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  Ely and I have gotten into this routine, we see each other almost every two days over the week and it’s the only time I don’t get to feel anything, all my thought goes away and so does it the pain. Also it’s the only time I talk now actually talk about whatever comes up, our conversation are really random sometimes we can be talking about life and its perks and some other times we just keep fighting about watching the Harry Potter’s movies.

   Ely has become my scape from what I don’t want to face yet, at the apartment all my sister can ask about its Ethan, where is Ethan? Why arent you replying to his messages?

“Im not going to keep lying for you to Ethan, you need to face him” – she says one day when I come into the door, she is at the kitchen wearing a pink apron under her tight black skirt and her white blouse, she is always so uptight, always doing the right thing. She wasn’t like this two years ago, but then again a lot has happen to both of us, I became the loose one and she stop being the girl who kept playing with boys and starting dating Henry.

“Good evening to you too” – I said while I drop my bag on the floor just to pissed her off and walk toward my room.

“Olive, I’m serious , I’m tired of lying to Ethan, he hasn’t stop calling and you have being acting really weird. Don’t make me call my parents and tell on you, so please just tell me what’s wrong”- she says while she follows me to my room

 I open the door and go inside but I stop her at the entrance.

 “I didn’t asked you to lie for me, and we both know you are not the one who lies to him, its Henry the one who keeps lying for both of us”

“Look Olive, I’m really worry about you, you guys haven’t been talking or hanging out so what the hell do you do on the days you get home late?

  I know she is worry about me, she tell me every day even Henry tell me how I’m freaking him out because I haven’t being myself, I know they are both worried about me and I could talk about Henry about what’s going on with Ethan however I just don’t want to, I don’t want to feel anything and talking makes me feel and right now I just can’t do this. I want to tell my sister she it’s just a year older than me, so she need to stop taking the place of the older sister because it just doesn’t belong and it will never  belong to her it doesn’t matter how much she tries, she can’t never be him but instead I just close my door on her face, she then keeps yelling

“That’s it, I’m done with you acting like a brat, I’m calling my dad right now” but I don’t go back outside, instead I grab my headphone, turn the computer and keep working on the CD I’m making for Ely, I found the song that was playing at the bar the other day, the one that made Jose dance  I also added all the songs that we discuss about, I even added one from the harry potter’ soundtrack maybe that way he watch the movie.

   After we left the bar that day, I realized Ely had also secrets, things he doesn’t mention which surprise me because he is always so honest about himself but I pretend I don’t see him get tensed when the girl from the night at the bar comes in, I get tense as well but I know my reason she is the one that pretty much told one of my fear to the world, but I don’t know why Ely does, he gets up go to the bar pay Jose, returns to the bar and just tell me it’s time to leave, as we walking to the door she see us,  come and follow us, we get to the parking lot and I open the door but he then goes back and stop her, they seemed to be argue and she gets this smile on her face it makes her look scary, he then turns around and while he is walking to the car I heard her scream

“You still the same, no matter what you do, you wont ever change” – Ely gets in the car and doesn’t say anything, we don’t say anything for a while then all of the sudden a Beyoncé song start playing and we both reach for the radio to change it, our hands touch and we look at each other and I start laughing in a second he follow, I haven’t felt this way in a while, so comfortable with someone who wasn’t Ethan, then his face pops into my face and all of the sudden I feel a huge hole on my stomach.

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