Chapter 5

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What a mistake, Vyla thought. She always did the wrong thing, made someone mad. No wonder Mason beat the shit out of her.

Stop it Vyla! She thought to herself. Don't believe that shit again, she thought. 

Shaking her head at the thoughts that were running through her head, she walked faster down the sidewalk. She knew where she was. She was about half an hour from home. Looks like it was going to be a long walk, she thought. 

"Vyla! Wait up!" She heard the voice she recognized as Sid's.

She stopped in her tracks, looking up at the sky, groaning. She turned to see Sid jogging up to her. "Sid, go back inside with your friends Ok? I don't want or need any more problems." She said to him.

" No way! You can't leave! Just come back with me please?" Sid asked her.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I didn't mean to upset everyone or piss them off. It's better this way. I know I have given you a lot of shit Sid, but I think you are a good guy. You just need to let me go." She turned from him and started walking again.

Sid fell into place walking next to her. "So want to talk about It? I know there has to be a lot more to your story than the little I can figure out just by looking at you." He said watching her stop. 

She turned and looked at him noticing he was being completely serious, and not the fun, crazy Sid he was earlier. "What do you mean just by looking at me?" She asked him.

"I will make a deal with you. If I can guess a good part of your story, you have to come back to Micks with me." He said, "If I am totally worng, I will let you keep walking. Deal?" He asked.

Sighing, Vyla crossed her arms looking at him, and said, "Why do you care Sid?"

Sid shrugged at her and said, "Maybe I just want to help."

She could tell he wasn't going to go away easily. "You have 2 minutes. Start talking" she said flatly, staring him down 

"Your in trouble. Someone has hurt you horribly. They keep finding you no matter how fast you run or how hard you try to hide. They always find you. It's made you untrusting of everyone. You have pushed everyone away that you once cared about, and now it's just you. You don't know how to interact with someone being nice to you, so you block them out. Either by sarcasm or running away from them. You hurt so much, that it's eating you alive. You carry so much pain around with you, but you keep pushing it aside, hoping it will go away. But most of all, you are scared of everyone. That's why you freeze when someone touches you or gets too close to you. Vyla, not all people are bad. Sometimes they say things they don't mean, but it doesn't mean they hate that person. It just means they are having an argument, or a difference of opinion. You can't keep running forever. A persons demons always catch up to them. Please don't block me or any of the guys out. We really aren't bad people, ok?" Sid said.

Vyla stood looking at him with tears in her eyes and mouth hanging open in amazement. He just summed everything about her. Before she could comprehend what she was doing, she took a step forward and pulled Sid into a bear hug. Sid said nothing, but gladly returned the hug. 

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