Chapter 18

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"No. Not possible." Corey said shaking his head.

"A guy came up to me after the show, and asked if I knew her. He said Vyla's name." Sid continued, "I told him I never heard of her." He started pacing.

"He told me to give her a message." Sid said growing pale.

"What's the message?" Corey almost whispered.

"He said he's coming for her. And he's closer than we all think." Sid finished.

Corey felt like someone had knocked the wind out of him. His chest almost physically hurt. He felt the bile in the back of his throat rising.

"He really said that?" Corey asked, trying to contain himself.

"Yeah. Corey, we need to call the cops or something. She can't keep living like this." Sid said.

"He sent her the same message in a text today." Corey said quietly.

Sid looked like he was going to be sick. Corey looked at Sid "Do the guys know?" Corey asked him.

"Yeah. Shawn said if we need to cancel a show or whatever, just get her out of here. He doesn't want hurt. None of us do. She can't keep living like this Corey. " Sid said. He looked exhausted.

"I know. I need to talk to her." Corey said walking back to the bus.

He got on the bus, and found her sitting where Sid had been.

"He's here, isn't he?" She said, not turning to him.

"Vy, come here." Corey said standing in front her, gently pulling her up.

She wearily got to her feet, and walked past him. Suddenly, the room started to tilt. She stopped, placing a hand against the wall to steady herself.

"Vy?" Sid called to her. He sounded so far away. She turned to look at Corey and Sid. Both of them had worried expressions on their faces. "Vy?" Sid echoed around her. The room tilted more, she saw Corey moving towards her. The room tilted again, as it grew darker. "Vyla?" Corey's voice was so far away. Suddenly, everything went black.

"Vyla. Vy, wake up baby. Look at me." She heard a voice say. Was that Mason? Mason! She felt panic overtaking her.

Her eyes snapped open. Where was she? Mason. Mason is here. He's going to kill her. She wasn't letting him kill her.

She balled up her fists and started to swing, connecting with something. Arms were around her, and suddenly, she was sitting on the floor of the bus.

She stopped fighting, trying to get a grip on what was going on. She was so confused. "Vy. It's just me and Sid." Corey. Corey's voice. She looked around and saw Sid holding his jaw next to her.

"What?" She was still confused.

"It's just me and Sid." He repeated, still not letting go.

"Sid, are you hurt? Why are you..Oh my god! I hit you! Sid! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Please-" he cut her off, hugging her tight, as Corey let her go.

"I'm fine Mike Tyson." He said trying to lighten the mood.

She was sobbing as Sid held on to her. Corey sat back against the wall. No one said anything. Sid let go of her, wiping the tears from her face.

"Baby, come here." Corey said, moving over to her. He pulled her to his chest. She curled into him. He held on to her as hard as he could without hurting her.

Jim had been standing in the doorway for a while now. "She ok?" He asked Corey.

Corey shook his head. "No, man. She's not."

"Anything I can do?" Jim asked.

"I'll let you know. Thanks." Corey said, holding on to her.

"I'm fine." Vyla said, pulling away from Corey. She stood up, and wiped her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Corey asked her.

"Ending it. Now I'm fucking pissed." She said calmly, almost too calm.

She grabbed her phone, opening the messages.

Turning to Corey she said, "I am done running away Corey. I haven't responded to any of his messages, ever. I'm calling him out. It's time for all of this to be done. He gets off on fear. I'm not scared now. I'm fucking pissed." She started typing on her phone.

"Wait Vy." Corey said getting up and grabbing her phone from her. "We need to have some type of plan. You can't just call him out and we wing it, ok?"

"What do you have in mind? Sit and wait for him some more?" She asked dryly.

"Just give me a little time to think. Please." He said, almost begging her.

"Ok. I'm going to bed." She replied as she turned to leave.

"Corey, something is wrong. She just became someone else right now. Its like she is the person we first met a few months ago. She is on the fucking edge man." Jim whispered harshly.

"No shit she is. He's breaking her Jim. There isn't going to be much left of her soon if he isn't out of her life." Corey whispered. He didn't know what the hell to do. He really didn't.

