Chapter 16

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It was the day they were leaving for the tour. The bus had just pulled up to Corey's house. They hadn't seen any of the guys for two months. When the bus came to a stop, all of them got off the bus, pushing each other out of the way.

Vyla was turned talking to Corey, when she noticed someone out of the corner of her eye. As she turned, she was swept up in the biggest hug from Mick. He lifted her off the ground, making her laugh.

"You look great Vyla!" He said, happily, setting her down.

Before she could say anything, Sid had ran up to her, scooping her up and spinning her around. "I missed you Vy!" Sid yelled, making her smile. He set her down, watching as she hugged the rest of the guys.

"Jesus. I missed you guys too." She laughed, "Anyone miss Corey?" She grinned, looking over at him. He was standing there smiling, watching her.

"Sure, we did." Mick laughed, nudging Corey.

"Alright, assholes. Uh, Vyla, you're not an asshole by the way. Get on the bus." Jim said.

They loaded up on the bus. Everyone was busy putting their stuff away. They were heading to Las Vegas, then California.

Once they put everything away, everyone quieted down for a while. Sid grabbed Vyla as she walked past, making her sit down next to him.

"How are you?" He asked, seriously, studying her face.

"Really good actually. I feel better than I have in years." She smiled at him.

She looked very different to him. Her smile was real now, not forced. It was genuine, and happy.

The dark circles under her eyes were gone. Her complexion was most glowing. Her cheeks had color. She was no longer pale, and almost frail looking.

But what made Sid the most happy, was her confidence. She looked at everyone who talked to her. Her eyes met theirs when they spoke to her. She no longer looked away. He was happy for her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked smiling playfully at him.

"You look great Vy. You really do. I'm seriously happy for you. And for Corey. I missed you guys when you were gone." He said, smiling softly at her.

"I missed you a lot too." She said. "I was able to let a lot of things go. We talked a lot. I cried more than I have ever cried in my life. I yelled at Corey some. Ok, maybe alot actually. I always felt terrible afterwards. He never once wanted me to apologize. I always did though. I wasn't ever mad at him. Just mad at my life." She said looking away from him.

"So he pushed you to talk, huh? That the part that pissed ya off?" Sid smirked at her.

She nodded her head and chuckled, "Yeah. It really did. I just wanted it all to go away. I honestly never wanted anyone to know what I went through. I didn't want to talk about anything, and he would have to practically beg me to. Or, he would give me the great big, sad blue eyes, and that usually worked." She said, remembering.

"God, not the sad eyes." Sid laughed.

"Yeah, pretty sure he took a class in that." She laughed,

Sid laughed, nodding in agreement. "I think you're right."

"Thank you Sid. I don't know where I would be if you hadn't helped me." She said, tearing up.

"I didn't do anything Vy. You did it." He said hugging her.

"Maybe. But I don't think I could have done it without all of you." She said kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm interrupting again, aren't I?" Corey said standing in the doorway, smirking like he always did when it was awkward between the her and Sid.

"Jesus, fucking Christ!" Vyla said, shaking her head laughing.

"Babe? Did you remember the card for Sid's parents?" Corey asked, almost laughing.

"What are you-" Sid started, before Vyla cut him off.

Vyla's eyes went wide, "Corey! You did not!" She exclaimed.

He nodded his head, smiling as he handed Sid the envelope.

Eyeing Corey up, Sid opened the card. It said Thank you! on the front. "You guys got my parents a card?" Sid asked,smiling.

"Oh fuck!" Vyla whispered knowing what it would say inside.

Sid opened the card and read 'Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Thanks for letting us have sex in your awesome tub. Love, Corey and Vyla.'

"Aww goddammit guys!" Sid yelled, but laughing at the same time.

Corey had to sit down, his sides hurt from laughing. Vyla couldn't help but laugh.

"Fuck it. This is going on the fridge!" Sid smiled, running off.

