Chapter 25

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"I'm leaving babe. Sid's here." Corey called to her.

"Ok. Don't pick up hookers." She yelled back from the bathroom.

"What if they're cute?" He yelled.

"Then you better wrap it twice man, duh!" She yelled, hearing both Corey and Sid laugh. She heard the door close, and left the bathroom.

She found Sid sitting on the couch. She flopped down next to him. He smiled at her. "We'll, you didn't have to bite me today." He laughed.

She grinned. "No. Glad it didn't come to that." She said.

"You were fucking PISSED when we left. You ok?" He asked, concerned.

"I guess. They wanted me to give a victim impact statement. Do the whole woe is me bullshit. I told Lydia to get fucked, and she better never call me a victim again. I also said if they couldn't convict him with the evidence they have she was a shit lawyer. Then I yelled at Corey we were leaving. That bitch about got her head ripped off." She said.

"God damn Vyla! You weren't fucking around today!" He laughed.

"Nope. I was done. After hearing the little bit i did." She looked away.

"Hey. Stop. Jim hated it just as much as you did, if not more. He was so fucking pissed they even asked that. He sat at the bar for a while when we got back. He thinks your mad at him or embarrassed to be around him now." Sid said.

"Mad? God no! I couldn't be mad at him. Shit. Embarassed? Yeah. I really am. It was just..." She couldn't finish.

"Personal? Private? Yeah. All of those. It's not something he has discussed with anyone. Like he hasn't mentioned it in the past or anything. I found out in court today. Just like everyone else had. The only thing he said today was, 'well she probably won't ever want to talk to me again. I'll be at the bar if you dicks need me.'" Sid said.

"This is so fucked up. What do i say to him, 'hey Jim, can we pretend you never saw my lady parts?'" She said looking at Sid.

Sid burst out laughing. "Honestly? Yeah. It would break the fucking ice." He grinned.

She chuckled. "I need to talk to him, but I think I may wait until tomorrow. When he's sober." She said.

"Yeah. Don't do it tonight. Have they said when a verdict will be?" He asked.

"No. I told her to call me with it." She said.

"I have never in all my life wanted to get drunk as much as I do now." She laughed.

"So get some beer." He grinned.

"Nah. I haven't drank in 11 years. One beer and I'll probably pass out." She said.

"Fucking shit! 11 years huh? Goddamn." Sid said impressed.

"I wasn't much of a drinker. Now it's this ulcer I gave birth to a while back. Pretty sure drinking isn't going to help. Corey was all worried when I said you had coffee for me. I told him we were sharing it so i may only get 2 drinks of it. Which i got none!" She grinned.

"Shit, I wasn't getting near you after you called that lady a cunt." He laughed. "Who was that?" He asked.

"Mason's mom. She is staying here, at this hotel. That was the third time she tried talking to me. She came here last night and Corey got fucking pissed. He yelled at her and slammed the door in her face." She said.

"For real? What is she wanting the charges dropped?" He asked.

"Yeah. This also the woman who stood by while I had busted lips, black eyes, busted nose, and pretended everything was fine. She never helped me once." She said.

Sid looked disgusted. "What the actual Fuck? That bitch needs her head checked." He said shaking his head.

"No kidding." She agreed.

They sat talking for a few hours, when they heard Corey come back.

"Did you find a cute hooker?" She asked.

"Nope. But I found some awesome comic books." He grinned excitedly.

"Good babe. That should go well with your boy band and man make up." She said teasingly. He glared at her playfully.

"Whoa! Boy band?" Sid questioned.

She laughed. "It's not a boy band lady." Sid grinned at her.

"Uh huh." She smiled giving him a hug. Sid stood, saying goodbye and left.

She stood up to walk to the bedroom, when he stopped her. Standing in front of her, he grabbed her waist. "They called when I was on my way back. The verdict is back and will be read tomorrow." He said quietly. "We have to go back this last time, and then it's done." He finished.

She nodded and looked down. "Then no more, right?" She asked him with pleading eyes.

He nodded. "No more. This is it. I promise. When we get back, where do you want to go? We can stay at my house, or find somewhere else to go." He said, moving her hair behind her ear, trying to change the subject.

She shrugged. "I don't care, as long as it's not here." She said.

He held her close to him. "Let's lay in bed. I just want to be close to you." She said.

