Chapter 23

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After the opening statements had been made, Vyla was called to the stand. Lydia asked her about the day on the tour bus, and she explained the events that took place. They moved on to her past relationship with Mason, before that day.

Vyla was holding up fairly well, until the question was asked of why she felt as though he was going to rape her. She took a deep breath and said, "He's done it before. Many times, in fact. When we were together." She paused and looked at Mason sitting at the table with his attorney. "Every day for four years straight." She finished, then looked away.

She couldn't make eye contact with the guys. It made her sick at the thought of it all. She played with the necklace on her neck, nervously.

Lydia asked her, "Did he rape you the day he attacked you?"

She cleared her throat. "No. He was going to though. He kept pulling my shorts down, as he choked me." She replied.

"How many times did he try to pull your shorts down?" Lydia asked.

She swallowed hard. "Two, maybe three times." She said, looking down.

It was time for photos of her past abuse. She was able to explain each incident, for each photo, until the one of her back was shown. She felt herself shaking. She heard people gasp in the courtroom. She looked away, and explained the years of beatings and burnings, and that her back was the result of all of those. Her voice shook the whole time she explained each horrible incident.

It was time for cross examination. Mason's lawyer approached her.

"Miss Jones, is it possible that what you are stating is abuse is actually a misunderstanding?" He asked her.

She glared at him, leaning forward in her chair, and said, "Do you think each time Ike Turner beat Tina Turner, she thought, 'Wow, thank God that was a misunderstanding Ike!'" She said sarcastically, causing laughter to erupt in the court room.

The judge made everyone quiet down, and said to her, "Stick to answering the questions Miss. Jones."

"No it wasn't a misunderstanding." She snapped.

"Did you give yourself these supposed injuries?" He asked.

She glared harder at him, "How exactly would I have done that." She snarled through her teeth.

"Answer the question Miss. Jones." The judge ordered.

"No." She snapped to the attorney.

"Isn't it true, that you had consensual sex with Mr. Cross, each and every time it occurred?" He asked.

"No it's not true." She growled at him.

"Just some of the time, then?" He asked slyly.

"The first year was, if that is what you mean." She said, turning the question around.

"You have hit Mr. Cross in the past have you not?" He asked.

"Once." She smirked.

"When was that?" He asked.

"Right before he tried to rape and kill me that day on the tour bus." She said, clenching her fists.

"So he hadn't harmed you, but you chose to hit him?" He asked.

"He was choking me, trying to pull my shorts down." She retorted to him.

"Didn't you in fact, invite Mr. Cross onto the tour bus that day to reconcile your relationship?" He asked.

"Are you fucking serious?" She asked, taken aback by the audacity of this asshole.

"Miss. Jones. You will watch your language in my courtroom, and you will answer the question." The judge warned.

"No. I never did." She said, clenching her teeth.

"Nothing further." He said walking back to his seat.

She was told to step down and she was then able to leave the courtroom. She couldn't breathe. She walked as fast as she could down the courtroom, keeping her eyes on the double doors in front of her. She made it through them leaning on the wall in front of her.

She could feel the bile rising in her throat. She was shaking. She felt herself slipping into one of her memories of Mason's house. He had just finished beat her, now he was undoing his pants, as she laid there helpless, unable to move.

"Vyla." She heard. She turned, seeing the guys standing there. She blinked, shaking her head a little, trying to reel herself back to where she really was.

She took off her suit jacket. She felt like she was suffocating in it. She dropped it next to her on the ground. She turned around, entering the women's bathroom. Suddenly she found herself leaning over the toilet, vomiting. She sank back to the floor, leaning against the stall wall.

She couldn't get up. She was just done. She had enough. The world could go on around her. She didn't care anymore.

She heard the door to the bathroom open, pulling her from her thoughts. She didn't pay attention to who came in, until she realized it was Sid, sitting next to her, smiling at her.

"What the fuck are you doing in here Sid?" She asked surprised.

"Hanging out. I haven't been in a women's bathroom before, thought I'd check it out." He said smirking at her.

"I'll be out in a bit." She said.

"No you won't. You plan on staying here." He laughed.

"Just give me a minute." She snapped, annoyed with him.

Outside the bathroom door, the rest of the guys could hear them arguing. All of them, including Corey, were amused. They sounded like two children arguing.

