Chapter 21

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"Hey Sid, do you have a few minutes to talk?" Vyla asked him a few nights later, after she and Corey had talked that night outside of the bus and in his dressing room.

"Yeah. Want to go outside?" He asked her.

She nodded. He got up following her outside of the bus. They were stopped, but she honestly didn't recall what state they were in.

Once outside, they walked a little ways from the bus, sitting down at a little picnic area. It was getting dark, and the air had become cold. She pulled her jacket tighter around her.

"So, what's up? You alright?" He asked.

She sighed, running her hand through her hair. "I need to tell you something that may come up at the trial, that none of you have heard yet. I don't want this to be a shock when it does come up, ok?" She said, her voice already starting to crack.

"What is it Vy?" He asked softly, turning to her. He looked worried.

"This is really hard for me to talk about." She said, swallowing the lump in her throat. "When Mason started hitting me, he also started...fuck! I can't even say it!" She said, almost desperate.

"Hey, you don't have to tell me. It's fine. Ok?" He said, holding on to her hand.

She shook her head at him. "I have to." She said in a whisper, starting to cry.

"No. Vy, the trial will be hard enough. You don't need to tell me anything. It's OK.

"Sid, if I can't say it now, how will I say it at trial?" She asked.

His expression softened. She was right, he knew that. He didn't want her upset, or feel as though she had to tell him.

Nodding his head at her, he said, "Just take your time, Ok?"

She paused, taking a few deep breaths. Turning her head to look at him, she looked him in the eyes. "Mason raped me. Every day for four years straight. He was going to on the bus that day." She said, letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. She was almost panting. Tears were falling heavily down her face, but she didn't break eye contact with him once.

He stared at her in horror. He had an idea of what she was going to say, but he didn't realize the severity, and how awful life had been for her before.

His grip on her hand became tighter. She saw tears in his eyes, threatening to spill. "Vyla. I'm so sorry." He said, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

She was crying hard. Her sobs were loud. He understood why she had to tell him. If she broke down like this in the courtroom, and wasn't able to continue, the charge could be thrown out.

Corey knew that she was going to talk with the guys, starting with Sid. He moved from the window, giving them privacy. He knew how hard this was going to be for her, and it killed him.

"Vy alright?" He heard Chris ask from behind him. Chris had been staring out the window at her and Sid for a minute or so now.

"She will be. She's trying to work on some stuff before the trial. She plans on talking with all of you before then. She wants to do it on her terms." Corey said to Chris.

Chris nodded. "Yeah, whatever she needs to talk about. We'll listen. You know that." He said.

Corey nodded. "Thanks Chris. It's not going to be easy for her. What she needs to say, it's hard for her. She just needs you guys to listen. No matter how hard it is to hear, OK?" Corey said.

"Yeah of course. She'll let me know when she's ready, I'm sure." Chris said, nodding to Corey as he walked back to his bunk.

Outside, Vyla pulled back from Sid. She looked at him, as he wiped his eyes. She wiped her eyes, having calmed down some.

They sat quietly, before Sid spoke. "I always knew there was more than him hitting you. It was how you even avoided touching anyone for a long time other than Corey. I felt you freeze the night at Mick's, when I hugged you. I had thought maybe something like that had happened, but I didn't want to assume anything. I wasn't going to ask. It wasn't my place. Corey knows all of this, right?"

"Yeah, he knows. He pretty much made me sit down the night after we left Mick's and tell him what had been going on for the last 8 years of my life. I tried leaving before I could tell him. But we know he is pretty persistent. He wouldn't let me go. He said he knew I had never told anyone all of it. He was right." She said.

"No one knew. They knew he hit me, but Corey was the first person I told. You're the second. I never wanted to tell anyone. But I don't have a choice now." She looked away from him.

"I am sorry. I don't know what else to say." He said, hugging her again.

"No, I'm sorry to dump all my bullshit on all of you. It's not fair." She said, pulling back to look at him.

He shook his head. "No. Vyla, don't be sorry for something you didn't have control over. Don't do that ok? I'm glad you told me. And thank you for telling me." Sid said.

"Thank you Sid." She said quietly, laying her head on his shoulder. He nodded, leaning his head against hers.