He held her hand, leading them to the bedroom. She stripped down to just a t shirt, while he stripped down to his boxers. They climbed in, and she laid her head on his chest. His hand ran up and down her back gently.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked her.

"The day we met. I was so fucking nervous. You and your piercing blue eyes that gaze into someone's soul. Christ, talk about intense." She said. He laughed.

"You didn't act nervous." He said.

"I was. Even more nervous when you sat down, acting like we were buddies. I wasn't sure how to take that." She laughed.

"I had been trying to figure out how to talk to you. You were in your own world. I was getting ready to, and that guy came up. Then when you rolled your eyes and groaned, I was sure you didn't want to talk to me either." He laughed.

"No, I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't think you even cared I was there. I didn't see you look my way." She said.

"I saw you when I came in. I was wondering what you were thinking about. You had such an intense look on your face. I was going to follow you out when you left, but by the time I got out, you were gone. I started walking, and then I heard you yelling and went back." He said.

"You totally caught me off guard when you kissed me that night." She laughed.

"I know. That was the point. I didn't want you running away from me. I knew you would never do it." He said.

"So you kissed me so I wouldn't run away?" She joked.

"No. I kissed you, because I wanted you. Bad. I couldn't take it anymore. You had slept in my bed, and not to be weird, I watched you sleep, and the whole time, I wanted to kiss you and hold on to you." He said.

"I knew you wanted to fuck me." She said making them both laugh.

"Um, well yeah..." he smiled, "But I knew I wanted more than that with you." He said, as she moved to look at him. She smiled at him.

"So how bad did you want me?" He asked her, grinning.

"As soon as you kissed me. Well before that even. But you kissing me, and running your hands all over me, well, that sealed the deal. Had we not been going to Mick's right then, we wouldn't have left the hallway." She grinned.

"Yeah, I felt the same way." He said, moving so she was laying on her back, as he moved over her. He brushed her hair back with his fingertips.

"I want a dog." She said. He started laughing.

"That's random." He said. "What kind of dog?"

"A German Shepherd. But I don't want a puppy. I want an older one. A rescue. They need homes more than puppies do." She said.

"So it can rip my face off?" He asked.

"No. I used to have Shepherds as a kid. I havent had a dog since I 15. But I don't want to get one if we will be gone a lot either. It's not fair." She said.

"We can work that out. But that dog better not be like Mo, where I can't be near you." He said making them laugh.

"The females are nicer. Less possessive." She said.

"Alright. We can get a dog." He grinned as she looked up smiling.

"Is this so I won't ask you to color with me?" She grinned.

"Uh huh." He smiled kissing her.

He looked at her seriously. " How do you think you'll feel after tomorrow?" He asked.

"Like I will still need help picking my life back up. The thought of being alone is terrifying. I still think he is watching. I'm still scared, and I don't have a reason to be now. But I can't stop it either." She said quietly.

"It's going to be a long time before you feel safe again. I don't want to leave you alone either. It scares me to. I have to know someone is with you when I'm not. I guess when you get annoyed with someone being around you all the time, is when I may feel better." He said, with a small smile.

"And I'm not going anywhere. You won't be doing this alone. No matter how pissed you get at me." He laughed.

She grinned. "Even if I kick your ass?" She asked.

He nodded laughing. "Yep. I don't care how mad you get at me. I'm not letting you shut me out. You mean too much to me." He said, kissing her softly

"If someone would have told me six months ago that my life would change for the better, I would of laughed. Thank you." She said. He nodded, smiling.

He moved to the side of her so they were facing each other. "I have to talk to Jim tomorrow. Sid said he was in the bar after court, and he was upset." She said.

"Do you want me to stay when you talk to him, or do you want to be alone when you do?" He asked.

"Probably alone. I think it's weird enough. I told Sid, I wasn't sure what to say other than 'Hey Jim, can we forget about you seeing my lady parts.'" She said.

Corey had his lips pressed together, trying not to laugh or smile. She started laughing, making him laugh. "I'm sorry, I know it's awkward as hell for you, but that was funny." He laughed.

"Sid told me I should. He said it would break the ice. I think I might. I mean, it might make him not feel so weird...or me." She said.

"Whatever you feel like you need to say, go with it. Jim's a really good guy, you know that." He grinned.

"Sid said the only thing he said was that I would never want to be around him or talk to him again." She said.

"Shit. He was upset then. He usually keeps his feelings to himself." Corey said.