"Anyone else enjoy her Ike Turner reference as much as I did?" Mick asked amused.

"That was fucking hilarious, but true." Shawn laughed. "That lawyer was a dick." He said.

"I thought she was going to hop the bench and beat the dog shit out of that lawyer." Chris said, laughing

"Any bets on how long this will take to get her out?" Jim asked chuckling.

"Goddammit Sid!" They heard Vyla yell through the door, making them laugh.

"Won't be much longer." Corey said, laughing.

"Easy way or the hard way Vy." They heard from Sid.

It was quiet, aside from some talking inside the bathroom, that none of them could hear what was said. A moment later, the door opened, and they both emerged.

Vyla looked pissed, and Sid was laughing. All of them looked at her. Her face was red, from being mad. She had let her hair down. You could almost feel the anger coming from her. She was at her limit today.

Lydia appeared few minutes later. "Vyla, I need to speak with you for a moment." She said to her, walking to the room they were in previously. Vyla followed her, and the door closed.

They guys sat waiting, not saying anything. They heard Vyla yell behind the closed door, but couldnt hear what it was. Five minutes later, the door flew open, and Vyla stormed out.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She yelled at Lydia.

"You seriously have to be pulling my dick right now lady!" She yelled, causing all of the guys to laugh.

"Vyla, you don't have to do it, but you will need to come back tomorrow, because I have a few more questions to present to the court." Lydia said to her.

"I'll be back tomorrow to lay my fucking life out for everyone again. You can tell Mason to eat a fucking dick! I am not talking to him." She yelled. She was panting. She had tears in her eyes, her face was red and full of rage.

"Babe, please calm down. I am begging you right now, ok?" She heard Corey say softly in her ear, gripping her arm firmly.

"Why does Mason want to talk to her?" Corey asked Lydia, moving in front of Vyla.

"He said if she talked to him, he would plead guilty, and take a plea deal of 10 years." Lydia replied.

"Are you fucking serious? No! She is not talking to him!" Corey yelled, understanding why Vyla was so upset now.

"Let's go Vy." Corey said grabbing her hand, and walking to the door.

They made their way out of the courthouse, and through the swarms of press, and finally to their limo. They all piled in, not saying anything.

She was patting Corey's pockets of his suit. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes, handing them to her. She took one out, put it to her lips, trying to light it. Her hands were shaking so badly from her nerves. Corey gently placed his hand over hers, taking the lighter, and lighting it for her. She sat smoking, hands shaking, looking out the window.

The divider in the limo lowered. "You're going to have to put that out ma'am." The driver said.

"Today is NOT the fucking day man." She snarled at him. The divider went back up without a word. The guys snickered.

"Breathe Vy. It's done." Corey said in her ear.

As they drove, the silence was killing Jim. It was way too serious. He started chuckling to himself. "What is so fucking funny?" Shawn asked him.

Jim was laughing hard by now, causing the others to grin and laugh. "I have never in all my life, heard one chic ask another chic if she was pulling her dick! Holy shit, I'm sorry but that was good Vy." He said, still laghing.

Vyla couldn't help but laugh a little, "Yeah well, I do what I can." She grinned, shaking her head.

"Eat a dick. Really, babe?" Corey chuckled looking at her.

"I was going to say he could eat a bag of dicks, but it seemed a little extreme." She smirked, making him laugh.

"Sorry. I'm a little pissed off today." She said quietly, tossing the last of her cigarette out the window.

"Don't be sorry Vy. You should be mad." Craig spoke up, surprising them.

"Yeah, but I should of handled that better than I did." She said looking out the window as they drove.

"You handled it how you needed to." Craig said.

They finally got back to their room. Vyla took off her suit, throwing it in the garbage. "Sorry I embarrassed you." She said flatly to Corey.

"You didn't. The only reason I said anything is because two officers were closing in on you. I was going to let you keep going otherwise." He chuckled.

"Oh. Thanks." She said distracted.

"Why are your clothes in the garbage?" He asked her worried.

"Because I don't want to be reminded of this day every time I look at them. I need a shower. I feel disgusting." She said walking to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

She sat under the hot water, letting it beat down on her. She scrubbed her body multiple times. She felt violated again. She had to speak of things she had only told Corey. Now everyone knew all of it.

She heard a knock on the door. "Vy? Can I come in?" She heard Corey ask.

