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     I follow the red Mazda  I know so well, I let three cars in front of me just so I don’t drive too close to Olive, I know if she finds out I’m following her she will freak out and probably drive faster than what she is already driving, I don’t blame her for driving fast I blame the one that taught her how to drive and as soon as admit that I feel horrible,  they drive for about 15 minutes and  turn on a street that is full of pubs and restaurants, they park in front of one name dash, they get out and go in. The street its pack since its lunch time.

     I drive and find a park spot about a block away from where they are, I leave it there because I know that Olive will recognize my car specially if she see the bump sticker she bought for the car when I first got it, it was at the end of our junior year, my dad got tired of sharing his car with me and so my mom and him surprise me with a red Sentra, the first place I drove to was Olive house, she came out hop on and said “Take me to the store”  and so I did, we went to the dollar store and got a bunch of candy, two sodas and she also bought me the bump sticker that said “Careful, hot guy driving” she didn’t let me read it until she had clue it to the bumper, at first I thought of taking it down specially after a girl had drove passed me and wink , but Olive had bought it for me so I just didn’t, even when it made me comfortable when people stared, but just like everything else I got used it.

   See that is the thing about Olive, she takes me out of my comfort zone just to prove me I can get over things, that is why I kept talking to her when I first met her, because she would do things and did not care what people thought of her later on I came to realized who made it felt that way, who had made her once get out of her comfort zone.

  As I entered the bar, the one I expected to be called Jose and not Dash because that’s what the text said, I see its full of people, the music it’s so loud and its smell like cigarette, I instantly dislike the place I don’t know how can Olive stand being here, how can she stand the smoke? I see her and Ely sitting at the bar, they both have cokes I can’t tell if there is any alcohol, they are both eating hot dogs and wings you can tell they are from some other place except this one because of the bag and I wonder how they still here, why haven’t they kicked them out are? I take a sit close to the bar where I can not only see them I also can head then

“Hey Joseph, I give you your hot dog if you let me play the cd I made for Ely” – I see the bartender who I have to say does not look friendly at all, in fact he look like one of those guys who just got out of jail and you really don’t want to messed up with, smile to Olive and take the cd out of her hands, she then say

“Thank you darling” – imitating one of those old actress whose voice was really deep, whose name I don’t remember right now, the guy just nods and walk towards where the audio system its located, I heard Ely say

“I believe he is warmed to the thought of us now and I feel like I have accomplished something big I mean he nod  this time, that has too be celebrated with another soda pop” – Olive laughed and say

“I haven’t heard someone say soda pop since I watch Now and Then”

“Haven’t watch it” – says Ely while he whips his hands full of barbecue thanks to the wings, and then reach his back pocket open his wallet ahead takes a piece of paper  -“Should I write it down on the list” he ask

“I don’t know, as much as I like the movie I don’t think we can get anything out of the movie, thats more of a chick film” – and then keeps talking about how right now they need to keep watching movies that will leave you with a feeling of wanting more, all of the sudden a song start playing and I know I heard it before, and just then I remember it’s the  song they play at the end of the movie The breakfast club, Gabriel and I watched it the first time we had a movie night, I then see Olive shout

“I found it” – and points to the audio system, she looks so happy as if she had found a treasure, she then gets up and grabs a straw and start singing, everyone is looking at her and I remember how she used to do this things to me too, I used to feel so uncomfortable feeling everyone’s eyes on us, I try to not look back at then but I couldn’t help it, a lot of people would laugh or looked at her weird, judging and I just wanted her to stop but just as I’m thinking this my eyes goes from Olive to Ely and he is there looking at her smiling amused, as if he just saw his first bicycle on Christmas morning and then I realized he just not only likes Olive he is falling for her because it’s the same way I look at Gabriel and my stomach gets an empty feeling  not  like the one you get when you are hungry but like the one you get when you get punch in your gut and it leaves you breathless, if it wasn’t because the waiter puts a glass of water in front of me and asked me what I would like to order I would have probably starting to choke at the realization that I’m falling in love and losing my best friend all at once.

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