Chapter 31

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Two days later, they laid in bed in the middle of the afternoon, enjoying the much needed alone time. She was laying on her side, with him wrapped around her. He ran his fingertips gently, up and down her arm.

He kissed her bare shoulder, working his way up to her neck, making her giggle.

"Get our wedding planned yet Taylor?" She asked, rolling on to her back to look at him, grinning.

"Been a little preoccupied. So, not yet." He said, kissing her collar bone, making a trail up her neck.

"Yeah? With what?" She laughed.

His mouth worked over to behind her ear, making her shiver. His hand moving slowly from her stomach, to her chest. He looked at her, with a look of desire and need.

"The piercing blue eyes again." She grinned, making him smile. He nodded, moving his mouth over hers gently. She put her hand lightly on the back of his neck, gently running her fingertips over his skin, before running them slowly down his spine, making him shudder.

She moved her mouth from his, trailing her way down his neck, slowly kissing her way to his chest. His hand gripped her hip harder, as she ran her fingernails ever so lightly up his spine, as she kissed her way back up to his neck.

She pulled back, smiling at him. He moved forward, brushing his lips across hers, running his tounge gently across her bottom lip. He ever so softly, sucked lightly on her bottom lip, causing a quiet moan from her.

His hand running back down to her hip, pulling her closer to him. He moved over top of her, kissing her tenderly, making him groan softly against her mouth.

He moved back to her neck, dragging his mouth down to her chest, making her arch as he sucked and nipped at her skin. Her hands ran down to his hips, running her nails lightly across them, making him gasp slightly.

He looked at her, as he slowly pushed into her, making her gasp, and her eyes close slowly. He slowly kissed her, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He moved slow, her one leg wrapped around him, as the heat between them was building at a faster rate. She looked up at him, before her eyes fluttered shut again, a moan escaping from her lips.

He felt her arch her hips into him, as he moved, increasing his speed ever so slightly. She moved her hips, matching his thrusts. "Goddamn, Vy." He groaned, kissing her again, slightly harder.

She gently ran her nails lightly up his spine again, making him moan. She wrapped her other leg around him, locking them behind his waist, pulling him in harder.

"Oh, god. Faster." She panted out to him. He grinned, moving a little faster. She pulled him in harder each time he moved. He moaned loudly each time she moved. Her face was flushed, her eyes fluttered. She arched into him more, making him move faster.

Her nails dug into his back slightly, as he felt her walls tighten around him more. He gently grabbed the back of her hair, pulling her to his mouth, kissing her passionately, as she moaned into their kiss. He let go, moving harder.

She dug her nails into his shoulders, arching her back off of the bed, crying out. Unable to hold back any longer himself, she felt him tense hard, groaning into her neck.

He laid their breathless on top of her, kissing her lips gently, before pulling away. He laid down next to her, both of them on their backs, trying to catch their breath.

She looked at him, watching the giant grin on his face. She giggled, his eyes darting to hers. "What?" He grinned at her.

"You might as well have a billboard that says 'I just had sex' with the smile on your face right now." She said making him laugh.

"I might get a shirt that says that." He grinned, making her laugh.

"Sure. Then I'll get one that says "I have nice tits." on it, and wear it every time we go somewhere." She grinned.

He laughed. "I can see you doing that too. Nevermind. I don't need that shirt." He said.

"When are you moving your stuff here? Feels weird that none of your stuff is here." She said.

"This weekend. The movers are coming. I have more than I thought I had." He said.

She rolled to her side to face him. "Hoarder." She grinned.

"Hey! I don't have 157 feral cats...yet." He laughed.

"I may of found something to bring home." She grinned at him.

"Better only be one dog Vyla." He said.

She laughed. "It is only one dog. But you're going to think I'm stupid for wanting this one." She said, watching him roll over to face her. He raised his eyebrows at her.

"Does it have all of it's legs?" He grinned.

She nodded. "Yes. But she's had a hard life. And she's older. Like 10. She was found as a stray, and she only weighed 50 pounds when they found her. Those dogs should weigh at least 80 pounds. She won't be ready for another month. She has to gain some weight." She said watching his face.

He blinked at her. Then grinned. "Are you sure you want an old dog? She may not live long." He said seriously.

"Everyone deserves a home and to be loved." She said seriously. She saw his face soften.

"So, what's her name?" He asked smiling.

"Molly." She said pulling her up on her phone.

Molly was a black and tan shepherd. She was thin. Too thin. But you could tell looking at her, she hadn't given up hope on life. She looked happy. She had the sweetest face and eyes, and a very gentle look to her.

"It's her eyes isn't it?" He asked staring at the picture.

She nodded. "It didnt matter to me what she had been through. It didn't matter that she was old. Those eyes said everything I needed to know." She said.

He nodded, smiling. "So a month, huh?" He said.

She nodded smiling. "Yeah. It may take her a while to come around. But she will." She said.

"Sounds like someone else I know." He said softly.

She blushed a little, and grinned. He chuckled. "I can still make you blush. I love it." He laughed.