"Its open." She said, sitting on the shower floor.

She heard him come in and move closer to the shower. "Are you ok? You've been in here a long time." He said.

"Yeah, I'm good." She said, not moving off the floor.

"Can I come in?" He asked referring to the shower.

"Why are you asking? Please, don't treat me differently." She said sadly.

The door opened right away and he got in with her. She looked up, as he sat down behind her, holding on to her.

"It's just been a rough day for everyone, and I also didn't want to upset you if you were needing some space." He said, running his hands up and down her arms gently.

"Thank you." She said.

"I had started to remember a night a long time ago, when I came out if the courtroom. I was right in the middle of remembering it, when I noticed you guys were there. I'm so fucking sorry you all had to hear about everything. I'm sorry." She said, her voice breaking.

"Stop apologizing Vy. Please. If the guys didn't want to be involved, they wouldn't of let you come on the bus." He chuckled, trying to make her feel better.

"It was all private shit that everyone on the fucking planet knows now. My whole fucking life is out there for everyone to judge now Corey." She said, crying now.

He moved in front of her, moving her face for her to look at him. "So let them. Does it matter what a bunch of people think that you don't know, or they don't know you?" He asked.

She hadn't thought of that. "No. I guess it doesn't." She looked at him and smiled, "Fuck what everyone else thinks." He smiled back at her.

"Marilyn has good advice. I told you he did." He laughed.

She nodded. "I need to apologize to Sid." She said shaking her head. Her thoughts were all over the place.

"Yeah he just walked into the bathroom. He didn't even tell anyone what he was doing. Why do you need to apologize to him?" He grinned. He knew it was going to be a good story.

"He just came in there, smirking at me. I told him to leave me alone, he laughed. I told him I would be out in a while and he said he knew I wasn't coming out. Then he told me 'it's going to be the easy way or the hard way." She said sighing.

"I called him an asshole, told him I would kick him in the balls if he touched me." She said, making Corey laugh.

"Then he tried to pick me up to make me leave. And, I um..." She trailed off

"Did you kick him in the balls?" Corey asked laughing.

"Um, no. I may have bit his hand?" She said as a question.

Corey was laughing, and had to lean up against the shower wall. "Oh my god Vy! Poor fucking Sid." He said still laughing.

"Babe, we may need to consider anger management." He laughed, shaking his head.

"Yeah, been there done that. You know how weird it is being the only female in that class?" She asked him.

His eyes went wide in surprise. "Are you for real? You really went to anger management?" He asked surprised.

She nodded. "I told you I had anger issues. You thought I was joking." She said.

"When and why did you go?" He asked, helping her stand to exit the shower. He handed her a towel.

"A year after I left Mason. I was pissed off all the time. I had an incident, I guess you could say, and it was court ordered." She said sheepishly.

"Oh, this I have to hear." He said, sitting on the counter with a towel wrapped around his waist.

She wrapped a towel around her and looked at him. He was very amused already.

"One day I ran to the grocery store, minding my own business as I was shopping. I turned the corner in one of the aisles, and this guy rammed his cart into mine. He kept trying to pick me up with these awful pick up lines, and I just kept walking. He followed me around the store, horrible pick up lines in tow. I kept telling him to fuck off." She said looking at him. He grinned even more.

"So I got to the check out line and this guy got pissed because I wouldn't fuck him, or whatever he wanted. He reached into my cart, grabbed a carton of eggs I had, and threw them on the ground. On purpose. I said nothing to him, got my stuff and went to my car. As I am putting stuff away, this dickhead came out, and was putting stuff away in his car, parked right next to mine." She said smirking.

"Uh huh. And?" He grinned.

"And I took the liberty of slamming his car trunk on his hand. Breaking it. His hand that is." She finished.

"Oh my fucking god Vy!" Corey yelled, laughing hysterically.

"Believe it or not, I have mellowed out some since then." She grinned.

Corey was wiping the tears from his eyes, still laughing. "You ok over there, tiger?" She asked, laughing.

He nodded, hoping down from the counter. He walked over to her, pulling her to him roughly. "You are so fucking sexy when you're mad." He said in husky voice, looking her in the eyes.

"Oh yeah? If I do recall, that incident with that ass clown, that you slammed into the wall that day was pretty hot." She grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He started kissing her neck roughly. "Oh yeah? Did I tell you how bad I wanted you when I saw you this morning in a suit?" He asked, moving to the other side of her neck.