"Think he is sober and awake?" She asked.

"Only one way to find out." He grabbed his phone, and sent Jim a text.

Jim replied right away. Corey read the message, and grinned. "He's awake. And he's sober. He spelled everything right." He laughed.

Vyla got up. "Walk me down there then?" She asked.

"Yes, because I know you won't sleep otherwise." He grinned at her.

They both threw on some clothes, and left the hotel room. Walking to Jim's room, they saw Sid.

"I'll be at Sid's." He said, giving her hand a quick squeeze, before walking with Sid into his room.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her hand and knocked on Jim's door. "Jesus Corey, couldn't it-" she heard as he opened the door. He stopped complaining, and stood shocked, when he saw Vyla.

"Vyla. Sorry. Um Corey said he needed to stop down. Uh, want to come in?" He asked awkwardly.

"If you're not busy. If you are, I can come back." She said.

"No! Uh, no, come in." He moved out of the way, letting her in.

He led her to the couch, and they both sat down. "So, uh, what's up?" He asked looking away.

She grinned. "Hey Jim?" She asked, getting his attention. He turned his head and looked at her. "Want to forget about that time you saw my lady parts? We can both just forget it happened, and shit won't be awkward anymore, like it is now?" She asked him.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Jesus, Vy. You really call people on their bullshit, huh?" He asked laughing, looking at her.

She nodded smiling. "Well? Am I right that it's weird as fuck between us right now?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. It is. And Vy, I am so fucking sorry. I really am. I wasn't being a fucking creep or anything. I swear." He said.

She laughed. "Jim. I know you weren't. I know. I was upset because, well, that's just...personal, you know? But I was never mad or upset with you. I was more upset because of the awkwardness it was going to cause. I knew you didn't want to answer that. Just like I didn't want to answer any of the questions I was asked. You saved my life that day. All of you guys did. I can't thank you enough for what all of you did." She said, feeling the tears in her eyes.

He nodded. She could tell he had tears as well, as he looked away from her. "None of this has been easy for anyone. You guys know almost every shitty, fucked up detail of my life. Christ they even showed pictures of my back. That was something I never wanted anyone seeing." She said, looking down.

"Hey, come on Vy. It's not your fault on any of it. You don't have anything to be ashamed of. At all. You know, the guys and I can't believe how fucking strong you are. Most people couldn't have survived what you have. People either give up, or they....die. You never did either of those. None of us can imagine the fucking shit you went through. You're fucking tough. You make the rest of us look like a bunch of bitches." He said making them both laugh.

"You guys do act like bitches sometimes." She said making him laugh.

"Aaannnnd, she's back!" He said laughing.

She opened her arms to him, and he moved over, giving her a bear hug. "Are you really marrying that asshole Corey?" He joked.

"Unless you convince me otherwise." She laughed.

They went next door to Sid's. He answered, letting them in. "Vyla said you can fuck off Corey. She said we're getting married tomorrow." Jim said laughing.

Vyla laughed. "He said we could have two dogs instead one. Sorry." She grinned.

"I'm getting passed up over dogs now?" He laughed.

"Don't tell him about the monkey I promised you too." He whispered loudly.

"Right here again dickhead." Corey grinned.

As they walked to the door, Vyla gave Jim a hug, then turning to give Sid a hug. Knowing it annoyed Corey, he kissed her on the cheek. "Come on babe, before I really do get passed up for one of these assholes." He laughed pulling her out the door.

They walked slowly back to their room. He looked at her, knowing she was deep in thought.

"How'd it go with Jim?" He asked.

She looked at him and grinned. "Well, Sid was right. It was a good ice breaker." She said, making him shake his head and chuckle.

"I think both of us feel better after talking. He kept apologizing. And insisting he wasn't being a creep, which I assured him I knew he wasn't. I thanked him for everything he did that day. He told me I make you guys look like bitches, surviving everything I have." She grinned, making him laugh.

"That is very true." He said, as they reached their room. He swiped the card, opening the door to let her in.

He closed the door, watching her as she walked to the couch and sat down. He walked over, joining her on the couch. She turned to look at him, pulling her legs under her as she did.

"What happened that day. I know you told me some, but you never told me what happened." She said, watching as he looked down.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead, then looking up at her. "I left to get us clothes. I heard a noise, like dishes moving at the front of the bus. I went to see which of the guys was there. And then, I just remember my head pounding, and I could hear a male voice I didn't recognize." He said, standing to pace the floor.