They sat in the dark for a long time in silence. No words needed to be spoken. They were just glad to have each other as friends.

"Im going to head in. You coming?" Sid asked.

"I will in a bit." She smiled softly at him. He nodded, giving her shoulder a quick squeeze.

Sid went back to the bus, leaving her alone in her thoughts. Running a hand through her hair, she sighed. She knew he would take it the hardest. She had no idea if she felt better after telling him or not.

"Vyla?" She heard her name said quietly in the dark. She turned a little, seeing Corey not far from where she was sitting. "Hey." She said quietly as she turned her back to him. She heard him come up behind her. She felt his hand on her back. He sat down next to her. "Want to come back in?" He asked.

"No. I'm giving Sid some time. I just didn't want him to have to look at me for a while. He didn't take it very well. He was really upset, but was glad he heard it from me." She said looking off into the distance.

"It's not easy to hear Vy. Especially when you hear it's someone you care about. He'll be ok Vy. He broke both of his feet on stage during a show, and kept going. He's tougher than he looks." He said grinning at the memory.

"Why the hell wouldn't he stop?" She asked looking at him in amazement.

"Because he wasn't going to let his fans down. You think you are stubborn? He used a wheelchair on stage until he was able to stand." He laughed.

"He is persistant. That night I walked out of Mick's, I knew he wouldn't go away no matter what I did. He would have followed me home probably." She grinned at Him.

Corey nodded, "He would of. Or he would have picked you up and carried you back." He said.

"I almost told Mick the other day, when he hung out with me while I slept. I was too fucking tired too though." She said quietly.

"Yeah, he stayed the whole time I was gone. You didn't even move, when he moved your head from under his arm. He said you were restless. Later on, he said you were talking in your sleep for a bit, but then you didn't move. I have never seen you sleep that deep since we've been together. It was weird." Corey said, holding her hand.

"I can only imagine what I said." She replied sarcastically.

"He wasn't sure of all of it. He said there were a few things about Mason. And something about telling someone to...." He stopped talking.

"Telling them what?" She asked, turning to look at him.

He wouldn't look at her. "Telling them what Corey?" She sound almost panicked now.

He sighed, and looked down. He looked up and turned to her ,and said, "Telling them to stop because they were hurting you...with...what they were doing." He said quietly.

Her face fell hearing him say that. She knew what he was referring to. Those were dreams she had often, but had never said anything to him about it. Those dreams were the very thing she had just told Sid, and soon would tell the others.

She looked away, wondering if he had ever heard her say anything like that in the past. If he did, he'd never said anything to her about it.

"Fuck." Was all she said, as she stood up slowly, and started walking away from the table.

"Vy." Corey said from behind her. He caught up to her and stood in front of her, making her stop.

"I'm pretty sure Mick knows. He could figure it out from what was said. I wouldn't confirm or deny it. I told him he needed to talk to you. It's not my place to say anything, unless you want me to." He said holding both of her hands.

"Sleep has become hell for me Corey. Now it's the only time he can get to me, and pisses me off. I'm tired and don't want to sleep." She looked away from him as she spoke.

"Maybe you can sleep better once this is out in the open with the guys. Maybe it won't seem like you have to hide it then. I don't know." He said hugging her.

"I don't know what the answer is. Maybe it will be after the trial when you know he's gone for real. I think when you do finally start sleeping better, you may sleep forever." He grinned, as he moved back, to look at her.

"Probably a few weeks at least. It's been 8 years. Do you know what that does to a person after a while?" She asked him.

He nodded, saying, "Yeah, I kind of do babe." Taking her hand they slowly walked back to the bus.

"I feel really fucking old." She said laughing. "My great grandmother walked faster than I am now."

He laughed at her. Then stopped and turned to her, making her stop, "What are your plans when we get back to Iowa?" He asked.

"Um...I have to get rid of my house. I can't go back there. Not after your tires were slashed, and him trying to burn it down. I was thinking of actually donating it." She said.

He looked surprised. "Donating it? To who?" He asked.

