Chapter 13

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Two days of bed rest and two days of medication, she felt way better than she had.

In those two days, Corey had the window fixed, as well as the door. Mick and Sid had dropped his car off for him. And so far, nothing from Mason.

Corey had been taking care of her non stop since they got home from the doctor. She felt too awful to protest. With the help of her anxiety meds at night, she slept deep without nightmares or waking up. That was a first for her.

She had been up and gotten dressed, did laundry, and picked up his house, leaving him to sleep.

She walked into the bedroom, climbing up his body. He looked so peaceful. She bent down slowly kissing his neck. He started to stir. His hands grabbed her ass, and she heard him moan.

"Does that mean your awake?" She asked, nibbling on his chest, his grip on her tightening.

"Mmm. Not sure yet." He said sleepily.

"Oh yeah? Someone else says otherwise." She said, as her hand snaked down to the front of his boxers, making him tense up and groan.

"I think you are awake." She said playfully, starting to move off of him. He grabbed her harder, holding her in place.

He looked at her, "Feeling better today?" He smiled.

"Yes, and thanks for taking care of me again." She kissed his nose and got off of him. He smiled at her.

She looked alot better. Her bruise on her face was fading. She didn't have circles under her eyes, and she had some color to her face.

"You are a fucking tease." He groaned, getting out of bed.

"Uh huh. But that will make you want me that much more later." She smirked at him.
"Get dressed. I need out of the house. I feel like a caged animal." She said walking out of the bedroom.

He grinned, got up and started to get ready.

Later that morning they drove to the park to go for a walk. As they were walking Corey stopped her. "So we have a show tomorrow night. I have a spot set up for you, and I have two guys from security to sit with you." He said.

Raising and eyebrow at him, "Well that shouldn't be weird or anything." She said sarcastically.

"I've known these guys a long time. I requested them. I wouldn't let them near you if I didn't trust them." He said.

"I know you wouldn't let anyone near me you didn't trust. But if they fuck with me at all," she started to say, but he cut her off.

"They won't. If they do, then they are going to have a group of pissed off guys beating the shit out of them. Trust me ok?" He said grinning at her.

"Alright, fine. I'll deal with it so you can go play in your boy band." She laughed, as he moved closer to her.

"Boy band? Really? I'll remember that." He laughed picking her up. She wrapped her legs around him, pecking him on the mouth.

"Babe! You didn't tell me they had a playground here." She said hopping down, grabbing his hand. She pulled him to the playground, as he laughed.

They got to the playground, and she immediately went to the monkey bars, flipping herself upside down, hanging there.

"You are so weird." He laughed.

"You should be happy I am this flexible" she said, flipping off the monkey bars.

"Your right, I am." He smiled.

It was Saturday night, and they were backstage in Corey's dressing room, so he could get ready. She was fidgeting and pacing.

"Jesus Christ girl. Sit down." Mick said laughing.

It was Mick, Sid and Corey with her in his dressing room.

"Bite me." She muttered

"Corey, your girlfriend is throwing out offers." Mick chuckled.

"Babe, don't lead Mick on. It will hurt his feelings." Corey said jokingly.

"You two are dicks." She said.

Corey and Mick laughed at her. "Yep." They both said proudly.

"Sid, can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure. Lets go outside." He said.

"We'll be right back." She said to Corey kissing his cheek. "I need to talk to Sid about the other day."

"Ok. Sid! No fucking around ok? Don't go outside the gates." Corey warned. It made him uneasy that they were going outside. He didn't want any attention drawn to her.

"I know. And I won't." He said following Vyla outside the arena.

"What's up Vy?" He asked her

"Sid, I can't thank you enough for coming over the other day. It really meant a lot to me." She said looking down at her hands.

"I was glad to help. You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad you're ok." He said as he hugged her.

"But I do need to thank you. I have been really alone for a long time. I haven't had friends or people who cared about me in a long time." She paused, "What I am trying to say, is I am really grateful for you and Corey, and all the guys. You have no idea what it means to me." She said, her voice getting shakey. She could feel the tears in her eyes.

"But now you do have people who care. And I'll always be here. Whenever you need me, ok? Here give me your phone, I'll put my number in it." He said taking her phone. He added his number and gave it back to her. "Whatever you want to talk about, call me. I don't care what time it is either." He said.