"I was really fucking confused. I started moving towards the back of the bus, trying to figure out what happened, and then I saw him sitting on top of you. And his..." He stopped pacing and talking, running a hand down his face. He looked at her, as she sat waiting for him to go on.

"He had his hand up your shirt. And his other hand..squeezing your throat. And your eyes were almost closed, they were rolling back." He stopped, taking a deep breath, and exhaling.

"It was like I snapped back to reality, and I realized then what was going on. Then I fucking snapped. I grabbed him, threw him off of you, and I just started hitting him. Over and over. The next thing I knew, Mick tried stopping me, and I guess I got away from him, and then it took both Mick and Chris to keep me from killing him." He finished.

"It hit me then, when they stopped me, that you were hurt. I just saw Jim had wrapped you in a blanket, and was carrying you outside. Then I ran out to you and, you were out. Like couldn't wake you up at all. I forced my way into the ambulance, and they couldn't wake you up either." He said wiping his eyes.

"When the doctor came out, he said that you had a really bad concussion, and you would wake up when you were ready. He said your ribs were cracked, your jaw was dislocated, a fucking ton of bruising, some cuts. So I just sat and waited. Almost an entire day. The guys waited too. None of us were leaving." He walked back to the couch, wiping his eyes again. He sat down next to her hugging her to his chest.

"I wasn't sure you were really awake, when you woke me up that night. I thought I was dreaming." He smiled softly.

He moved back, looking at her. He wiped her eyes. "Will you tell me what happened to you that day? I want to hear your words. Not what was said in court. Please?" He asked. His face had the saddest expression, his eyes, pleading with her.

"I heard like a loud crash. Before I opened the door of the bathroom, I already knew he was there. I crept towards the front of the bus. And...I laying face down on the floor. You weren't moving, and I couldn't tell if you were breathing. I thought you were gone." She whispered, her tears falling fast.

"I already knew he was behind me. He said how he had been waiting for me. I turned around....and..then he told me that him and I were going to..." She paused, taking a breath, "to have some fun before he killed me." She breathed out. She saw his face flinch. He looked away for a quick moment, then back to her.

"I said 'fuck you', and turned to run. He grabbed my hair, so fucking hard, then slammed me on the ground. He kicked me as hard as he could. I couldn't breathe. He was leaning over me, trying to pull my shorts off." She said, wiping her eyes.

"I remember screaming, 'No'. I had never done that before. He was so pissed. He kicked me again, then I saw his fist flying into my face. I remember thinking how much it hurt, and how hard he swung. And the pain, fuck. I saw stars. I didn't know what the fuck just hit me." She said looking down.

"He was on top of me, pulling my shorts down more. And it was like a switch inside of me flipped. I didn't feel any pain. I felt rage. I was pissed. I fucking punched him hard enough to move him off of me." She said.

"I knew how pissed he would be. He yanked me up from the floor, slamming me into the wall. I laughed. It was a laugh of someone who finally snapped, or just didn't care anymore. I spit in his face. He backhanded the fuck out of me. I remember hitting the floor, and it had knocked the wind out of me. I think he kicked me again? I'm not sure. But he was on top of me, pulling at my shorts, and saying some fucked up shit." She looked away from him.

He moved her face to look at him. He looked heartbroken. "What did he say?" He asked in such a soft voice, she almost couldn't hear him.

"He had called me a dumb bitch. And that I was a fucking whore. And...that he knew that I always." She stopped, shaking her head, "that I always liked it rough." She finished, wiping her eyes.

"Then he was choking me, and I was trying to get away. I couldn't breathe. Everything was starting to go black and fuzzy. But then all at once it was gone. I could breathe. But everything sounded so far away. I saw you. Hitting him. I remember seeing Mick. Then I thought I kept hearing my name, but it was echoing and far away. Then, Jim was there, telling me to stay with him. And the pain. That was worse than any time before. Then everything was quiet, and I felt like I was floating." She leaned into his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, kissing the top of her head.

"How bad was the bus after all of that? she asked, moving back to look at him.

He looked down, rubbing his forehead. "Bad." He said nodding. "There were blood stains on the carpets. Like all over, between you and him. He broke one of the walls, that he threw you into. There was some other broken shit. I went back when Sid told me to that one day. The guys tried cleaning up, and realized the the stains weren't coming out, and there was no way to cover the massive hole in the wall. They tried, really hard though. None of them would stay on there after that. They went to a hotel." He said.