"You might like the other one I wear tomorrow." She said, grinning.

He stopped kissing her neck, and looked up at her, eyebrows arched in anticipation. "Why is that?" He asked curiously.

She leaned into his ear and whispered, "It's a skirt, this time. And i have high heels to go with it."

His eyes went wide, "How the fuck am I going to get through tomorrow with you dressed like that?" He said, going back to her neck, nipping at it.

She closed her eyes, running her hand through his hair. "If your really nice, I did bring the dress I never showed you the day I went with Marilyn. I can try it on for you now. But only if your nice." She said teasing him.

He froze, bring his head up to look at her. "I'm always nice. You seriously brought it with?" He asked excitedly.

She nodded. "Go watch TV. I'll be out in a bit." She said watching him almost run out the door, making her laugh.

She grabbed the dress and the thigh high socks, and went back to the bathroom. She quickly dried her hair, leaving it straight. She applied some silver eyeshadow, and some black winged eyeliner.

She put on the black thigh high socks, and pulled the dress over her head. It was a short, bright red and black plaid, sleeveless dress from Hot Topic. It reminded her almost of a uniform at a private school.

Happy with how she looked she opened the door of the bathroom, walking out to see him standing next to the couch in just a pair of jeans, flipping through channels.

She walked up behind him, running her hands around his bare waist. He turned around to her, his eyes wide in amazement. "Holy shit." He whispered, throwing the remote over his shoulder.

She smirked at him, as he moved closer to her. She bit her bottom lip, backing up from him, playfully. "Does that mean you like it?" She asked, moving back more.

He slowly nodded his head at her, swooping in on her, grabbing her roughly. "God, you are so hot." He said, covering her mouth with his. He backed her up into the wall, grabbing her ass roughly through the dress.

She ran her nails down his back hard, making him moan. She broke their kiss, and bit his neck aggressively. His hand ran up under her dress, groping her ass hard. He groaned loud, when he found she wasn't wearing any panties. She wrapped one leg around him, pulling him closer.

He moved his hand to the front of her, carressing her breast, making her moan. "So you really like it, huh?" She grinned at him.

He nodded, "I want you to leave it on. And I want you, right here, against this wall." He said in husky voice. He grabbed a handful of her hair gently, pulling her head back more, as he sucked and bit at her neck.

"Is that so?" She moaned, wrapping her arms around his waist. "How bad do you want me." She whispered to him in his ear.

The way she said that to him, sent a jolt through his entire body. He gripped her hair harder. "So fucking bad." He whispered into her ear, causing her to shiver.

"Mmm. Then take me. Now." She whispered in a demanding voice.

He let go of her hair. He reached down and undid his pants, letting them fall. He ran his hand up her dress, moving it up just enough. He picked her up, and thrust into her hard, making both of them moan loudly. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. Running her hand through his hair, she pulled him to her, kissing him hard. She nipped at his lip, making him groan.

"God, you feel so fucking good." He said groaning, as he started moving faster.

She pulled his hair hard, scratching at his back, making him tense up, and moan louder.

She did it again, making him lose control. He moved faster and harder. The need for each other was almost unbearable. Her cries got louder the more he moved. He knew it was going to be fast for both of them, and they didnt care.

She held on to him tighter, as dug her nails into his shoulders. His grip on her was harder, as she was arching into him, crying out.

"Come with me, baby." He whispered, as moved more, sending both of them over the edge.

He carefully set her down, as they both slid to the floor. They laid their breathless. "Holy shit." She said, making him laugh.

"Yeah. No kidding." He rolled over to his side to look at her.

"I am so glad you didn't wear that in front of the guys." He said making them both laugh.

"Yeah?" She asked, grinning.

"Yeah. That is for my eyes only. Wait did Marilyn or Sid see you in it?" He asked.

"Nope. I didn't come out after I tried it on. Sid and Marilyn called it the 'Sex Dress' since I wouldn't come out in it." She said.

Corey laughed, "Alright. That makes me feel better. I would of been disappointed if they had seen you first and not me." He said.

He stood up, pulling up his jeans, as she stood, adjusting her dress. She turned to him and asked, "So does that mean you want me to change before I go talk to Sid?"