"You alright Sid? She really didn't mean to hit you." Corey asked him. Sid hadn't moved from the floor. He was just sitting there, looking away from everyone.

"I know she didn't. She didn't know where she was or who was with her. I'm not worried about it. I am just worried about her." Sid replied seriously.

Corey nodded. "Me too man. Me too." He said.

He walked back to their bunk. He moved the curtain, and saw her curled up in the corner of the bunk. She had her arms wrapped around her knees that she pulled up to her chest.

Getting in the bed, he laid down next to her, grabbing her arm gently. "Come lay with me." He whispered.

She shook her head at him. "I just want to sit here." She replied, looking away.

"Babe, come lay down with me. You always feel better when you do." He said softly, grabbing gently on her arm again.

She gave in and laid down. She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He stroked her hair gently, relaxing her.

"Corey?" She asked in a whisper.

"What is it baby?" He whispered back.

"I want you to know that whatever happens, I love you. You are the only person I have ever loved." She whispered.

"Vyla, no one is ever taking you away from me." He said quietly. "Look at me, please?" He asked her.

She lifted her head up to turn to him. "I love you. No one is taking you away from me ever. Don't talk like that, ok? No matter what, everything is going to be ok." He said looking at her.

She nodded "I'm scared to go to sleep. I don't want to have a nightmare and wake everyone." She said, still looking at him.

"It doesn't matter if you wake them up, ok? They understand. Please, just try to sleep. Even if it's just for a little while." He said to her.

She nodded and laid her head back down on his chest. He laid wide awake, stroking her hair softly.

It took her some time, but she finally fell asleep. He moved from under her, and got out of the bunk. He walked back to where Sid and Jim were and sat down.

"How is she?" Jim asked Corey seriously.

Corey shook his head. "I don't know to be honest."

Just then, he heard Vyla's phone chime with a message. He grabbed it and opened the message. It was a picture of their tour bus. And it looked like it was taken from close range.

"Fuck!" Corey yelled and ran down the steps out if the bus. Sid and Jim were close behind him.

Outside he looked around, not seeing anyone. He was panting. "COME ON MOTHERFUCKER!!!! I'M RIGHT HERE,YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" He yelled into the night.

He kept looking around and no one appeared. There wasn't a sound, except his heart pounding in his ears.

"Corey! What the fuck man?" Sid asked him.

Corey just handed him the phone. Sid looked at the message and felt his blood boil.

"He's not going to come out, man. He's too much of a pussy. He only likes to hurt women, because he knows a man would beat the shit out of him." Jim said rather loudly.

"I am going to kill this motherfucker!" Corey half yelled.

"Come on. Let's go back in." Sid said pushing Corey to the bus.

Once on the bus, the three of them sat in silence. "Want me to stay up and keep an eye out?" Sid asked.

"You don't have to. He can't get on here without the code to the door. And there are way more of us, than him." Corey said.

"If your sure man." Sid said standing up.

Corey nodded. "Yeah. Thanks Sid. For everything." Corey said looking at him.

Sid nodded and headed back to his bunk. Jim stood, and nodded at Corey, heading back to his own bunk as well.

Corey sat in the quiet. He looked at the pictures on her phone and smiled. There was one of them kissing each other. She had taken one of him sleeping. Her trip with Marilyn and Sid.

He picked up his own phone and looked at their pictures. He had taken some without her knowing a few days after they met. She was sitting at the window seat at his house, wearing only his shirt that was too big on her, and staring out the window. The sun was shining down on her, making her red hair brighter. She looked lost and scared.

He flipped to another picture of her, sleeping in his bed, with a sheet wrapped around her. She wasn't wearing anything, but she wasn't exposing anything either. Her hair was fanned out on the pillow, she looked beautiful and peaceful.

His favorite was when they had been out for a walk one day. He had called out to her and she turned to him smiling, even though she was caught off guard, she had smiled when he simply said her name.

Goddamn he was so in love with her. He would give up everything he had worked so hard for, just to be with her.

He got up and walked back to their bunk. He undressed, and crawled in next to her. She tensed up and asked, "Corey?" She mumbled.

His heart tightened at hearing her. "Yeah. It's just me baby." He said softly like he always did. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and fell into a restless sleep.

