Chapter 2

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"So, how's it going?" Vyla asked nonchalantly.

Corey stared at her in disbelief. Was she serious right now? Did she not remember what happened five minutes ago?

"What do you mean hows it going? Did you forget what just happened? How are you so calm right now?" Corey demanded

Vyla sighed. Did he think this was the first time this had happened to her? 

"Look. I realize what just happened. I am grateful and thankful you were there. But do you think this is the first time he's ever done this to me?" She asked 

Jesus Christ. This chick is something else Corey thought. 

"It's not the first and it won't be the last. He always finds me. It's the way it's been for 3 yrs now. I am sorry I am not reacting the way you think i should." She said

Not the first or last time? What the fuck was wrong w this guy? He thought

" You can just drop me off here" she said pointing at the side of the road

" Are you fucking kidding me right now Vyla? No. I am not doing that!" He exclaimed

"So are you going to drive me to the woods and kill me then? Because I am really not in the mood" She said sarcastically 

Corey shook his head in disbelief. What the hell is wrong with her?

"No. I am not going to the woods or killing you, or any shit like that. We are going to my house." He said

"I don't think that's a good idea" Vyla said becoming uneasy

He looked at her and realized she was a little more than uncomfortable about going to his house 

"It's pretty safe to say I am not a rapist or weirdo, Ok? I think i have proven I am not trying to get in your pants or anything. I don't think you should be alone right now. It's not safe

She sighed at hhis statement and realized he was right. About everything he just said. It still didn't make her feel better.

She realized they pulled into a driveway of a very large brick home and Corey turned off the car and got out, waiting for her. Vyla sighed, grabbed her bag and got out as well. 

Corey opened the door and turned on the lights to a large living room. Everything was neatly in place. A large couch and love seat, a coffe table, a tv. No clutter or pictures. Everything was very plain. 

" You afraid to decorate or something?" Vyla asked

Corey sighed. "You are more worried about the home decor than a fucking psycho who just beat the shit out of You? Do you not realize how serious this is? You are blowing this off and making jokes. What is going on with you?"

Vyla felt the anger starting to build. This asshole doesn't know anything about her and he is going to pass judgement on her? 

" You know, I love how people who have never been in my situation are so quick to pass judgement and tell me how I should feel or what I should do. None of you fuckers know what I have been through or what my life has been like." 

Corey opened his mouth to speak but Vyla cut him off "i have dealt with this shit for so fucking long. I have shut out everyone in my life for their own good. I have moved constantly for 3 yrs. And every time Captain Asshole finds me. I have been unhappy for so long, and have built walls around me to keep from getting hurt. So don't sit here and tell me what to feel. Please."

He was shocked by everything he just heard. "You're right," he said. I don't have any right to tell you what to do or how to feel. I am sorry. It wasn't my place. I am just worried about you. Why don't we get some sleep and talk in the morning, ok?"

Vyla nodded in agreement. "Sure." She said. "Where is your bathroom?" 

Corey led her to the bathroom. "Spare bedroom is the first door on the left. I will get you something to sleep in."

"No need. I keep at least 2 days of clothes with me at all times. In case I have to leave quickly." She said 

Corey looked at her with a sadness in his eyes, and took a step closer to her. Vyla backed up a step. "Can i just give you a hug? You look like you could use one." He said looking at her.

"Wow. I don't think I have hugged anyone in in over 8 years. Please forgive me if I make it awkward, ok?"

And just like that, before she had time to process it, his arms were around her waist, pulling her into his chest. Vyla froze and slowly, hesitantly, put her arms around him, trying to adjust to the strange feeling of being close to someone again. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes and couldn't stop them from falling. Her heart in her throat, making it hard to breathe and only little sobs coming out. 

He felt her start shaking. He heard her little sobs. Then all at once it was like they both were melting to the ground, right there in his hallway, as this poor girl started to break. What started as small cried, turned into full sobs. He just held on to her and whispered that it was ok. He stroked her hair while she hid her face in his chest, rocking her back and forth, trying to call her down. 

They stayed just like that for hours. She cried until she was spent. He looked down at her and realized she was asleep. Not wanting to scare her, he slowly moved from under her, and gently laid her head on the floor. He reached down and scooped her up and carried her to his bedroom, laying her down gently on his bed. He took off her shoes and jacket, placing them on the chair in his room. He covered her up and made his way to the other side of the bed. After tucking both of them in, he reached for the lamp next to and snapped it off, staring into the darkness.

It wasn't long before he found himself fast asleep beside her.

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