He glared at her playfully, "Please. I don't need to walk in on some weird shit you two are doing with you wearing that." He grinned, "I don't know if I would able to deal with that one babe." He said.

"Take all the fun out of it." She said sarcastically.

He laughed. "Go change and I'll walk down to Sid's with you." He said.

"Babe, I was wanting to talk to him alone. If you're not comfortable with me being in his room alone, I can wait until later." She said.

He looked sad for a second. "God, Vy, I didn't mean it like that. I have had a problem with leaving you by yourself since everything happened that day. I was with you and something still happened. I just worry about you being alone when you go anywhere. The guys feel the same way. They don't want you out of their sights. I know it's probably suffocating you. I'm sorry." He said, running his hand over the back of his neck.

"Corey, I love that you guys care so much about me. None of you are suffocating me. I was worried you didn't want me alone with Sid in his hotel room. I don't mind that one of you are always there. I worry that you guys get tired of me. I cant believe you haven't gotten tired of me to be honest." She said.

"I am never tired of you. I told you, I have never loved anyone the way I love you. I don't ever want to be away from you. And of course I trust you and Sid together. I'm sorry. I was actually going to talk with Jim, since he's staying next door to Sid. It came out wrong." He said. She grinned at him.

"You're fucking adorable." She said. He moved over to her, pecking her mouth, smiling.

"I'm going to go change." She said turning, and walking to the bathroom.

Why the fuck didn't I just ask her? He thought, Just ask her to marry you, dumbass! He stood in the same place since she went to change. He didn't realize it until he heard her, that he was still standing there.

She came out of the bathroom, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She was playing with the heart pendant he had given her. He stood staring at her. She turned and looked at him, "What's wrong babe?" She asked, concerned.

"Come here." He said smiling, holding his hand out to her.

She walked over to him, taking his hand. He moved her to have her sit on the bed. "Close your eyes." He said. She raised an eyebrow at him, but did as he asked. She heard him moving around.

"Did you get me a puppy or something?" She asked, making him laugh.

She could hear he was in front of her again. She heard him take a deep breath. "Nope. Not a puppy. Open your eyes baby." He said softly.

She opened her eyes to see he was knelt in front of her. He was holding a box with a ring in it. The ring had a large diamond in the middle, with a blue diamond baguette, on each side of it. It was beautiful.

"Will you marry me, Vyla?" He asked with the same soft voice.

She looked at him, as the tears poured out of her eyes and said, "Yes." In a whisper.

He had the biggest smile that she had ever seen on his face, as he put the ring on her finger.

He pulled her close to him, and kissed her. It held more passion and love than any kiss he had ever given her. She held him close, as he kissed her over and over.

Finally, he was able to pull away from her. He leaned his head against hers. "I love you baby." She whispered.

"I love you." He whispered back.

"How long have you been planning this?" She asked him.

"Well, a while, actually. Like when were at the cabin." He said smiling. "I was afraid you would think it was too soon." He said.

"The cabin? Like when we were leaving the cabin?" She asked.

"Like when we got to the cabin." He said smiling at her.

"How long have you had the ring?" She asked puzzled.

"I ordered it when we got to the cabin. You were sleeping. I had it sent to Jim's house. Every time I was going to ask, we were never really alone. Then I worried you would of thought it was too soon."

"I would have said yes after only knowing you for three days." She said making him laugh.

"Come on, let's go see Sid." He said pulling her up and out the door.

"All of them already know, huh?" She said grinning at him.

"Yeah. They do." He said smiling at her.

He knocked on Sid's door, and he flung the door open. "Hey Vy. Going to bite me again?" He asked laughing.

"I'll be at Jim's." Corey said laughing as he walked away.

"Better not be here to apologize." He grinned, not letting her in still.

"Let me in and quit being a dick Sid." She said laughing.

"Nope." He said, grinning at her.

She glared at him, and pushed her way through him, making him laugh.

"Alright, What's up Vy?" He asked as they sat on the couch.

She looked at him sadly. "Sid, I shouldn't of bit you. Or told you that you were an asshole." She said, feeling worse.

"Or saying you would kick me in the balls?" He asked laughing.

"Right. That too." She said sighing. "I am such a shitty friend to you." She said, as she started crying.