He woke up before her, and got out of the bunk. He walked to the front of the bus. Most of the guys were already up. They all sat quietly.

"How is she?" Shawn asked concerned.

"Pissed off and terrified. She thinks something is going to happen to her." He responded sitting down. He ran his hands over his face.

"I don't really know what to do. The cops can't follow her around all the time, and this guy is a fucking ghost. They can't catch him." Corey said sounding exhausted.

"What if she were to set him up?" Jay asked. "Tell him to meet her some where and have the cops waiting when he does." Jay said.

"I thought about that. This fucker knows her every fucking move though. I think he would expect it almost." Corey said, shaking his head.

"We're leaving for Texas today. We will be on the road a few days. Maybe that will give us some time to figure things out." Shawn said.

"I hope so." Corey said as he stood. He walked back to their bunk. He peaked in and saw she was curled up in the corner again.

"You're awake." He said with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah. I have been." She said looking away.

"Want something to eat?" He asked her.

"No. I'm not hungry. Thanks though." She said still looking away.

"We are leaving soon. Want to go for a walk before we go." He asked.

She shook her head. "I just want to stay here right now." Her voice sounded shakey as she was trying not to cry.

"Vy, come on. You can't stay in bed forever. Please?" He asked nicely.

"I just need some time alone." She said. She hadn't looked at him almost at all.

"Want to talk with Mick or Sid?" He asked, not happy with her response.

"I don't think I am on Sid's list of favorite people right now." She said, tears rolling out of her eyes.

That's what else is bothering her, He thought to himself.

"You think he's mad at you?" he asked her.

"I punched him in the face Corey." She said finally looking at him.

"You punched me in the face too, remember? I wasn't mad. Just like Sid isn't mad." He said looking at her.

"I'll be out later, ok? Please." She said.

Knowing he wasn't going to win, he sighed and walked back to where the guys were.

"How is she doing?" Craig spoke up.

"Um. She won't get out of bed. She thinks Sid is mad at her." He said sitting down, rubbing his neck.

"Why would Sid be mad at her?" Mick asked.

"She punched me in the face last night." Sid smirked.

"Christ! Two in one day." Mick mumbled impressed.

"She passed out after finding out that dickhead was here. When Corey and I were trying to get her to come around, she woke up swinging." Sid said.

"She has had a lot of problems when she sleeps. She's had to leave in the middle of the night before and it's more of an instinct I think." Corey grinned, "She, uh, punched me in the face too once."

Mick and the guys chuckled. "She's a fucking scrapper, huh?" Jim said grinning.

"Yeah. That she is." Corey said.

"She really thinks I'm mad at her, and that's why she won't get out of bed?" Sid asked in disbelief. Corey nodded.

"No way am I mad at her." He said getting up, then pausing. "Um, not to be too uh, personal. But is she, um decent?" Sid asked Corey.

He chuckled, "Yeah she has clothes on dude. You're good." He said amused.

Sid took off running almost, down to her bunk. He flung open the curtain, and dove into the bunk, landing on top of her.

"What the fuck Sid!" Was all the guys heard, making them laugh.

"Heard you thought I was mad at you." He said straddling her.

She glared at him, "Good thing my boyfriend said something to you Sid!" She yelled down towards Corey.

"You may get punched again dude." Shawn said laughing at Corey.

Corey nodded, "If it gets her out of bed it's worth it." He chuckled.

Back in Vyla's bunk, Sid was still sitting on her. "I'm not even a little mad at you Vy." He grinned at her.

"You should be." She said, her eyes tearing up.

"Why? You didn't mean to. I should of backed up when Corey told me to. I was just worried when you hit the floor when you went down. I was worried you were hurt." He said, wiping her eyes.

"I thought he was here, when I started to wake up. I wasn't going to let him kill me." She said between small sobs.

"I know Vy. I know. It's ok. I know you didn't mean to. Look. No marks either." He said moving his face for her to see. He smiled at her.

"I really am sorry Sid." She said to him.

He chuckled, "No need to be sorry Vy. We're good ok?" He said.

She nodded. "You gonna get up now?" He asked grinning at her.

She held her arms up to him. He leaned down and he hugged her tight.