"A women's shelter. Turn it into a safe haven for women escaping abusive relationships. I loved that house, but I can't go back. I plan on getting the few things in the safe and the rest of my guns, and some paperwork. Other than that. It's all staying for them. I'm starting over. Clothes, furniture, all of it. So I gu-" she stopped as he cut her off.

"Move in with me." He blurted out, staring at her.

"What?" She whispered, not sure she heard correctly.

"I want you to move in with me. We already have been living together since we met. Why not just move in with me?" He smiled as he asked.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing from him. She stared at him in disbelief. "I..I.." She started to say. "Fuck it." She said, grabbing the back of his neck, and kissing him hard. He happily reciprocated their kiss, as he let his hands roam down to her ass, gripping her hard.

He smiled as they kissed, moving back just a little and asked, "Is that a yes?"

She moved her head back a little more out of the reach of his mouth and said, "No, I just like kissing you...of course it's a yes." Grinning as she pulled him back in for more.

"Mmm. I like kissing you more." He said, going back to her lips, sucking on her bottom lip lightly.

"God, I want you so bad, it's killing me." She said, as he licked and sucked on her neck.

"Mmm, baby, I have thought about being with you non stop." He said quietly, moving his mouth to her ear, as his hands gripped on to her ass even more.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" She asked him. He pulled back doing some quick math his head. He frowned, then groaned in frustration.

"A week and a half." Sounding disappointed. "It's fucking killing me Vy." He groaned, leaning his head on her shoulder.

She grinned to herself, snaking her hand to the front of his pants, gripping on to him slightly, making him moan quietly. "Fuck. Seriously Vy. It's been a really long time. If you don't move your hand, we are going behind the bus. Wait, we can't. Fuck!" He growled in frustration, pulling his head up to look at her.

"Maybe I want you to." She whispered into his ear. She was being a tease, and she was enjoying it. She held on to him a little tighter, making him tense and groan at the same time. He dug his hands into her hips.

He leaned down, "Vy." He whispered in her ear. "In a week and a half, when we stop, we are getting a room somewhere, and I am going to," he paused, slowly kissing her neck, making her groan, "make you beg me to stop." He whispered in her ear, kissing her neck again.

She moved her hand up and down the front of his pants, as he moaned into her neck. "Challenge accepted." She whispered in his ear, moving her hand one last time before pulling away.

"I think you may need a cold shower." She said looking down, then up at him.

"Jesus, I can't go back like this." He said exasperated, as he looked down.

"Here, let me tell you about banking, and all the regulations there are." She grinned, making him laugh.

"I can't believe I am saying this. Sure. Please bore me to death." He laughed.

"Well, there is Regulation E, which is mainly, regarding consumer disputes. Like debit card-" he cut her off, raising his hand, signaling for her to stop.

"Yep, that did it." He said, nodding his head.

"Told you it would. Try having to sit and learn all of it for hours on end. They make you take tests and shit like that before you can actually start doing the job you were hired for." She chuckled.

"Babe, I said I was good. Now you're trying to kill my soul." He said making her laugh.

"Now do you believe me when I said it was my soul sucking job?" She grinned.

"Yep. No doubt in my mind now. You miss it though, don't you." He said semi-seriously.

"I miss having something to do. I'm a creature of habit. I like to have a routine, a job that gives me a feeling of importance. The only thing I really miss is the fact that I knew it so well. But, how do you continue to do something you hate, when you know you don't have to, because your parent's worked in the oil industry, leaving you with too much money." She said, almost rambling.

"Your parents worked in the oil industry?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah. They weren't in to being flashy people. My dad's car was the one thing he had. We lived in a normal house, on a normal street. He hated rich people and how they acted. He didn't want to be in that category. He taught me if someone needs something, you help them. Most people aren't asking for a hand out in life, they just need a hand up to get through every now and again." She said, remembering the important lesson he gave her about giving.

"My family would of loved you." She smiled softly at him.

"Tattoos and all, even?" He grinned.

She nodded, smiling. "Not sure how they would of felt about puking in a cup and drinking it to gross someone out though." She said making him laugh.

"Yeah I can see where that might of thrown a hitch in a few things." He laughed, shaking his head.

"I think I would have liked your family too. You dad sounds like he was awesome." He said to her as she nodded.