"Fuck off." She said smiling. She stood getting dressed.

"Where ya going?" He asked.

"Gun therapy." She grinned, heading to her gun safe.

He stood, throwing on his clothes, walking over to her, as she opened the safe.

"Hello ladies." She grinned, making him smile.

"You never showed them to me. Let's see." He said.

She pulled them out, one at a time, checking each one to make sure they were clear before setting them down on the dresser.

"For fucksake Vy. You have a 50 caliber handgun?" He asked in disbelief.

"That was Gabe's. That's one I won't shoot. It'll knock me on my ass. But this bitch here. She's my favorite." She grinned pointing.

"This is a 45 caliber Kimber, saphire blue. I special ordered this one. My other favorite." She said pointing at another one.

"Amethyst Ultra II 9 mm special edition." She said.

He laughed. "You like your guns with color huh?" He asked.

"I'm a female. Of course I do. Don't worry. I have the ones in black, that you shot that day at my house. Those are the 22's. Didn't know how much you had handled a gun before. Safety first." She grinned.

"Uh huh." He grinned.

"You staying in or coming with? If you're staying in and need me, you might want to wait until I'm done." She said seriously.

"I'll come with. I don't need to get shot." He chuckled.

She put back all but 2 of the guns, locking the safe. She opened the other safe, grabbing the ammo. She locked the safe, turning to him. "Ready?" She asked.

He nodded. "How much fucking ammo do you have in there?" He asked.

"Enough. Never know when the zombie apocalypse could happen. Better to be prepared." She grinned.

He shook his head at her laughing. "Asshole." He said.

"You love it." She grinned.

They came back in a few hours later. She locked up the guns, clearing them first. "Geez Vy. A whole box of ammo you went through." He said amazed.

"Yeah. I had a few unresolved issues to work out there." She said, walking over to make the bed.

"Better now?" He asked, helping her with the covers.

She shook her head. "Not really." She said quietly.

He looked over to her, hoping she would continue. "Anything you want to talk about?" He asked.

"No." She said looking at him. She straightened the pillows, before walking past him.

He stood for a minute, putting her actions together in his head. He followed after her, she was already downstairs in the kitchen. She grabbed a water bottle, turning around to face him. She looked past him. She went to walk around him.

"Hey. Wait." He said softly, stopping her by the waist. She looked at him, but not really either. It was a look she got when she avoided wanting to talk. He knew it too well.

"What's up?" She asked casually. He knew that tone of voice too well. That was the voice of she wanted to break down, but won't. Until she's pushed.

"What is it? What's bothering you?" He asked looking at her. She looked away, then back at him.

"Nothing. I was just going to sit on the couch. Did you need something?" She asked. It was that tone again. She was on edge. He could hear it. Most people wouldn't be able to pick up on it, but he could. She was getting pissed. Pissed because she didn't want to feel anything.

"Yeah I need you to talk to me about what's bothering you." He said.

"I'm fine."She said coldly. She turned walking past him. She sat down on the couch, flipping open a magazine.

He sat on the other end, watching her. She realized it soon enough, glancing up at him. Here we go, he thought.

"What, Corey?" She asked not looking up from the magazine.

He sighed, rubbing his neck. "One day, you're going to do this crazy fucking thing and actually talk to me, and I won't have to feel like I'm pulling teeth to make you talk to me." He said, smirking. She hated it when he smirked.

"Is that right?" She asked, flipping through the magazine.

"Uh huh" He grinned. He moved over to her knocking the magazine out of her hand, surprising her. He laughed. She glared.

"Why are you being a dick?" She glared.

"I'm not. You are." He grinned, moving over her more, she was leaning back, looking up at him. Now she's pissed, he thought.

"Fuck off." She spat at him, moving to get up. He blocked her in.

"You're not getting past me. Haven't we discovered this already?" He grinned.

Her chest was heaving, and her face was getting red. "Just talk to me Vy." He said softly.

She looked away from him. She reached up, wiping the side of her face. "Baby, please. Just tell me." He pleaded.

"I tried crawling away from him that day. I couldn't get to my bag. I couldn't get to the gun. I tried crawling, and he kicked me so hard, it knocked me on my back. I couldn't breathe." She said in between sobs. She wiped the side of her face.

"I was going to kill him that day. I thought he killed you. And I didn't want to be here if you were gone." She said laying back, covering her face.

"Baby. It's ok." He said, pulling her to sit up. She cried against his chest. "You put up one hell of a fight against him. You did everything you could." Corey said. He felt like his heart just broke into ten thousand pieces hearing her say that.

"I didn't care that he hurt me that day. I thought he took away the one thing I had in this world. And I didn't care what happened to me." She cried.

Corey wiped his eyes. "But he didn't. And we're both still here." He whispered, "Its ok. Alright? I love you Vy."

She nodded against him. He laid back on the couch, pulling a blanket over them. He held on to her as she cried, eventually falling asleep on him.

He grinned to himself. That didnt take as long this time, and she didn't even yell at me. Maybe we're hitting a break through, he thought.

