure they would love that." He said sarcastically.

"You forgot to end it with, 'Love, Corey and Vyla'. Otherwise they won't know who it's from." She said, making them both laugh.

She heard her phone go off. She wrapped herself in a towel and walked over to the nightstand. She opened her messages, seeing it was from Sid. It was a picture of him and Mojo. The message said 'Miss you guys!' making her smile.

"Let me guess, Sid?" Corey asked.

"And Mojo. He said he misses us." She said.

"Yeah, I'm sure his dog misses me the most." He said sarcastically.

"Mo loves you. He loves me more, but you know, he sees you as competition." She giggled.

"Competition whose face he's going to rip off." Corey said, making her laugh.

"I really want to put up a picture of you." He said turning to her.

"Like in a frame?" She smirked, knowing what he was getting at.

"No smartass." He grinned back. "Social media. But I don't think I should yet." He said, referring to the issue with Mason.

"Do it. I don't care anymore." She said looking at him.

"I don't know babe. It just worries me." He said rather serious.

"I am going on tour with you. I am surprised there haven't been pictures posted of us yet." She said. "What one do you want to put up?"

"This one." He said showing her. It was a picture he took of them a few weeks ago. They were laying on the couch together, both smiling. She was curled around him. Both of them looked so happy together.

"I love this one. But I want you to know, this may drag a lot of shit up about you and your past. I don't want it to hurt you Vy." Corey said looking at her concerned.

"Would you rather it be a picture that you put up, or the media? If it were me, I would rather it be on my terms." She said taking his hand.

"I can handle what is said about me. Can you handle it about what is said? Can your band handle it?" She asked.

"We have had a lot worse shit said about us. I think we'll be ok. I'll send it to the guys first and see what they say. If they're ok with it like you are, then I will." He said, sending the picture and message to them.

"Jesus." Corey said shaking his head laughing a few hours later, looking at his phone.

"Do I dare ask?" Vyla questioned him.

"Well they all agree that it's cool. Some of the comments I could have lived without." He said shaking his head.

"And those are?" She asked.

"Lets see, Shawn said it works for him, as long as you don't kick his ass." Corey laughed.

"Sid and Mick said about time. Chris wants to know if you have a friend to hook him up with. Jay said you have a nice rack. Craig said hi. Alex said and I quote 'Do it. She's fucking hot'. And Jim wants to know when you will marry him." Corey finished laughing.

"Wow! Nice tits, I'm hot, and a marriage proposal! That was so nice of them. Craig said hi huh? He's a sweetie." She laughed hard.

"Go post your picture on your Google-instagram-twitter-facebook- search, or whatever the fuck you weirdos do on social media." She said, making him laugh hard.

Like a child at Christmas, he posted the picture and caption as fast as he could.

"Done." He said, smiling wide.

"God, I can almost hear the hearts of fangirls breaking all over the world." She grinned.

"I know. Tragic, isn't it?" He grinned back at her.

"So what did you put on there exactly?" She asked him.

He pulled up the picture on his Twitter account, and showed her. The caption simply read 'I love you Vyla'.

"Aww! You're such a sap, and I love it." She smiled happily.

Her phone chimed just then. She opened her messages and laughed. "Oh my god! Look what Marilyn just sent." She said showing him the message.

It was the night of the concert, when she was backstage with Marilyn. It showed Corey holding her in his dressing room. Both of them smiling and looking at each other.

"What the fuck? I didn't even hear him come back. God. Good thing you remembered to tell me to lock the door!" He laughed.

"No shit. I can only imagine what he would of sent if I hadn't." she said.

She sat shaking her head and grinning. "What?" He grinned.

"Nice rack and a marriage proposal. Those guys are fucking hilarious. Any other guy would be pissed right now at his friends. But you expect that from them. It's awesome." She chuckled.

"Yeah well, I also trust them completely, and you. I know when they are kidding and when they aren't. They also know what lines not to cross." He said.

"Yeah, I could only imagine the wrath of Corey Taylor." She said.

"It's like the one of Vyla Jones, only worse." Corey said looking at her.

"You haven't seen anything yet." She laughed.

"That's what I am afraid of. I hope to never be on the receiving end of it." He said, kissing the side of her head.

"Yeah? Well I hope I never really piss you off." She said.

"Even if you did, I wouldn't be mad at you for long. I just can't be. You already know that." He grinned, nudging her.

"It's because my tits distract you, huh?" She said making him laugh.

"Among other things, yes." He laughed.

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