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  Im in love, so so in love with my boyfriend he is amazing and he really seems me you know?  He sees the real me and more than that he accepts and even loves my weird ways of being. You know how people say that what you fight hard for its worth having at the end? Well I have to say it’s true.

   Whoa, hold on. Now you probably think I’m one of those people you know the ones that you can’t stand because they are so in love and happy that their happiness makes you sick to your stomach, well I’m not, and actually I’m usually the one that gets sick to her stomach when all the love crap is going around. That hasn’t change, I’m just in love with my boyfriend, my soul mate, my everything and although I don’t want to sound cheesy I don’t know why I do.

   You probably think our relationship makes everyone hate us and they try to be as far as they can be from us, but actually we are quite the opposite. Sometimes people don’t even think we are in a relationship I think it’s because they are already used to us being together before we were together. Because well he was my very best friend before, he was there when my ex-boyfriend cheated, and then when I took back my ex-boyfriend and everyone got mad at me except him and then right on my ex-boyfriend´s graduation I realized I had fallen in love with my best friend and when I told him, he stopped talking to me because I know how difficult it’s for him to accept love, and let people in. So I broke up with my ex-boyfriend that summer and well I try to move on with my feeling and forget that I ever had a best friend, but then I remember how everyone just kept telling me that nothing worth it comes easy; so i fought hard and basically it took him five months to accept that he also love me and to let me inside, so my senior year was just perfect by his side. Now we are in two different colleges. I am studying arts and he is into arquicture, he is the best in that so he has to go to the best university it’s not the same I’m in but we still see each other every weekend and talk every night so see my point, everything that it’s worth it you have to fight hard and that is why I’m sitting in this bench with this big drawing I made for one of my classes, where the teacher congratulated me and called it one of my best piece so far, I honestly hate it because I know I can do better but Ethan (the bf) describe my piece so well that here I am missing my introduction to art class that I have very early this morning, the one where my sister’s boyfriend it’s probably wondering where I am at and instead I’m in this cold bench staring at his building where I know he will be in a few minutes because he also has an early class and well here I am fighting for my relationship to work because once again Ethan had one of his breakouts, where I don’t know what’s going on in his mind and he just pushed me out of his world. He hasn’t called or text in 3 days and I’m worried because sometimes he gets so depressed that I get scared he might do some harmed to himself.

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