She nodded. "Glad I bought the tour bus when I did." She said, watching him nod his head.

"I can't believe I'm asking this now, and I feel like such a dick, but how bad were you hurt?" She asked, worried.

He smirked, "I was fine babe. I have had way worse at shows we've done. I wasn't even worried about me." He grinned.

"I am so sorry I never checked to make sure you were ok." She said, holding his face in her hands. She kissed him softly.

"You were pretty fucked up on the drugs they gave ya." He grinned.

"Yeah, that shit was fucking awesome. Not gonna lie, I was really disappointed I didn't have more when I left the hospital." She grinned, making him laugh.

He laid back on the couch, pulling her down on top of him. She laid her head on his chest, both of them staring off into space quietly.

"Think Sid has some weed?" She asked out of the blue.

He laughed, as she moved up to look at him. "Most likely. Why?" He asked grinning.

"I can't drink. And I want a fucking drink so fucking bad, it's almost killing me. Thought weed would be better." She said.

"Think it will make you eat? You need to fucking eat Vy." He said raising his eyebrows at her in concern.

She shrugged, "I was more worried about being stoned than eating to be honest with you." She said, with a half smile.

"You need sleep. And some food. Stop losing weight babe. There won't be anything left of you." His face growing concerned.

"Yeah I noticed my clothes are huge on me now. I lost 15 pounds this past month." She said wrinkling her brow.

"Jesus. Vy, you have to start eating more. I know it's been bad, but please eat something, ok?" He said, pulling her close to him.

"I hope I get an appetite soon. I haven't felt like eating. When I do, it's like it feels like I can't swallow it without choking. Then I think back to that day, and it's like I have hands on my neck when I try and eat. It's stupid, I know." She said.

"No, I think it's normal. Look at what happened. It's only been a month. Maybe you should take the anxiety meds for a little while again." He said.

"I'm sure Sid could help, but promise if you do, it won't be a daily thing, ok? I don't need you stoned all the time." He grinned.

"I won't." She said.

"And just tell me before you two run off getting high, ok? I don't want to find you stoned out of skull in a corner or something. Just please tell me." He said looking at her.

She rolled her eyes at him and grinned, "Yes, dad." She said playfully.

He grinned. "You're such an asshole sometimes." He said making them laugh.

"Yep. And you thought it would be a good idea to marry me too." She grinned.

"I knew I had to marry you, otherwise Jim would be pulling you to city hall to get married." He said. She laughed.

"He told me the second time he met you, when we were at Sid's, if I ever got tired of you, to let him know, because he said he'd marry you in a heartbeat." He grinned, making her laugh more.

"I love that guy. He makes me laugh." She said smiling.

"Oh? So I really do have competition with Jim." He smiled moving so she laid under him.

"He did promise me 2 dogs and monkey, Corey." She said. He shook his head smiling. Suddenly her phone rang.

"Oh shit." She said. He looked at her confused.

Sighing, she moved away to answer it. "Get ready for an earful. It's Tiny. And he's not happy." She said.

"Hey, Tiny." She said answering it on speaker phone.

"What in the blue fucking hell is going on Vyla? You know what I had to do to track you down to get your fucking number! I have to hear about you in the news now?!" A deep gravel voice was what they could hear.

"I am sorry I haven't called. My life has been a little fucked if you haven't noticed." She said. "How the fuck did you get this number?" She asked.

"Look girly, don't fucking worry about what I do. What's with this movie star boyfriend of yours your seeing? And court? I fucking told you a long time ago to let me handle that dickface ex of yours. Now look at the shit your in!" Tiny yelled.

"Hey! If you fucking called to tell at me, I'm hanging up. Don't start your shit with me, Tiny. I am at my limit with shit!" She yelled.

Corey looked concerned, yet amused, listening to them.

It was silent on the other end of the phone for a moment. They heard Tiny sigh. "Sorry Vy. You know how much I care about you. I get kinda worked up about stuff. How ya holding up girl?" He asked in a kinder tone.

She grinned, "I'm getting there Tiny. Trying to anyway." She said softly.

"You should of let me handle this a long time ago Vy. It never would of gotten this far." He said.