She smiled, and kissed him on the cheek. They walked back inside, and down the hallway towards Corey's dressing room. As they were walking, they were poking each other in the sides, acting like kids. They stopped walking, poking at each other, when she felt someone bump into her. "Watch where the fuck your going." She said turning around.

She looked up, and realized she was face to face with Marilyn Manson. Crossing her arms she looked at him, as he wasn't moving.

"Well hello to you too dear." He grinned. He looked her up and down, as she raised her eyebrows to him. "Calm down sweetie. I don't bite. Unless of course you want me to." He smirked trying to get a rise out of her.

Vyla rolled her eyes at him and said, "Whatever part of you touches me, you won't get it back, I can assure you."

Both Marilyn and Sid started laughing. "Wow girl! I am impressed." Marilyn said smiling.

"I see you two have met." Corey said from behind Marilyn.

"Not officially, no." Marilyn said. "But I am intrigued right now." He said.

"Vyla, meet Marilyn. Marilyn, this is my girlfriend Vyla." Corey said. "What did I miss exactly?" Corey asked.

"Your friend said he didn't bite, only if I wanted him to. So, I explained to him that whatever part of him touched me, he wouldn't get it back." Vyla said eyeing Marilyn up.

Corey laughed and shook his head. "Damn woman." He said still laughing.

"I'll be in here if you need me." She said walking into his dressing room.

"Corey, that girl is handful." Marilyn laughed.

"You have no idea." He chuckled.

"I do like her. Better hang on to her." Marilyn smiled walking into Corey's dressing room.

An hour later Corey was ready to go on stage. He gave her a quick kiss and said, "Um, Marilyn is going to hang out. He already knows to behave, ok? Plus you have the security guys in here with you. I promise, you will be fine. Please trust me on this."

Looking unimpressed, but smirking at him, she said, "Fine. I'll hang out with Marilyn. John Cena and Triple H over there can keep us company as well." Referring to the two huge guys on the security team.

He laughed, "God, I love you." He said pecking her lips.

"I love you too. Go play with your friends." She said walking away. He swatted her playfully on the ass, causing her to flip him off. He laughed and walked to meet the others.

She sat down in the sofa, looking at the TV that was streaming the live performance. She felt Marilyn's eyes on her. "Problem?"
She asked, looking over at him.

"We should talk about going shopping one day sweetie." He said.

"What's wrong with what I am wearing?" She asked.

"You are so much hotter than jeans and a t shirt." He said. "Don't you guys over there agree?" He asked the guards.

The two nodded, not saying anything.

"So I need to go shopping at Whores R Us is what your saying?" She asked, causing all of them to laugh.

"God no! But you are very pretty. Tell you what. Next time we meet up, which I know we will, because Corey is head over heals in love with you, I am taking you shopping." Marilyn said to her.

"I can't fucking believe I am agreeing to this, but sure, why not." She laughed.

"So you do smile!" Marilyn said happily. She nodded at him.

"Want to go to the side stage and watch this?" He asked.

"Um, no, but thank you. I get panic attacks in really large crowds." She said keeping her eyes on Slipknot as they were performing.

"It's Ok. Everyone is a little weird, you know? We all have issues or problems. I think this is better sitting here anyways." He said.

"You're so full of shit, but thank you,for hanging out with me. Sorry I was a bitch earlier. I get nervous around new people, and I come off as an asshole." She said looking at him.

"I enjoyed the way we met." He laughed, "Please, don't apologize. I liked you the second we met." He said.

When Slipknot was done performing, she was in awe. They put on an amazing show. She understood why people were fans. The energy in the arena was insane.

She looked over at Marilyn, who was leaning against her shoulder, sound asleep. She chuckled to herself.

The door opened and in walked a very sweaty, but happy Corey. He had his mask off, and the black make up he had put on earlier was running down his face. He laughed when he saw her and Marilyn on the couch.

"So are you ripping his head off since that is the part that is touching you?" He asked laughing.

"I heard that!" Marilyn said sitting up, shaking his head.

He stood up, and held his hand out to Vyla. She grabbed it and stood as well. "You have my number now, call me when you guys are in California, and we will go shopping, like I promised Miss. Vyla." He said.