"Hey, Vyla. No that's not true at all. You had probably the worst day anyone could have. You know I did all of that to give you that kick in the ass we talked about, right? It was worth it to me. We would still be waiting for you to come out of that fucking bathroom right now if I didn't. Wouldn't we?" He asked seriously.

She nodded. "Yeah. Probably. But I shouldn't have done what I did, and I'm sorry. You have been nothing but kind to me, and I've been an asshole." She said, wiping her tears.

"That's not true at all. You've had a hell of a time. I expected a lot worse honestly. You need to let some of this shit out Vy. You know you do. And if calling me a few names, throwing a few threats out, or biting me helps, then I don't care. Just let it out, so you can let go. Please." He said, hugging her.

"I'm scared to." She whispered.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because there's so much pain and hurt, and I don't want anyone else to take on what I have. I don't want that burden to be on some one else." She said. She laid her head in his lap. He played with her hair.

"But it won't be. They can let it go easier than you can. Understand?" He asked, still playing with her hair.

She nodded. "Yeah. I think so. I was remembering a night a long time ago, right after I left the courtroom today. I was right there again. I could physically and mentally, feel all that pain again. Then, all of a sudden, you guys were there, and I had to go in the bathroom or I was going to lose it." She said.

"What memory was it?" He asked quietly.

"He had beat the shit out of me. The belt on my back. He had burned me twice. My nose was bleeding. I couldn't hear out of one of my ears. And my mouth was busted up." She said sighing, and sitting up.

"I was in a daze. I hurt every where. I couldn't get up from the bed. I saw him. He was standing at the end of the bed. He started undoing his pants. I shut my eyes, because I knew what was next. Then he was on top of me." She said, breaking down again, "It hurt so fucking bad. But I didn't make a noise. If I did, he'd hit me again. I laid there, praying it would be over soon. It felt like hours. Then when he was done, he got off of me, and told me to get cleaned up, and what a fucking whore I was. Then he left the room." She said wiping her tears.

Sid was silent. Not saying anything, he pulled her into his chest and held her tight. He kissed the top of her head.

"I just don't understand. I told Mick and Chris to let Corey go. They wouldn't. They fucking should of." He said.

"No he shouldn't have. Otherwise, this might not if happened." She said pulling back, holding her hand up to show Sid her ring.

"He finally asked you!" Sid exclaimed happily.

She nodded smiling. "Yeah, he did. Right before we came down here actually." She said laughing.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Sid said, smiling. "So, when are you getting married?" He asked.

"I have no idea. And I don't care when either. Just as long as we are together." She said.

"Want to tell Jim the sad news?" He asked laughing.

"Sure." She said as they went next door to Jims.

Sid knocked, and Jim answered. "I hear the weddings off for us Vy. I told you that we shouldn't of invited Corey. Now we can't get married, because he stole you from me." He grinned at her.

She laughed, as he hugged her, lifting her off the ground. "I'm happy for you guys. Congrats." He said.

"Thanks Jim." She said, as he let them in.

Corey stood when she walked in, pulling her into him, and kissing her. "Um, guys. Sid and I are still here, and I am trying to mend my broken heart. You're kinda rubbing it in my face Corey." Jim said, making them all laugh as they pulled away.

"Want to go back to our room? You can try on the dress for me again." He said quietly in her ear, thinking only she heard him.

"I knew it. Sex Dress. That's why she got it." Sid said laughing.

She laughed, not looking at Sid, and nodded.

Saying their goodbyes, they headed back to their room. As soon as they were inside the door, he had her backed up against it. Their hands roaming over one another, kissing each other deeply. As he went to take her shirt off, there was a knock at the door.

Growling under his breath, she moved for him to answer the door. He opened the door and found Mary standing there. "I need to talk to Vyla." She demanded.

"No. You need to fucking leave now. Don't fucking come near her again. I'm not fucking kidding lady. Stay the fuck away!" He yelled, slamming the door.

He turned to Vyla, sighing. "Well there was a mood killer." He said, sounding pissed.

She shook her head, staring at him. "Not even close." She said, jumping up and wrapping herself around him. He caught her and laughed. "It wasn't huh?" He asked, surprised.

"I haven't seen you when you've been mad that much. Holy shit! You are so fucking sexy, you know that right?" She said, kissing him hard, as he backed her against the door.

"Not as hot as you are when you're mad." He mumbled into her mouth, making them both grin.

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