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My day went from sucking to really mind blowing!

  Olive recognized me and came and sat next to me then she asked me if I could go with her to look for Ethan to his dorm something that I wasn’t so thrill to do, but I wanted to keep talking to her and I missed two of my classes but I didn’t mind at all. So I went with her, we waited for 45 minutes outside his door and no one answer, she then called him about a hundred times, she was worried at first but then she just got upset, she look really upset so I invited to lunch and she was about to say no, i could feel it but something change and made her say yes.

  We bought hot dogs from the car stand outside and looked for a table in this small park around the architecture buildings, we stayed there for the longest time eating and talking. She told me how much I looked like my cousin but how different I was, she told me how much she likes to take pictures it’s her main passion, she told me about the last book she had read and talked about all the movies I need to watch and for the first I listened and I didn’t mind, she said that hot dogs are one of her favorite things to eat, she loves food and how there is this small pub in main street and 4th that has the most amazing hot wings, its just 3 blocks from here, they are homemade and that its why there are the best. Yes she talked about everything except Ethan, it was passed 4 when she said she need it to go home but didn’t get up, I was getting my sketch book inside my pack back when she said – “Would it be wrong to invite you for a drink”? – that surprise me, I didn’t reply right away because I thought I have gotten wrong and right when she was backing out I said “Yes!!” too loud, people started at us.

   So here I am now sitting at the bar, the bartender it’s looking at me weird because although he already gave me my beer I haven’t take a sip, I’m nervous and my hands are sweating and shaking like crazy, thank god Olive it’s in the restroom and she can’t see me right now, I have taken my sketch book out and I’m just doodling to kill time, I feel a hand on my arm I get the courage to turn around and I am determined to ask this girl why are we here, when I get kissed but right then I recognized those lips, voldermort, I push her away and all I hear its

“Damn it Ely, what the fuck it’s wrong with you? “ – Voldermort says

“Cassie, go away” – I’m pissed and scared that any minute now Olive will come out of the restroom and I really don’t want her see me with Cassie I really don’t want her to see that part of my life that I truly regret but most of all I don’t want her to judge me.

“I have been basically throwing myself at you all day long” – Cassie yells “I don’t know why in the world you don’t want to fuck me?” 

“Because I just don’t, now go away!”

“Oh please don’t tell me all of this it’s because you want to get on that girl pants”

“What girl?” – I asked

“That girl who is dating Ethan, honestly Ely you don’t want to get in the middle of that because ha! You won’t get any”

“What's that supposed to mean”?

“UGH Ely because she is dating Ethan who is literally gay I just saw him and Gabriel almost do it, and so that means she it’s a virgin and won’t put ever put out to someone like you” – this last part I wanted to just erased and if I could I totally would, because just right then I see Olive to her left just standing there, she look at me and I know she heard what Cassie just pretty much yelled at the world, she turns around and runs to the door and out she goes.

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