"Asshole!" Vyla laughed, as she straddled Corey on the floor.

He nodded wiping the tears from his eyes from laughing. "His face was priceless though." He laughed.

Shaking her head, while smiling at him, she went to stand up. He pulled her down by her hips, keeping her in place. "Where ya going?" He asked her.

"I was going to watch a movie with Craig and Jay. Why?" She asked him.

He shrugged, "Just wondering." He said staring at her intensely. She knew that look from him.

"Uh huh. You do realize we are on a bus with other people, and can't just do that whenever, correct? There aren't any doors on the bunks." She said grinning.

"There is a door on the bathroom though." He said raising his eyebrows at her.

"Oh, my god! We have only been on the road a few hours. How are you going to make it a few more months?" She laughed.

He thought for a moment. "Well I figure, we will have a lot of bathroom sex, and probably a lot of backstage dressing room sex." He said laughing.

"Get a fucking room you two." Said Jim laughing, as he walked past.

"We are." Said Vyla, standing up, grabbing Corey's hand, helping him stand. "Hope you don't have to take a piss for a while." She smirked, walking past Jim, holding Corey's hand.

"I have the coolest girlfriend ever!" Corey laughed, as they walked past Jim.

"The offer still stands Vy!" She heard Jim through the door. "We are going to Vegas, we can get married." He laughed.

Both her and Corey were laughing behind the door.

"Where we exactly?" He asked, grabbing her waist, pulling her into him.


They had been in Las Vegas for a few days, when Vyla's phone rang one afternoon. She didn't pay attention to the number before answering.

Picking it up, she heard a familiar voice that made her smile, "Miss. Vyla! How are you sweetie?" Marilyn asked excitedly.

"I'm good Marilyn. How are you?" She asked laughing.

"Good! I missed you! I hear you are in Vegas. I am actually here as well, and I do recall us having a shopping trip the next time we met up. So what do you say? I can pick you up in an hour?" He asked.

"Sure. I'll see you soon." She said, hanging up.

"Corey?" She asked, walking in to the kitchen area. "Marilyn is picking me up in an hour. He didn't forget our shopping trip, just like you said." She chuckled.

The other guys were in the kitchen as well. They stared at her, then at Corey. "Ok. Sounds good." He said, going back to reading his book.

Noticing that they were all staring at both of them, Corey and Vyla asked in unison, "What?"

"Um, it's not really my place dude, but you think it's really a good idea? Just her and Marilyn?" Jim piped up. "Its not Vy I'm worried about." Jim said.

Before Corey could respond, Sid spoke up, "Want me to go with them?" He asked Corey.

"Guys, we're right here. If Corey didn't trust him, he wouldn't let me go." Vyla said.

This started a debate amongst all of the guys, on if someone should go with. Corey smirked, as he made his way over to Vyla.

"Alright! For the fucking love of anything that may be holy, shut the fuck up!" She yelled, causing instant silence. Corey raised his eyebrows at her, impressed.

It was like having 8 brothers arguing about what she could do, or not do.

"Guys, I love all of you. I can take care of myself. But for the sake of arguing and cutting the bullshit, Sid will go with us, OK?" She said. She could hear all of them breathe a sigh of relief.

"We just worry is all. Marilyn can be a little intense some times is all." Jay said.

"I appreciate it, and thanks for looking out for me guys. Seriously." Vyla said to them.

She got a lot of 'thanks', and 'Love ya Vy' from them. She smiled and walked back to finish getting ready.

"Impressive. You just told 8 guys to shut the fuck up and they listened to you the first time." He said, making her laugh.

"Thought I would let you rest your voice." She smiled.

"I know they worry, and I really appreciate it. Are you worried about me going?" She asked. "If you are, I'll call him back." She said, looking at him.

"I worry about you going anywhere without me, honestly. But, no, I wasn't worried." Corey said shaking his head.

