Chapter 10

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They walked into the kitchen, opening up the fridge to realize he hadn't been shopping in a while. "Order in or go out somewhere?" He asked her.

"Order in. Pizza. I'm going to take a bath." She said walking past him out of the kitchen.

Corey's eyes lit up to the thought of her in the bathtub. "Order the pizza Corey." She called from down the hall, "If your nice, I may let you watch."

"I'm always nice!" He said defensively, fumbling with his phone.

He heard the water start up in the bathroom, becoming sidetracked. What the hell was he doing again? Pizza. Ordering pizza.

As he was looking for a menu, he heard the water shut off. 'I can eat later. Fuck this', he thought, tossing his phone onto the counter. He walked down the hall to the bathroom, trying to quietly open the door.

"Did you get the pizza ordered?" She asked, not looking at him. She was laying back in the tub, surrounded by bubbles. Her hair pulled up, her eyes closed.

"Uh, no?" He said almost as a question.

She looked over at him, realizing he was already down to his boxers. "Hey! I said you could watch if you were nice." She said laughing.

"Well technically it is my tub, so that means I get to not only watch, but join in too." He said taking his boxers off and getting in behind her.

She laughed at him as she moved to make room for him. She leaned back against him, as his arms wrapped around her.

"Why didn't we think of this sooner?" He asked, kissing her neck.

"I don't know. But I'm glad you liked it." She giggled. "The look on your face was priceless by the way, when I said I was going to take a bath." She laughed. "It was like Christmas for you or something."

Laughing, he said, "Not every day I have my hot girlfriend naked in my bath tub."

She smirked at him. "So I have questions for you." She said turning to look at him.

"Uh oh." He laughed, "What questions."

"So when you were taking a shower yesterday, I decided to search you on the web for a few minutes." She started to say

"Ahh! Babe don't believe half of the shit that you read!" He said scowling.

"I don't. But these two questions really just left me needing to know if they are really true" She smirked at him.

"Fuck!" Sighing he said, " What are they?"

"Now the only reason I am asking this, is because you personally said you did this in an interview, and I need to know if you were just full of shit when you said this. Did you really puke in a cup and drink it to gross out Marilyn Manson?" She asked in disbelief.

"This was one of your burning questions? Out of all the shit on the internet, this was the one you picked?" He laughed shaking his head.

"I"m waiting" She said looking at him smirking.

Corey looked embarrassed this time. "Yes." He sighed, "It was a weird time in my life, I guess you could say."

"I just wanted to know if it was actually true." She laughed. "Did I just make you blush?" She grinned at him.

"Fuck off. And yes, you did." He laughed shaking his head at her. "Alright, alright. What's your other question?" He asked, still shaking his head.

"Did you really walk out on stage naked before?" She asked laughing.

Corey laughed and laid his head back on the tub. "You are fucking killing me Vy! Yes. Yes I did." He said looking back at her laughing.

"Okay." She smiled turning so she was laying back against his chest.

"That's it? No other questions?" He asked surprised.

"Nope. Nothing that can't be answered on the internet." She said, making them both laugh.

"Mmm I love being in here with you." He said slowly kissing her neck, wrapping his arms around her again.

"Me too." She said closing her eyes as he continued kissing her neck. "I love being this close to you."

"There's just one problem." She said. "I'm fucking starving." She said making him laugh.

"Come on." He said as the got out and dried off.

Wrapping herself in a towel, she went into Corey's bedroom searching for clothes in her bag. She pulled out yoga pants and a t-shirt, walking back to the bathroom. He was still in the bathroom with a towel around his waist, watching her.

"What?" She grinned at him.

"Nothing. I just like watching you is all." He said softly. She grinned turning her back to him.

He stared at her scars. Not in disgust. Sure it upset him the reasons behind them, but it also showed how strong she was in a way.

He walked forward, putting his arms around her, kissing her bare neck. She turned to him, giving him a peck on the lips. He moved his nose lightly against hers, moving in to kiss her deeper, both of them holding on to each other.

Pulling away from her, he went to his room to get dressed. He ordered their food, then walked out into the living room.