"Fucking seriously man?" They heard from Corey. Turning their heads, they saw him and Mick standing there.

Sighing, Vyla shook her head and covered her face. "Jesus Christ." Was all she said.

"That's twice. In my bed with my girlfriend Sidney." Corey chuckled shaking his head.

"Alright, move it fuckers. I am getting out of bed." Vyla said, as Sid moved to let her up.

"She's back!" Mick said happily, smiling.

"So you'll get out of bed for Sid, but not for me huh?" Corey asked her playfully.

"I didn't punch you in the face, did I?" She grinned at him as she got out of the bed.

"No. Guess you didn't this time." He smiled at her.

"Its still early in the day." She smiled sweetly at him.

"Yep. She's defiantly ok." Sid laughed as him and Mick walked off.

"I'm going to take a shower." She said walking off.

"Need help?" He asked, following her.

She turned and grinned at him, and walked into the bathroom, with him close behind her.

She started the shower, turning and bumping into his bare chest. She looked up at him amused.

"Hey." She said quietly.

He pulled her close. "Hey." He said softly. "You ok?" He asked her.

"I don't really know. I don't really know what happened last night." She said, quietly not wanting the others to hear her. She moved away to start the shower.

"The guys went out to eat. It's just us." He said in a louder voice making her smile.

"Oh. Well, what happened?" She asked getting undressed. She stepped into the shower.

"Sid and I came back in and you already knew he was here before I said anything. Sid told me that a guy came up to him last night after the show. The guy asked Sid if Sid knew you. He said your name. Sid said he never heard of you." He stepped in the shower with her. She turned to look at him, knowing there was more.

"And?" She asked.

"Uh, that was it." He said turning to grab the soap.

"Don't fucking lie to me Corey." She said, her voice stern.

"Babe. I don't know. I don't want you more worried than you are, ok?" He replied, reaching out to her.

She moved, avoiding his touch. Sighing, he said, "He told Sid to give you a message." He said.

Her eyes bore through him. "He said he was coming for you, and that he was closer than we all thought." He said carefully, looking at her.

"That fucking dickbag!" She yelled.

"There's one other thing. He sent a picture of the bus to you last night." He said.

"I should of shot him the night I had a chance." She said, breathing hard.

Corey snapped his head to attention. "What? You never told me about that." He said bewildered.

"He almost had me once. He broke in to where I was staying about a year ago. When I could sleep, I slept with a gun on the nightstand. I woke up to hands around my throat. He was on top of me choking me. He was telling me what he was going to do to me, besides beating the shit out of me. We were fighting, and I managed to grab the gun off the nightstand. It was loaded and ready to go. I had it against his head. He let go, and I was able to back him out of the house. I fled that night. Didn't even have time to report it." She said looking at the shower floor.

"Its not exactly a story I'm proud of. And not one I would think my boyfriend would want to hear. I didn't need you thinking I was even more batshit insane." She said, still looking down.

"I don't think that at all. I think you did the right thing." He hugged her. "Maybe I should of let you take the gun that night." He chuckled.

She pulled away, turning from him. "Really Vy? How the fuck did you bring one and I didn't know?" He asked shaking his head.

"I always carry one in my purse. The safety is always on." She said.

"Seriously? Since when have you had it on you?" He asked in amazement.

"3 years ago." She replied. "I should have told you. I'm sorry Corey." She said turning to him. She had tears in her eyes.

"I'm not mad. A little shocked. Just promise you won't let Sid mess with it." He said making them laugh.

"No way! I have seen that kid on stage. That is the last thing he needs!" She said grinning.

After their shower, she realized she didn't bring any clothes with her. "Shit! I forgot to bring clothes in with me." She said.

"I'll grab you some. I forgot mine too." He said, throwing on his jeans.

He kissed her cheek and walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

She was putting on her makeup, when she heard a loud crash, followed by yelling. She jumped. Her heart was racing. She threw on her shorts and shirt she had slept in, and carefully opened the door.

She stepped out, looking around, as she took a few cautious steps forward down the hallway. "Corey?" She called out. It was silent. She took a few more steps.

She felt her heart slamming into her chest. Moving to the front of the bus, she saw Corey laying on the ground. He was face down, not moving.