She smiled sadly, and nodded. "He taught me everything there was to know about Eleanor. Which I need to change the oil on her when we get back. Shit! I totally forgot about that." She said.

"We'll take it in when we get back." He said as they continued their slow walk back to the bus.

She stopped walking and looked at him like he had three heads. "Are you fucking insane?! I am not letting those fucking hacks touch her! Ugh! No way. I am doing it myself like I've always done." She responded, sounding like she was grossed out by what he said.

His eyes went wide in surprise at her. "You know how to change the oil on a car? Shit, I don't even know how to do that." He said, impressed.

"Holy fucking hell Corey! You're going to learn!" She said as they got on the bus.

"What's Corey learning now, or do we dare ask?" They heard Jim ask.

"How to change the oil on a car. I'm going to teach him." She said, smiling at Jim, as he started to walk past them. He stopped and turned to her.

Jim eyed her up. She raised her brow at him. "Corey! Vy and I are getting married tomorrow!" He yelled, making them laugh.

"I'm right here dickhead." Corey said standing next to him.

"Right. Just wanted to make sure you heard." He laughed as he walked away.

"You are learning. It's easy. I promise." She grinned at him.

"You may need to start talking about banking more, or we may not make it a week and a half." He said in her ear, making her laugh.

"Talking about changing the oil doesn't bore you enough?" She asked laughing.

"Not when I have the image of you doing it in it my head it doesn't." He said grabbing her ass, biting at her neck.

"So Regulation E is actually disputing charges on your bank account that yo-." He cut her off again.

"Thanks Vy. That took care of it." He laughed as he pulled her into the bunk.

As they settled in, she laid on his chest. "We should just buy a new house. Start over completely." He said.

She leaned up to look at him. "You really want to do that? She asked.

"Yeah, I do. I never really liked that house. I just bought it because I wasn't going to be there that much." He said.

She laid back down on him. "If you want to we can. Doesn't matter to me either way." She said.

He kissed the top of her head, holding on to her as they fell asleep.

Over the next week, Vyla did speak with each of the guys. Each time, it became a little easier to say. They all listened to her, never once judging her. They all were understanding, and each of them said they were glad to have heard it from her before the trial.

They all took what she said pretty hard. It wasn't easy for any of them to hear. Mick, Jim, and Sid took it the worst. The three of them didn't say much to anyone most of the night after she had told them.

Vyla felt like some of the pain she had been carrying around for years, was lifting off of her. But not as much as she had hoped. She still didn't want to discuss it with anyone. It hurt too much to talk about, and it made her feel violated each time she had to tell the guys.

With the trial approaching, she was sleeping even less than before. Corey found her many times out of bed, looking out the window of the bus. After many sleepless nights, she was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep, only to wake up screaming a few hours later.

"Shhh....Vyla..stop." Was what she heard. She had been screaming, and her fear of waking the others had finally happened.

"Hey, stop." Corey. Was that Corey? She wondered. Arms are around her. Looking down, she saw the tattoos on the hands thay were holding her. It is him, she thought.

"Breathe Vy. You're ok." He said quietly. She was almost hyperventilating. "Lay down." He said, gently trying to move her back with him.

She looked around, the lights had come on in the bus. None of the guys had said anything. She heard movement outside their bunk, through the curtain. "Vyla? You Ok?" She heard from Sid.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." She said in a whisper.

"Don't worry about it. Try and get some sleep." Sid said, sticking his hand through the curtain. She grabbed his hand, and he gently squeezed it, before letting go. The lights turned off again as they all settled back down.

She was shaking, as she laid on her side. Corey pulled the covers over them, wrapping himself around her. He moved in closer to her, holding her tightly to him. "It's ok." He whispered.

She locked one of her hands with his, gripping it hard, pulling it to her chest. Hot tears spilled from her eyes, onto the pillow. "You're ok." He whispered to her. She nodded. He went to pull his hand back that she had been holding, only to have her hold tighter.

He smiled a little, and held her hand tighter, until she drifted back to sleep. "Corey." She mumbled, making him smile.

"It's me baby." He whispered, smiling softly.

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