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"Wake up!This is detention!Not your bedroom!" Yelled the obnoxious unnecessary voice.I groaned and lifted my head.I blinked several times so that my eyes can adjust to the bright light.

Oh god.I forgot I slept in detention.I looked to my right and only to find an amused Madison.I rolled my eyes at her.I looked back at the guy who was looking dead before I napped,he was wide awake.That meant Mr.Bryant woke me up.Im getting himulated in front of a random kid and Madison.Kill me now.Only because it's Saturday morning and because Im at school,serving detention for four hours.

"Good,you're awake.Dont let that happen again Walker." I nodded,too lazy to respond."Its lunch,so get your butts up" He walked to the door and held it for the three of us.

We walked down the music hall,to only hear some violens,trumpets,guitars,flutes,and choir.After passing that hall it grew silent,just our footsteps were heard.I looked back at Madison,just to see that random kid and her smiling at each other.Really?

I turned back around and rolled my eyes.Feeling a little sharp pain in my stomach and heart.

This walk to the cafeteria is pretty long.No wonder I dont see this teacher at all.He was practically at the other side of the school.

I got my food and sat down at the table that was the farthest from Madison and that kid.I didnt want to admit it but that simple look that they exchanged hurt me and made me hella jealous and mad.So of course they sat right next to each other.They were looking at each other,smiling after she Madison said something.I read her lips though.What she said made me want to punch both of them.He isnt even 'cute' like she claims him to be.

I was throwing daggers at the guy.

"Walker!" Mr.Bryants deep voice caught my attention so that I stopped throwing the knives at him.He waved his hand over to me.I stomped my foot and sighed,that last thing I want to do now.

I walked over there and sat my ass down at the end of the table,my back facing the bright sun."In detention we all sit together okay?" Mr.Bryant said.

"Okay" I mumbled.

I lost my appetite ever since she called him "cute".I tossed my grilled cheese sandwich around my foam tray.I dont even know why I got it,I dont even like grill cheese sandwiches.I let out a heavy annoyed sigh and stood up.I walked up to the trash bin and completely threw my uneaten sandwich away.I went to Mr.Bryant and asked if I can use the restroom.So that's where I am now.

I wanted to cry out of frustration,not cause she is hurting me okay?I just wanted to cry out of frustration until I make a pond of frustrated tears.She makes me mad! Ever since she picked on me.It's like she forgets what the hell she says or does to me.She's a fucking dumbass! And it pisses me off!!

I let out loud groan and dipped my face with water.I threw my hands in the air and looked at myself in the mirror.I rolled my eyes and went for the napkins.The roll wasnt working,I punched it and groaned again loudly.I was so frustrated that Im pretty sure that Im going to break the mirror cause I see my face in it.I sat down on the ground and calmed after like a minute or two.

I breathed in and out and reached for the napkins,still wasnt working.I looked to the side of it and saw a roll of napkins right there in the cornor,hiding.I laughed to myself and wetted my face again cause it was damp.I dried off and breathed in and out.

I cleared my throat and walked out.

"Oh good,you didnt fall down the toilet" Mr.Bryant joked.I ignored the comment and sat back down."Okay lets go" He walked off and Madison and that guy followed behind.I stayed a few steps behind,watching them.

First It's Hate But Now It's Love (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now