"I will. I promise." She smiled at him. He opened his arms for a hug, and she stood on her tippy toes hugging him.

"Great show Corey. I will see you soon. Bring her with the next time I see you." He said walking out the door behind the two guards that had been with them.

Corey stood there staring at her. "Why are you staring?" She asked him.

"I am at a loss for words honestly. You didn't rip his head off, you hugged him, and did I hear correctly you two have a shopping date?" He asked moving in to pick her up. She laughed as he held her and started walking to the shower area.

"Yes you heard correctly. Why are we in the shower area?" She asked smiling.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" He asked mocking her.

She laughed, "Nope, but you better lock the door." She said.

Setting her down her ran to lock the door.

That night when they got home, she was washing her face, when he came in.

"Well what did you think?" He asked.

"You guys were awesome. I loved it." She smiled, pecking him on the cheek. "Marilyn was trying to convince me to go to the side stage and watch. He understood when I told him I had panic attacks." She laughed, "He said he had more fun hanging out with me backstage anyways. I told him he was full of shit." She said.

Corey laughed, "He likes you. At least he was on his best behavior." He said, eyeing her seriously, " He was right?" He asked.

"He was just fine, and so was John Cena and Triple H." She said.

"Good." He said, pulling her into the bedroom.

They got into bed, holding each other. "Why is Marilyn taking you shopping and why did he give you his number?" He asked puzzled.

She chuckled, "He said I was way hotter than jeans and a t shirt. I asked him if he thought I should be shopping at Whores R Us instead."

He chuckled, "No you don't need to shop there. Jesus. There's nothing wrong with what you wear." He said burying his face in her neck.

"I am aware, but he is convinced we are going. I'll worry about it if he remembers. I have no idea why he gave me his number. He is just a different bird" she said.

"Don't worry, he'll remember." Corey said making her giggle.

"Sid gave me his number too. If it bothers you, I will delete it." She said uneasily.

"What? Why would I want you to delete it? You and Sid are friends. I trust both of you." He said to her.

"I don't know. I just didnt want it to be a secret, or have you upset. This is all new to me. I don't want to keep anything from you." She said turning to face him.

"Baby, I trust you. But thank you for being honest with me." He kissed her lips. "Some of the guys are coming over tomorrow in the afternoon."

"Ok." She said half asleep.

Gabe was in her dreams. It started out as them being kids, playing in their yard. A black cloud was lurking overhead. Suddenly Gabe was being pulled into the cloud, he was yelling to her, asking why she didn't help him. Then he was gone, and Mason was there. He had an evil smile, telling her she killed her brother.

"No! No!" She was screaming when he shook her awake. "Vy! He's not here." Corey. It's Corey's voice. It was Corey holding her.

Gasping for air she turned to him and said, "I didn't know. I didn't mean to kill Gabe."

"Vy, you didn't. You know that." Corey said, making her look at him.

"But he's gone, and I miss him so much." She sobbed, hardly able to breathe.

"I know baby. I know you do." He whispered, holding her tight. His heart broke for her.

He couldn't imagine the things she had been through, or the things she had seen. He knew the only thing he could do, is be there for her.

She had calmed down finally. He stroked her hair gently, lulling her back to sleep. He pulled her closer to him, holding her tight, as they slept.

That afternoon, there was a knock on Corey's door. Vyla stood to answer it. She opened it, to see Shawn standing there.

"Hey Shawn." She said, moving out of the way to let him in.

"Hey." He said looking uncomfortable.

"Corey should be out in a minute. Want anything to drink?" She asked.

"Oh, um, no thanks." He said as he sat down on the love seat.

"I wanted to talk to you actually." He said to her.

"Sure." She said sitting across the room from him.

"Vyla, I have been a real asshole to you. I'm sorry. I honestly am. I shouldn't have been so shitty to you. Can we start over please?" He asked her.

"I'd like that." She said standing up and walking over to him. She stood in front of him and held her arms out to him for a hug. He smiled, standing to hug her.

"Goddammit! Why do I keep missing out on shit?" She heard Corey behind them.

She laughed and pulled away from Shawn. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"First it was you meeting Mick and Sid. Then you meeting Marilyn last night, and now you are hugging Shawn." He said grinning at her.

"She met Marilyn last night?" Shawn asked as his eyes got big.