"Marilyn gets a lot of shit, and people think he's a freak. But a lot of that is just an image for his music and his fans. I have known the guy a long time. He actually has helped me out a lot with advice and never going back on his word. He's never given me a reason not to." Corey said.

He gave her a kiss and said, "Go have fun. I'll see you when you get back. Oh, and Mick put all the guys phone numbers in your phone. And he made sure your number was in their phones too." He grinned at her.

She nodded, smiling at him, "Did he put hidden cameras anywhere too?" She asked.

"Don't give him any ideas." Corey said as he walked off.

Marilyn picked her and Sid up an hour later in a limo. She couldn't help but laugh. Only he would have a limo to go shopping, she thought to herself.

"I never got the chance to ask, when did you take the picture of me and Corey?" Vyla asked Marilyn.

He laughed, "I saw how he looked at you when he came back at the end of the show. I thought it needed to be remembered. So while you two gave each other googly eyes, I took it."

"I didn't even know you were there." She laughed.

"Exactly." He said smiling. "I was going to come back and show it to you, but the door was locked." He laughed.

"Sid, I think she needs some skinny jeans, don't you?" Marilyn said to Sid.

"Um, sure?" Sid replied, looking unsure.

"I have no idea what I have gotten myself into." Vyla laughed.

They went to a few shops, and Marilyn had her try on a ton of outfits. She ended up breaking down, and he talked her into buy skinny jeans. She couldn't believe she was buying them, let alone wearing them. It was one style she never cared for.

As he kept handing her clothes over the door, Sid wandered around the store.

"This tank top is you Vy. You need this." He said handing it to her.

"Um, I don't wear tank tops." She said, hoping to avoid the topic.

"You said the same about skinny jeans. Now look where we are." He said throwing the shirt over the door of the dressing room door.

"Nope." Vyla said throwing it back over the door.

Sid walked up about this time and asked, "Whats going on?" Clearly amused.

"She won't try on the tank top. She said she didn't wear them. Just like she said about not wearing skinny jeans, and now she owns nothing but." Marilyn explained.

Sid laughed, "Come on Vy, it's just a shirt."

Vyla opened the door to the dressing room, holding a buttoned up shirt around her, careful to not show off more than she wanted to. "Guys, I just can't." She said quietly, looking away from them.

"Vy, what's wrong? We didn't mean anything by it." Sid said. Marilyn nodded in agreement. Both of them looked concerned.

"No, I know that." She sighed. "My back is really fucked up. I am really self conscious about it." She said.

"It can't be that bad." Sid said. He didn't know why he was pushing the issue. He knew it was bothering her, but he wanted to know why.

"It is." She said, turning around, lowering her shirt just enough. She quickly pulled it back up.

"Oh, Vyla. I'm so sorry." Sid said, hugging her tight. "I shouldn't have pushed you on it." He said, pulling back to look at her.

She could tell he was upset. "It's ok. Really it is. 2 months ago, I would have cried my eyes out. I'm not crying, am I Sid." She said smiling at him.

"Well I don't think you should hide from it." Marilyn spoke up. "Its part of you. Fuck what everyone thinks." He smiled hugging her.

Vyla laughed. "You guys are awesome. Thanks."

A few hours later, Marilyn was dropping her and Sid off at the tour bus.

"I can't fucking walk in there like this." She said to Sid and Marilyn.

She was wearing black skinny jeans that had holes in the knees, with a tight, black, low cut Jim Morrison t shirt. She had on low cut red boots, and a lightweight red cardigan sweater.

"Oh yes you can." Sid said, "And you will. Marilyn, grab the bags. I got Vy." He said smiling.

"What!?" Vyla yelled at Sid. Marilyn was gathering the bags.

"Oooh, this should be exciting!" Marilyn said, as he grabbed the rest of her bags and got out.

"Vyla, I love you. You know this. But you are going in there, dressed like this. Easy way or the hard way Vy?" Sid smirked mischeviously, already knowing it was going to be the hard way.