"I know. I am coming to see you soon actually. Within the next month, ok? I'll let you do the tattoo you wanted to do. But I am bringing Corey with, and you will behave, or I will knock you on your ass. Got it?" She said sternly

"You're gonna bring Hollywood with ya huh? This guy bett-" She cut Tiny off.

"I wasn't kidding Tiny. I won't come see you if you're gonna be a dick." She said simply.

"Alright, alright. Bring Hollywood with. You need anything? I can get you whatever you need you know that." Tiny said.

"I'm good Tiny. I'll call you when we leave to see you. I don't have a date yet, but I will." She said.

"Alright. Love you Button." Tiny said.

"Love you Tiny." She said hanging up.

She looked at Corey. "Are you mad at Me? Is that why you're taking me to get killed by Tiny?" He laughed.

"You saw how I handled him. He knows Corey. He's not going to do anything to you. Are you scared?" She grinned.

"A little nervous." He said.

"He calls you Button?" He asked smiling.

"Yep. Don't ever say anything about it either. I'm the only one left out of my family. He's over protective." She said.

"What did he mean he should have handled it a long time ago?" He asked, worried.

"Yeah, ask me that after you have had a chance to meet him, and get to know him, ok? I don't want you forming an opinion, then backing out on going with me." She said standing. He could tell it made her uncomfortable.

"Hey, I think I have been pretty open minded about a lot in our relationship Vy." He said sounding slightly annoyed.

"You have. But you also haven't dealt with Tiny. You know how you said people think Marilyn is a freak? They think that way about Tiny by how he looks and the shit he used to do. He's not a bad person. And he's the only one I have left in my family. I don't have any other aunts or uncles or cousins. This is it." She said.

"Babe, of course I will go. No matter what. But I like to know what I am dealing with. Just a little bit." He said.

"Alright, but if you back out on going, I will go get my own hotel room. Got it?" She said.

He nodded. "Tiny went to prison for armed robbery. He was in for a long time. He hung out with a motorcycle gang, for an even longer time. I didn't go to Tiny about Mason because I knew his friends would "take care of him". Get it?" She asked.

He looked pale, yet almost angry. "What the fuck Vy!? You want me to go hang out with a dude that could make me disappear? Fuck no!" He yelled in surprise.

"You're a dick." She said narrowing her eyes at him, and walking away.

He heard her shuffling around in their room. He walked in finding her with her shoes on. "Are you serious?" He asked, like he thought she was joking.

"Yeah I am. This is exactly why I never should of told you. Because you are just like everyone else who's too scared to try and know him." She said, going to walk past him. He blocked her by putting his arm across the doorway. She knocked his arm out of the way, like it wasn't there, and walked past him.

"Babe, seriously?" He asked, she was in the bathroom. He saw her arm come around the door, flipping him off.

"Vy you have to understand how uncomfortable that would make someone feel." He said through the door.

"Exactly why I didn't want to tell you. Dick." She said through the door.

"Vy. Open the door, please?" He asked.

"Can't. I'm busy trying to find a hotel room." She said.

He opened the door, to see her sitting on the counter looking at her phone. "Didn't say you could come in either. Did I?" She said not looking up.

"Vyla. This is dumb. I am not fighting with you." He said, throwing his hands in the air

"Don't care if you are or aren't. I'm not staying here tonight with you." She said, hopping down and walking past him.

He blocked the door leading out of their room. She glared, "Taylor, I'm not even joking right now. You hurt my fucking feelings by being a judgmental prick. Move." She said, calmly.

His face softened, "Vy, I'm sorry. I am. I was a little shocked, ok? It may be normal for you, but not for me." He said, in a softer tone.

"You don't know him Corey. Just like you don't know your fans, but you don't judge them. I wouldn't take you to meet him if I thought he would do something to you. He won't. You will like him. You two are a lot alike actually." She said.

Sighing and looking at the floor, then looking at her, he said, "You're right. All of it. You're right." He said.

"Do you really mean that, or are you telling me what I want to hear. You better be honest with me." She said sternly.

He tilted his head a little to the side, looking her in the eyes. "No. I mean it. You're right. I was being a prick." He said.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you. Tiny is my only family. He would of shown up on your doorstep if he hadn't found my number." She said watching his eyes get huge. She laughed.

"Sorry. Bad time for a joke." She said, making him grin. "Asshole." He said, leaning in to kiss her, as she nodded grinning.

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