Vyla nodded. "Yeah and now they're buddies. Going shopping and shit. This was after she threatened to rip body parts off of him if he touched her." Corey laughed.

"You have to tell me this story!" Shawn laughed excitedly.

Vyla and Shawn sat talking for a while as the other guys showed up. Corey smiled as he watched them talking and laughing. Once all of the guys showed up, Vyla stood and started to leave the living room.

"You're not going to hang out with us?" Sid asked.

"Nope. This is guy time. I'm not interfering with guy time. Plus I have a hot date with Netflix." She said grinning at them.

"Is that code for you're actually going to watch porn?" Jay asked, making the guys laugh.

"I guess you'll never know, will you." She smirked, flipping Jay off, making them laugh.

"I am certain that is code for porn." Said Jim.

"I heard that Jim, fuck off!" She yelled from down the hall. She could hear them laughing.

A few hours later, Vyla heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Its open!" She said.

The door opened, and Sid, Jay, and Jim wandered in. "Sorry boys it's still not porn." She chuckled at the sounds of disappointment.

"Dammit, she probably already watched it without us." Jay said frowning.

Vyla laughed, "You're right. I just couldn't contain myself." She said sarcastically.

"So, we heard you are coming with us in a few months." Jim said.

"Oh yeah?" She asked, "If you guys aren't ok with it though, I hope you would say something to me about it." She said.

Jim smirked at her, "Trust me, I would come to you first, before I said anything to anyone. I have seen you in action first hand." He said laughing.

"So all of you are fine with this?" She asked looking at them.

"Yep." Sid said tackling her on the bed.

"I have to put up with you every day then, huh?" She laughed, as she flipped him over and sat on him.

"Am I interrupting?" She heard Corey from the doorway.

The guys were laughing, seeing Vyla's face go red. She was sitting on Sid, on Corey's bed. Shaking her head, she got off of Sid, and he jumped to his feet. "Well this is fucking awkward." She said, making them chuckle.

"We're gonna head out." Jim said, with Jay close behind as they left the bedroom.

"Me too." Said Sid. "Bye guys!" As he ran out behind the other two.

Corey came back in the bedroom, and saw Vyla's face was still red. She went to walk past him, and he stepped in front of her, blocking her escape.

Smirking at her, he asked "Where ya going?" He knew she felt embarrassed, and that her and Sid were just messing around. He also liked messing with her.

"Uh, the kitchen. Where I don't feel so awkward." She said, trying to move around him, with him cutting her off.

"Yeah? Why are you so nervous right now? Anything I need to know about?" He grinned, knowing she wouldn't look at him.

"I have to be the most awkward person on the planet." She said looking down, feeling her face get hotter.

"So what were you and Sid doing on the bed?" He asked, making her squirm.

Sighing, she looked down at her hands and said, "Um, the guys were talking about me coming with in a few months, and they all told me they were ok with it. Then I asked to make sure they were ok with it, and then Sid said yes, and tackled me on the bed, and then I flipped him off of me and then, um, sorta straddled him, I guess? And then you walked in?" She said almost as a question, looking up at him.

He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "I was fucking with you." Pulling back with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Corey," She said motioning for him to come closer. He leaned forward and she whispered, "You are such a dick." Pulling back as she laughed.

"Yeah. I am." He said smiling at her as he moved closer. She smiled at him, backing up, making him walk closer.

"You keep backing up. You're not getting by me, you do realize that, don't you?" He asked in husky voice.

Raising an eyebrow to him, she asked, "Is that right?" He nodded moving in closer. She backed up into the bed, realizing she was out of room. He raised his eyebrows at her, and faster than she could process it, tackled her onto the bed, making her laugh.

"How was Netflix?" He asked, laying on her.

"Good. How was guy time?" She asked.

"Good." He said, looking at her, leaning down to kiss her neck. He was nibbling and sucking on her neck, making her eyes close.

He pulled away from her neck, moving to collar bone, making her shiver. "Mmm, baby?" She asked, "Is that your phone ringing?"

He growled, "Fuck!" He said going to the living room to get his phone.

She got up, throwing her hair into a messy bun, and went out to the living room.

"Ok. I'll let her know. Thanks for the call." He said, hanging up.

He turned to her, "Vyla, I need to tell you something." He said, looking a little pale.

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