"Sid, no fucking way!" Vyla yelled as he grabbed her and pulled her out of the limo. She tried to escape back into the limo, and Sid threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the bus.

"Goddammit Sid!" She yelled at him, as she kicked her legs, trying to get down.

"This is the best shopping trip ever!" Marilyn laughed following them.

Vyla was yelling at Sid as they entered the bus. Once they were on, Marilyn blocked the exit, before Sid set her down.

Sid set her down, as he ducked away from her and ran off. Vyla then realized all the guys, except for Corey, were sitting in the lounge area. They all stared in disbelief.

"Hey Vy. Looks like you had fun shopping." Jim said grinning at her.

The whistling began, as well as comments of 'damn Vyla' and 'nice!' filled the room.

She laughed, "Oh fuck off you guys." She said starting to walk past, only to stop and look up at Corey's gaze, who had just walked in, with his phone in his hand. He stopped and stared at her.

He didn't say anything. He looked surprised. He wasn't sure what to say to her.

She heard the bus door open, and turned around to see the guys making excuses of needing to leave. The excuses ranged from needing fresh air, or going to hang out with Marilyn, was what she heard.

Soon the bus was empty, and she turned back to find Corey had moved closer to her. She felt her face go red, and looked down at her feet. He still hadn't said anything, and she felt really awkward at this point.

She grinned at him, before quickly looking away, and said, "I think, I'm going to go change." She started walking past him, when he put his arm across her path, leaning it on the wall behind her.

She turned her head to look at him, her face felt like it was burning, between being embarrassed, and the way he was looking at her. "Trust me, none of it was my idea." She muttered.

He shook his head at her and said, "Don't change." He put his other hand on the wall behind her. Moving his face closer to hers, he whispered, "You look beautiful baby," as his mouth crashed down on to hers.

He was slowly pulling her cardigan off of her, dropping it by their feet. He moved his hands, grabbing her hips, as she placed her arms around his neck.

She ran one hand through his hair, pulling him into her more, deepening their kiss. He broke away, pulling her shirt over her head, revealing her new pink and black lace push up bra. His eyes widened in surprise, upon seeing it.

She smiled, pulling him to her, kissing him hard. His hands roamed over her chest, making her shudder. He broke away from their kiss, slowly kissing down her neck, nipping at her collar bone, working his way down to her chest.

He reached behind her, undoing her bra, letting it fall off of her. He worked his mouth down to her breast, making her arch as she felt his tounge moving over her nipple, his mouth closing around it.

She grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. He bent down, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, as he walked them back to their bunk.

He laid her down on the bed, as they kicked their shoes off. He climbed his way up her body, as she lay under him. He kissed and licked his way up to her mouth, kissing her harder, then pulling away to look at her.

He felt her hands running up and down his sides, she was looking up at him, smiling. "I know I tell you all the time, but I don't care," He whisperd, "I love you."

"I love you." She whispered back.

Her hands went to his belt, slowly undoing it, as he unbuttoned her pants. He pulled the zipper of her pants down, revealing matching panties. "Damn." He said, as he kissed her hips, grazing them gently with his teeth. She gasped, as he moved his way back up kiss her lips.

She ran her finger tips lightly down his chest, reaching the waist band of his pants, queuing him to take them off. He pulled off her pants first, then removing his own.

She sat up, pushing him to sit against the wall of the bunk, slowly sitting down on top of him. They moved together, their bodies in sync with one another. Holding each other tight, as the heat between them was building more, as their need for each other grew.

Her hands were holding on to his shoulders, as she steadied herself, while she moved on top of him.

He gripped a handful of her hair, pulling her head back slightly to reveal her neck, as he left slow kisses down it, making her shiver in delight.

Their movements grew faster as the air heated up around them, until both of them were satisfied and spent.

Laying next to each other, Corey chuckled to himself. "What's so funny?" She asked.