"Well, hello Vyla. I've been waiting for you." A voice said behind her. She froze in place. He heart jumped into her throat. She felt the bile rising. She knew who it was.

"Mason." She whispered out, slowly turning around.

He was right in front of her. He was sneering at her. His blond hair was a mess around his face. His dark brown eyes looked almost black.

His face was nothing like she had seen in the past. It was almost a different person standing in front of her. He towered over her. He seemed even bigger than what she remembered.

He was moving closer to her. She started backing up. He was going to kill her this time. She had no doubts. He was the monster in her dreams, that had come to life.

She started to tremble as she moved backwards. "We're going to have some fun before I kill you." He said menacingly.

"Fuck you!" She yelled, turning to run from him.

He grabbed her by the back of her hair, slamming her to the ground. He kicked her in her ribs as hard as he could, knocking the wind out of her.

She was coughing, unable to catch her breath. He stood over her, leaning down, grabbing at her shorts, trying to pull them off.

"No!" She screamed, unsure of how she found her voice.

He kicked her hard in the ribs again, as he swung down and punching her in the face. She saw stars. She was dazed and disoriented. She heard him laughing.

He pulled her shorts down more, as he got on top of her. Suddenly she felt the pain go away. She snapped her eyes open and swung her fist as hard as she could at his face. He moved off of her.

He picked her up by her hair, slamming her body into the wall. "You never learned, did you?" He snarled at her.

She spit in his face and laughed at him. Hearing her laugh infuriated him. He back handed her on the side of her face knocking her to the ground. She rolled to her side, attempting to get up and crawl from him.

"You always were a dumb bitch." He said menacingly. He kicked her again, making her roll on to her back. He was back on top of her, sitting on her. His hands were around her throat squeezing hard, cutting her air off.

She was digging her nails into his hands, desperately clawing at them. Her vision was blurring, as she fought to breathe. "I always knew you liked it rough, you fucking whore." He growled, shoving his hand up her shirt to grope her hard, while his other hand remained on her throat squeezing it.

She was struggling, fighting for air. He lungs burned. Her throat felt almost numb. Her eyes were becoming heavy, the room was growing dark.

Suddenly he was gone. She could breath. She saw Corey, as she rolled to her side. He was on top of Mason, swing his fist, over and over on his face.

She couldn't move. The pain was back. She heard yelling from far away. She blinked slowly, seeing Mick. Mick rushed up pulling Corey off of Mason. It seemed like slow motion to her. She heard more yelling, saw more people.

"Vyla?" She heard her name echoing from far away. Jim was right in her face. He looked scared. "Vy, stay with me ok?" He said sounding farther away.

She felt like she was floating. Everything was becoming a bright white around her. Her eyes were shutting, and then it was quiet.

Pain. Sharp shooting, hot pain. Her throat hurt so much, she was afraid to swallow. It was dark, then bright, as she tried to open her eyes. She blinked, confused at where she was. She hurt so much, she could hardly move.

Focusing her eyes, she moved her head slightly to look down. Corey was in a chair next to her hospital bed. He was holding her hand, his head laying on the bed next their hands. He was sleeping.

He had dark circles under his eyes. She moved her head a little more to look around the room. All the guys were there. A few in chairs asleep, a few laying on the floor asleep.

She lifted her hand to Corey's face, stirring him. He jolted awake, rubbing his eyes. He looked down then looked again at her, like he wasn't seeing right.

"Vyla?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

"You look like shit babe." She managed to choke out in a whisper.

He looked relieved, and smiled. Moving to sit on the bed next to her. He grabbed her, hugging her to him hard, making her to yelp in a hoarse voice, causing him to pull back from her.

"Shit! I'm sorry. Are you ok? I didn't mean to hurt you." He said almost in a panic as he looked at her.

She nodded her head, leaning back against the pillow. The other guys had stirred, hearing Corey. She could hardly keep her eyes open. She gave them a small smile and shut her eyes. She could hear them talking.

"She ok?" She heard Jim ask.

"I think so." Corey said quietly, stroke her hair around her face.