She was sitting in the window seat, staring outside. It was dark outside, and he knew she would start getting nervous. She was this way every night since he met her.

"Hey." He said, "Come sit with me." He held his hand out.

Taking his hand, she walked over to sit on the couch with him. She turned to look at him and asked, "Out of all the females that are dying to be with you, why did you pick me?"

"I didn't. You picked me." He said simply.

"How so?" She asked confused.

"You let me in. You chose me." He said. "Why did you?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she said "Your eyes. You have really kind eyes. You have such an intense gaze. That's why you make me so nervous. But not in a bad way. That whole butterflies in the stomach thing is real," she chuckled, "It's that way every time you look at me. Since the first night. I knew you wouldn't hurt me. For the first time in years I felt safe."

He was speechless staring at her. "What?" She asked.

"I really make you feel like that?" He asked almost sounding proud.

She nodded, laying down with her head in his lap. "I trust you. And for whatever reason, I trust Mick and Sid. I don't know why. I just do." She said.

"That's good babe. It really is. I trust you too. I feel like I have known you forever." He said, feeling happy. "Told you they weren't bad guys." He said grinning.

"No they're not. And despite the shit with Shawn, I am glad you made me go with you." She said. "I feel like I have known you forever too."

Just then there was a knock on the door. She moved for him to get up. While he paid for the pizza, she grabbed her phone to check it.

No messages from Mason, and it scared her. She couldn't get the feeling of dread out of her stomach. He hasn't left her alone in years. It didn't make sense.

After they ate, they laid on the couch, neither saying anything. He could tell she was almost asleep. "Let's go lay in bed." He said moving to get up.

They got into bed. She laid on her side, with him wrapped around her. Both of them fell asleep fast.

Hours later, Corey woke up to realize he was alone in the bed. He sat up, throwing on a pair of jeans. He could hear her crying softly in the living room. Walking down the hall to the living room, he found her curled up on the couch in the dark.

"Vy? What's wrong?" He asked startling her. She jumped at his voice, finally realizing he was there.

"I'm good. Go back to bed." She said wiping her eyes, but not looking at him.

"No your not. Your crying. Tell me what's wrong." He said sitting down next to her.

"Its stupid. I'm just being stupid." She said, refusing to look at him.

"Something's different. You won't look at me. Why?" He asked her, reaching his hand and placing it on her arm. She moved her arm away from his hand, making him worry more.

"I can't help if you don't talk to me. I am not going to freak out or blame you, or whatever you think I am going to do. Just tell me whats eating at you." He said trying to reassure her.

She swallowed hard. "Corey," she said not really knowing how to start, "This is going to sound so fucking dumb, but just hear me out. I dropped a glass in the kitchen, and it broke." He looked at her not really understanding why she was so upset.

"It's a glass. I don't care." He said trying to piece together what she was saying.

Shaking her head at him, "I panicked. In my mind, I wasn't here. I was back at his house. I started trying desperately to get it picked up, and all I could see was his fucking face. And he was coming at me. I felt like he was right in front of me." She said feeling her hands shake. "Then all of a sudden. I was back here. And He was gone." She sighed, shaking her head. "I am such a fucked up, shitty mess, and I hate it." She said, finally looking at him.

He grabbed her gently, pulling him to his chest. "You're not any of that. Mick and I talked some today. I think he said it best. You're not broken or damaged. You're just a little lost. But you don't have to be anymore." She pulled back from him to face him.

"I'm tired of not sleeping. I am tired of being on edge. I dont want to be scared anymore. But i cant shut it off. See why i don't get close to anyone now? I don't want to be a burden, and I am." She said, looking at him.

He chuckled at her, "Do you have any idea how interesting my life is with you in it? I was tired of the same shit over and over." He said grinning at her, hoping to lighten the mood some.

"What is it you always say to me? Your fucking killing me Vy" she said mocking him with a smile. "Well, your fucking killing me Corey. And I don't know how the fuck you were bored before I came along...Rockstar." Shaking her head at him.

"Vy, If I didn't want to be with you, we wouldn't be here right now. I don't say things to make someone feel better, or tell them that I love them just because. I have been honest about everything with you Vyla. You just need to start believing that I'm not going to leave you, because you're going through some shit right now." He said to her.