"Who would of known Marilyn had such good taste in clothes." He said making her laugh.

"You should see the dress he made me get." She giggled.

His eyes lit up. "Dress?" He asked.

"Uh huh. And no I am not wearing it in front of the guys." She laughed.

"When do I get to see you in it?" He asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

Before she could answer, they heard the bus door open. "Uh, are guys done?" They heard Chris yell.

"Jesus." Corey chuckled throwing his clothes on. He got up to retrieve the rest of their clothes from the hall.

"Nope. We were hoping to try out your bed for round 2, Chris." She yelled back at him, as she threw her clothes on that Corey had just handed her. She heard Corey laughing down the hall.

"Ugh! You two are assholes." He said walking past her making her laugh.

When Vyla and Corey stepped off the bus a while later, they noticed all eyes on them, making Vyla blush. "I'm going to go say goodbye to Marilyn." She smirked at Corey, as she walked away.

Corey watched as Marilyn pulled her away from everyone. They were speaking quietly, and it seemed to be a serious conversation.

He noticed she wiped her eyes as though she had started crying. She hugged him and walked with Marilyn to his limo.

Corey was trying not to overreact. He knew he was protective of her. Maybe a little too much at times. He couldn't help it. After everything she went through, he felt he had to protect her.

He could feel his anger starting to rise. That motherfucker better not have done anything to her, he thought to himself. He clenched his jaw, trying to remain calm.

Vyla walked back to Corey, who had moved to a nearby picnic table, and sat down next to him.

"Anything you need to tell me?" He asked turning to her, his question seemed almost demanding, like he was accusing her of something.

"Are you accusing me of something?" She asked, caught off guard by his tone of voice with her.

"No. I would hope I wouldn't have to worry about anything." He said, in harsh tone.

She glared at him and said, "Try talking to me when you're done being a dick." She said getting up, feeling angry. She shot him a nasty look and walked off, leaving him alone at the table.

"Fuck!" He growled getting up to walk after her. She was pissed. She was halfway across the parking lot, and he had to jog to catch up with her. "Vy!" He called to her. She didn't slow down. She lifted her arm and flipped him off, not stopping or turning around.

He finally caught up to her, and stopped in front of her, making her stop too. "Done being a dick?" She spat at him.

He sighed. "I didn't mean to be an asshole." He said.

"I said you were being a dick, there is a difference." She glared at him, correcting him.

"Alright. I didn't mean to be a dick." He said carefully, his eyes on hers.

"What the fuck pissed you off?" She asked, clearly still angry.

"Why were you crying?" He asked.

"Is that what this is about? Jesus, fuck, Corey! I wasn't crying because I was sad, or upset. People cry when nice things are said to them too. Is that OK?" She spat at him.

He stood there a little stunned, realizing he did overreact, and now she was really pissed.

"Fuck! Vy, I thought you were upset, and I thought Marilyn said something to upset you, and I got pissed." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I may have overreacted." He said.

"Think so?" She said, trying to calm down as she glared at him.

"Vy, I just don't want anyone hurting you." He said, looking away.

He looked at her, and she grinned, shaking her head at him. She moved to close the gap between them. She placed one hand on each side of his face, making him look at her.

"Corey, I would tell you if something was wrong or if something upset me. Just like now when I said you were being a dick." She grinned, making him laugh.

"I'm ok. If I wasn't, I would tell you." She pecked him on the mouth.

"I shouldn't of said what I did earlier. I'm sorry. I trust you. I was being a dick." He said. She put her fingers over his lips quieting him.

"I know. You think too much sometimes Mr. Taylor." She said, grabbing his hand as they walked back towards the bus.

As they were walking back to the bus, Vyla couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling that someone was watching her. She had felt that way since she had been shopping that afternoon.

She stopped walking, and turned around, but didn't see anyone.

"There's no one there Vy." Corey said quietly. "You ok?" He asked, as he turned her to face him.