She woke a few hours later. He had fallen asleep next to her, but had woken up a few minutes before she did. She lifted her head off his chest and smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Hey. Sorry I called you a dick." He chuckled, smiling at her.

She laughed. "Yeah. Sorry I called you a fucker." She grinned.

"You didn't." He said laughing.

"I know." She laughed.

"Its alright. I was being a dick." She said making him laugh.

"You kinda were. I've never told a female she was being a dick before." He said.

"I think I'm rubbing off on you." She laughed as he nodded.

"You ok?" He asked seriously.

"Yeah. But I'm fucking starving" she said.

His eyes lit up. That was the first time in almost two months he heard her say that. "Want to go out to eat?" He asked, figuring she would want to stay home instead.

She nodded. "Let's go Taylor. I'm hungry." She grinned.

He was off the couch pulling her up. "About time." He said, kissing her lips, going to deepen the kiss. She pulled back.

"Any other time, I would be all for this. But I haven't hardly eaten in two months." She said smiling.

He laughed, pulling her out the door. "Why didn't you say so." He said.

They arrived back from dinner, walking inside the house. Vyla heard her phone chime. She flipped open the messages and grinned. "Shane says the house is ours. Paperwork is in the mail." She said to Corey.

"How much did we buy it for?" He asked.

"5" Was all she said.

"5 million?" He asked. She grinned nodding.

"He paid twice that for this place." He said.

"He's your friend. Is he always that generous?" She asked.

"He's been known to be an asshole actually. I get the feeling my friends like you more than me." He laughed.

"I wouldn't go that far." She smiled.

"None of them took me shopping, bought me flowers, or gave me a house at half the price they paid for it." He grinned.

"Did I mention that I used to be the top sales person at a bank I worked at? I can read people better than most. Scott was begging us to buy it." She grinned.

He shook his head laughing. "And what about when you met Marilyn?" He asked.

"He wanted a reaction. I gave him one." She grinned.

"Munkey?" He asked.

"Giant teddy bear. Wants to be loved, doesn't know how to ask for it." She laughed.

He shook his head. "Damn woman. I am impressed." He grinned.

"And Scott is an asshole. He's just misunderstood. He's worked hard to get where he's at, and no one is taking it from him. He is a giant teddy bear under it all." She said. He laughed hard.

"You need to share that with him one day." He laughed

"I'm sure he'll appreciate that, right?" She asked, clearly amused.

"He needs to get knocked down a peg or two every now and again. Might want to wait until we sign the paperwork." He grinned.

"Yeah. He's kind of an intense guy. Was he always so fucking edgy?" She asked.

"Pretty much. I've never had a problem with him. Other people usually do though. But he is misunderstood." Corey said.

"How'd it go with telling Sid that him and Tiny are bound to be buddies the other night?" She asked.

"He was fine with it. More worried about you than anything." He said.

"Why? I'm fine." She said.

"Can I tell you something and not have you get pissed at me?" He grinned. She nodded.

"We're both worried that you're not as fine as you say you are. Like handling it too well." He said looking at her seriously.

"Then you're both probably right then. I'm not fine Corey. I'm scared all the time. I have panic attacks over nothing. And I get pissed over nothing." She said, her voice shook.

He nodded. "Ok. That's good then that you're saying something. Would you maybe consider talking with some one about it? Like a doctor?" He asked carefully.

She nodded. "It's time. I tried to get help once. Right after I left. I figured I was better on my own after I had the therapist in tears after she heard everything." She said.

"Then we would find someone else. And we wouldn't stop until we found the right one ok?" He said.

"No males. Please." She looked at him pleading.

He shook his head and said. "No way. We won't. Ok?" She nodded. She moved over to him, hugging him tight.

"You just have to tell me what it is that you need. Ok,Vy? Just talk to me." He said.

She pulled back and giggled. "Sid told me the other day, "You have a big ass mouth woman. Start talking." She said, making him laugh.

"Well he isn't off there." He smirked. She nodded, grinning.

"We'll start looking for someone tomorrow." He said quietly.

"Ok. I just hope you understand, this drags up everything. The nightmares will be worse. Memories will be triggered easily. It won't be pretty. And you may want to leave me Corey. It's going to be rough on both of us." She said seriously.

"I don't care how bad it gets. I'm not leaving you. Ever. Whatever it takes." He said just as serious.

"You may want to send me to live with Sid at some point." She grinned.

"Nah. We can just have him move in to kick you in the ass every time you don't want to do something." He chuckled.

"Asshole." She grinned at him.

"Yeah, but you love me." He said as he smiled at her.

"Yeah. Even when you call me a dick." She laughed.

"I am sorry I said that. I feel bad. I really do. It was out of my mouth before I realized it." He said seriously.

Vyla laughed at him. "Stop it. I was impressed actually. My feelings aren't hurt. I was more impressed you had the balls to say it." She grinned, making him laugh.

"They're not always in your purse babe." He said, making them laugh.

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