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Every time I would stop at a red light or a stop sign,I would look over at the blondie that is sleeping.Once I knew I was close to the location,I just kept on looking to Madison.

I slowly and quietly unbuckle her seatbelt.I then unbuckle my seatbelt quietly too.I opened my door and got a good cold fresh breeze.I closed my door and went to her side to do the same.I opened the door and put my one arm under her legs and the other on her back.My hold on her tighten as I lifted her out the car.

'Wow she's a heavy sleeper'.I chuckled to my self mentally.I walked down where it looks comfortable for her and me to sit or lay down at.I sat her down very slowly and settled her down.When I did that I looked through her car if there was a blanket."Nope,crap" I said under my breath after finishing looking in the backseat.

I was going to look in the trunk but I doubt that its in there.I doubt it very much.I still checked,and like i said, there's no blanket here.I closed the doors and ran back to where the beauty was at.I sat my ass down,across from her though.I played with my fingers and yawned once awhile.I felt like a jerk when I wasn't hugging her cause she's probably cold.I walked to her and sandwiched her with my arms.My neck was getting so tired,my eyes as well.I settled my head slightly on the top of her head.

'I would never thought I would be doing this with my bully.I guess I can stop calling her my bully,imma call her my crus- nah that's too cringe to me'.I shrugged my shoulders mentally.I yawned and she started to move.I kept my arms around her cuz it felt good to have her in my arms."Where are we?" her tired voice rang through my ears."Well find out" I let her go and she looked at me for a quick second.I loosen my grip on her and let her get up.

"Wow.This is so pretty,"She said all amazed at the view."Um excuse me you're in the way of me trying to see the view," I said,I was joking though...a bit.

"I AM the view" she said smirking and then broke into a laugh.I did as well,though it was kind of true.She's so damn pretty.No wonder she's so damn popular."Funny" I said walking up next to her."Are you cold?" I said not facing her."A bit,yea.Are you?" She turned her towards me and so I gave her my full on attention."That doesn't matter.Here wear my jacket.It will keep you less cold." I said that as I was giving her my jacket.I looked up at her and gave her a gentle smile when I sticked out my arm with my hand holding my jacket.She was hesitant at first,but she took it anyways.

"Where are we?" She said in a bit fainted voice."Up North.Just at least 5 miles away from home.Not a bad spot eh?" I questioned looking her."No not bad.I just wished that it was hot right now.Im really tempted to jump in the water." She said sounding inpatient but smiling after saying the last sentence."Yea same.You do know that it doesn't need to be hot for you to jump in the water,right?" I just laughed hoping she was getting the idea.We we're on a cliff and beneath the cliff was water,just thought you'd like to know.

"I know what you're thinking Riley.Not happening boo" she smiled and crossed her arms."damn..well I guess it's better if you're not sick" It hit me.I totally forgot that it was a school day.Maybe some other time I can push her in the water."We should get going,I didn't know it was 8pm already" I said walking back to the car.She stood there for a few seconds like she was admiring the view and the started walking back to the car.

"I should drive,you came with no ride" she said looking at me from the passenger seat."Aww I will miss this car" I said frowning a bit."You're right anyways," she nodded and then hopped out of the car.We switched places and then got back on the streets."How'd you find this place?" She asked me when we had stop for a red light."Oh well I would always see that little open spot when I would drive by with my mom or something.Told myself that I'll check it and never did.This was kind of my first there as well" I laid my head against the window as she said "oh".I still can't believe this is happening,like it doesn't feel real.Im in a car with her,my old bully I guess.Wow things happen so quickly,it's so fucking crazy.

"Are you going to act the same towards me?" I blurted out by accident,I mean like I wanted to ask her that.She stayed quiet and I was getting pretty mad cause she shouldn't be quite for more than 2 or 3 seconds."I mean, people will find out" what hell does that mean?"Wait so you're going to stay bullying me just because you don't want people to find out?What the fuck.Um no that's not gonna happen Madison,people won't find out that we made out just because you stopped being mean to me," This is just ridiculous,and stupid and so on.I can't believe it.

She stayed quiet for a bit looking like all guilty.She should be to be honest.I didn't even realize that she was holding on the wheel so tightly."I'm just scared that they will find out Riley.No matter what happens between us,I will do whatever it takes to make our secret safe" she looked and gave me a small smile like I was going to agree with her."I thought you chose reality.Shouldve seen this coming." I just looked out the window,I couldn't even look at her.

"Look Riley I did cho-"
"Get your head out of your ass and stop acting like a fool and own up to your words!" I already knew what she was going to say,might as well cut her off before hearing another lie that will trigger the shit out of me."unbelievable" is what she said in a whisper."Unbelievable? Yes it is unbelievable how you can never get enough of popularity,god for fuck sakes Madison, you're so full of yourself! I mean every fucking word I said to you in these past 10 minutes!" When I get really mad or frustrated I start to punch things,I mostly punch walls so that I can hurt my knuckles and focus on that,but currently there isn't no walls to help me out,the time I need a wall the most,it's not here!Holy shit I sound like a crackhead.

The car came to a complete stop."there" she said it so low that I couldn't really understand what she said.I dramatically unbuckle my seatbelt and opened the door and shut it when I was out.I turned away quickly and started to walk to my doorstep.I walked in and walked around my couch and plot myself down."what a fucking day" I sighed.

And then I had forgotten something.

"Sshhhhhiiiittttt" I covered my face with my hands all frustrated a bit more.


Oh my God I haven't been here for 7 months.Well you see I got logged out of Wattpad and I forgotten my password and then I deleted Wattpad cause like there was no point of having the app if I couldn't log in and stuff.Then like 2 days ago I decided to try again and I obvious made it in:)

Happy late Easter ♥️🚮

See ya✌🏼peace!

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