"Yeah. I just feel like there is someone watching sometimes. I don't know why." She said, shaking her head

He smirked at her, "There is. Fangirls. Those crazy bitches are always watching." He said, making her laugh.

That night she was laying in their bunk, coloring in an adult coloring book she had bought. Corey was watching a movie Jim and Chris.

"Coloring?" She heard. She looked up to see Shawn. She smiled and nodded, as she moved over for him to sit.

"Want to try?" She asked handing him another book and some colored pencils.

"Fuck yes I do!" He laughed sitting down next to her in the bunk.

They sat coloring for a while in silence. Shawn broke their silence. "I'm glad you decided to come with." He said. "And I am even more glad you guys took some time to yourselves. You look amazing. I can't believe it." He said smiling at her.

"Thank you Shawn. I'm glad I came too. I know I haven't been the easiest person to deal with." She laughed.

"Nah, we have Sid to deal with. Your much easier than him." He laughed.

"What the fuck? You guys are coloring and didn't invite me?" Jay asked standing in front of them.

Vyla moved over letting Jay in. She handed him a book and some pencils. The three of them sat coloring in silence for a while.

"What the fuck is going on in our bed babe?" She heard Corey ask.

"We're coloring. Want to join?" She asked him.

"Holy shit. No. Guys, out of our bed." Corey said

Vyla laughed as Shawn and Jay got up mumbling about Corey being a buzz kill.

Corey laid down next to her. "Really babe? You have the guys coloring now?" He smirked at her.

"Its therapeutic. But don't worry. Netflix has the movie Save the Last Dance, that I plan on seeing if they want to watch with me soon." She said laughing.

"I'll watch it with ya Vy." She heard from Alex as he got in his bunk.

"Thanks Alex!" She called out to him.

"Oh for fucksake." Corey groaned shutting off their light.

Later that night Vyla woke with a start. She felt panicked. She hadn't had a nightmare. It was something she couldn't place her finger on.

The bus was moving, as they were heading to California now, but she didn't think it was from the movement of the bus. It was how she felt when she knew Mason was near.

She quietly climbed over Corey, and got out of the bunk. She silently made her way to the lounge area and sat down next to the window, watching the cars pass by.

She had been sleeping so well. Her nightmares were gone. She hadn't had one since the first week they were at the cabin. She was trying to chalk up the feeling to being paranoid, but she just couldn't.

"Babe? What are you doing up?" She turned to see Corey sitting down next to her. He had thrown on his pants, but didn't bother with a shirt. She loved how he looked with just a pair of jeans on.

"Not sure really." She said looking back out the window.

"Vy, what's wrong?" He asked, using his fingers to move her hair off of her neck.

"You're going to think I'm being paranoid. But I'm not. I only get this feeling when Mason is close. I cant explain it. I have never been wrong when I have had this feeling in the past." She said looking at him now.

"What feeling is that?" He asked seriously.

"The feeling of being watched. I am always right about it." She said.

"You really think he would follow you all the way here?" He asked sounding a little surprised.

"It wouldn't be hard to figure out. All he would have to do is look up the website for Slipknot. He knows who you are. He said so in one of his ten thousand texts he sent." She said.

"I guess you're right. I just don't see this guy following us all over the country. Seems extreme. Know what I mean?" He asked, almost trying to comfort her in a way.

"So is lighting someone's house on fire." She said quietly, looking away.

"I want you to feel safe Vy. How about we make sure someone is with you all the time, ok? One of the guys will be with you if your out somewhere. When we have a show, you have someone with you. Like the security guys, ok?" He asked.

"I know you don't like it, but I also don't want to take any chances. I just want you to feel safe." He said, kissing her forehead.

She nodded, as he pulled her in to his chest. "Was that the same feeling you had in the parking lot today?" He asked.

"Yeah. And when we were out shopping." She said.

He pulled back and looked at her. "Did you see anyone?" He asked.

"No. But I never did before either." She replied.

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