She lifted her hand up to his, holding it gently, making him smile. "Corey?" She asked, making sure that everything was still real and not a dream.

"Its just me baby. I'm not going anywhere. Just sleep ok?" He said softly in her ear.

She woke up later with a jolt, panting and scared. She had tears running down her face. Her throat hurt too much to talk. "Vy. It's just me and Mick. No one else. It's ok." She heard looking to see Corey's worried face hovering over her.

She slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in her ribs. She felt slightly dizzy for a moment. Looking around, she saw Mick sitting in a chair on the other side of her bed. He looked worried.

"Mick?" She asked, still trying to figure out if everything was real or not.

"Hey Vy. You ok? Need me to get you anything?" He asked in a soft voice.

She shook her head and smiled at him. She held her arms out to him. He smiled big at her, and leaned in to give her a small hug. He was afraid to hurt her.

"I'll be back in a bit." He said to them, as he walked out of the room.

"Don't talk unless you have to ok? Your throat is swollen and needs to rest. I got something for you to write on if you need something." Corey said to her.

She nodded. Corey started talking. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. "I am so glad you're ok baby. I am so, so fucking sorry I didn't protect you. I promised I wouldn't let him hurt you." He said. He had tears running down his face, as he sat holding her hand.

She shook her head at him. "You did protect me." She whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"I didn't hear him or see him when I went to get us some clothes. I just remember the back of my head hurting when I woke up. I saw.." He started to tail off remembering, "I saw him with his fucking hands on you. I fucking lost it. I beat the fucking shit out of him. Mick and Chris pulled me off of him. I have never felt so much fucking rage in my life before." He said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

She grabbed the pen and paper, asking where Mason was. "Handcuffed to a hospital bed. He's not in this hospital. I made them take him to a different one." Corey said, smiling.

I need a shower, she wrote. He nodded. "I'll help ok?" He said softly. She nodded back to him. He helped her off the bed, and walked her slowly to the bathroom.

He turned the light on as they entered. He started the shower, and turned to her. He stood so she couldn't see the mirror. She looked at him, telling him to move with her eyes.

He sighed hard, and slowly moved out of the way. She looked at her face. A handprint bruise on one side of her face. Bruises that resembled fingers on her throat. A large bruise on her jaw. Her lip was busted on the bottom. She had a cut on her forehead.

Corey watched as she assessed the damages. She was trying to lift the hospital gown, wincing in pain. He moved over, helping her take it off. She turned and looked in the mirror, and gasped in horror.

Her one side was almost black and blue, with specks of purple in it. She turned and looked at her back, seeing some scratches and a few bruises.

She looked down at the floor, and felt Corey gently holding her. "Don't." He said, making her turn to look at him. "Don't hide ok? You did nothing wrong. The bruises will fade and go away. I think you're beautiful. I love you so much Vyla. I haven't left here in 3 days." He said smiling, making her smile.

Kissing her forehead, he helped her into the shower.

By the time he had helped her get a shower and change, the guys had come back in, filling the room to it's capacity.

She slowly made her way back to the bed, sitting down. She turned and looked at them and smiled. "Hey Vy. Nice to see you up. You had us worried." Shawn said.

She grabbed the pen and paper, writing "sorry." He nodded to her. "Don't be." He said smiling softly. "Just glad you're ok now." He said. She nodded at him.

She leaned back in the bed. She was suddenly exhausted. It all had been too much to take in for her. She closed her eyes, and almost instantly she was asleep.

"You should get some sleep Corey. I'll stay with her." Sid said to him.

"Thanks, but if she wakes up, she's going to be scared. I just can't leave her. But thanks man." He said quietly to Sid.

Nodding his head, "Alright. Just call us if you need anything. Whenever. Doesn't matter what time it is." Sid said to him.

"I will. Thanks guys. I'm going to try and sleep since she is." He said to them.

The guys quietly headed out of the room, leaving just the two of them. Corey kicked off his shoes, and climbed in carefully next to her. He covered both of them up, shutting the light off. She moved in closer to him. He gently put his arm around her, laying down, holding her carefully.

"Corey." She mumbled, just barely loud enough for him to hear.

"I love you Vy. Go to sleep baby. It's just me." He whispered to her.

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