She looked at him and smiled, as she nodded her head. Without a word he stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her off the couch, and walking them back to his bed.

They laid facing each other. She was smirking at him.

"I know you have a sarcastic comment you are dying to make right now," he said to her. "I can tell by the smirk. Let's hear it." He grinned at her.

"I was going to say, the real reason you want me around is because I have a great set of tits." She giggled.

He glared at her seriously. 'Oh shit' she thought. "You're wrong." He said turning over with his back to her.

She sat there for a moment, unsure of what to say.

"It's actually your car!" He said laughing, peeking over his shoulder at her.

"Asshole!" She yelled, laughing at him.

He turned back over to face her still smiling at her. "Payback." He said, pulling her on top of him. "I will keep that in mind." She said smiling at him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked her.

"I don't remember the last time I was this happy." She said leaning up to kiss him.

"I don't remember the last time I was this happy either." He said seriously to her.

"Let's get some sleep. We can talk more later." He said as she moved off of him, and laid against his chest.

The next morning, Vyla was going through her bag, forgetting what all she placed in it. She found some mail and started going through it.

As she is sorting it, she came across a letter with handwriting that was familiar to her. The handwriting she recognized as Mason's. Before she could open it, she heard Corey behind her. Turning to him, she held out the letter.

"Whats this?" He asked her, looking at the envelope.

"It's Mason's handwriting. I haven't opened it yet." She said staring down at her hand holding the envelope.

"Want me to?" He asked her.

She handed it to him and sat on the couch. Corey opened the letter, and started reading it. "Vy? Who is Gabe?" He asked carefully.

She looked confused. "My brother. Why?" She asked, feeling the dread in the pit of her stomach. "Why is Gabe in the letter Corey?" She asked nervously.

Taking a deep breath, he turned to her. "I don't think you should read this. Ok?" He said looking almost devastated.

She could feel the anxiety building. Her heart was pounding in her chest and ears. "Corey. You need to tell me. Why is Gabe in the letter?" Her voice was raising, tears were starting to form in her eyes.

"Mason is really fucked up. I don't want you to read this. But I don't want to keep it from you either." Corey said, knowing the impact this letter held.

"If it was about Gabe, good or bad, I need to know." She said, her voice sounded shakey. She felt like throwing up.

He hesitantly handed her the letter. His hand was shaking. She carefully took it from him. He watched her read it, holding his breath.

She finished reading it, setting it down on the coffee table. She looked at him, then down at the letter. He could see she was trying to keep it together. He knew the dam was about to break.

She was breathing heavy. Her hand came up to her mouth. She sprang up from the couch, running to the bathroom. He was close behind her. She started vomiting. He sat next to her, pulling her hair back.

She stopped being sick. Getting up to brush her teeth. She set her toothbrush down, walking out of the bathroom.

"Vyla," He started to say quietly, watching her as she started folding her clothes with a blank expression on her face. "Vyla, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know. Mason did this to get back at you. You know that right?" He asked her.

She stopped folding her clothes and sat in the middle of the bed. Her facial expression never changing. She wasn't crying. She wasn't angry, or sad. She wasn't anything. It was like her mind was gone, but her body was still there.

He sat down carefully next to her. He grabbed her shoulders pulling her to him. She didn't put up a fight. She didn't move either. "Vyla, don't check out on me. I need you, ok?" He said quietly.

She wasn't saying anything. She wasn't there. And he was terrified.

Getting up from the bed, Corey grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter. He flipped through his contacts, landing on Sid.

"Hey Sid. I need your help." Corey said when Sid picked up.

"What's wrong man?" Sid asked

"I need you to come over. It's a fucked up story, and I think Vyla needs someone besides me to talk to." He said feeling the tears in his eyes starting.

"I'm on my way. But I have my dog with me. Hope that's ok?" He asked.

"Just get here. I don't care if you bring a fucking zoo right now." Corey said, sounding almost desperate.

"Corey, is she ok?" Sid asked, sounding worried.

"No. I don't think she is." He said sadly, hanging up.

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