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 know everyone think there is something wrong with me, and by everyone I mean my parents and sister. Ever since I showed up to Nataly and told her what I was afraid to say aloud, how I heard someone else said what I have being afraid of admitting to myself I haven’t being myself apparently but the true is I need to go home and rest and just see my parents, I need to feel the comfort of my own bed and room. I don’t need my sister constantly asking me where is Ethan or Henry keeping an eye on me at school.

  When I told Nataly she just listen and doesn’t say anything, she just looks at me with this weird look in her eyes, she gets up and go to her room and comes back she tells me she its going away for a few weeks to visit her dad so she wont be around and she know how it feels like to just being away from people who wants and will want to be there for me but maybe what I need its to go away so she gives me a key and an address she said its her parents beach house they never go, because her mom its pregnant right now and her dad has just realeased a new book, so she tell me to take for a few days.

  She gives me a hug and leave, I stay there that weekend and when I go back on Monday I decided to go back home because the only person I would love to see and talk to it back at home,  I go home but I just feel horrible the entire time there, I don’t get a reply from the person I need the most, and the entire place just remind me of Ethan and how it was back in high school so I leave Friday night but before I know im calling Henry

-“ Hey, so uess whut im atchin wragt own” – he said, and I just know he is eating probably some fast food or junk food and watching friends

-“ Look I said I need a favor” – I sound so serious I actually hear him swallowed the whole thing fast

-“ whats up?” – he reply also serious

-“ I need you to give me your cousin’s address and phone number and I really need you to not ask what for” – I said and so he does.

  Yeah, I know this is the second time I do something unexpected and somehow it always has to do with Ely but I just keep thinking about what Nataly has said, and how I really don’t want to be with people who I know will want to be there for me, so I look for the one person who doesn’t know crap about me.

  Plus I feel like I need to apologize for running away on Friday, and then for getting drunk and now for running over him with my car, after showing him the kitchen of the museum and sharing with him my story of how i know such a cool person like sophie I drive him to the beach, I know I had taken him by surprise because he doesn’t say anything.

 We walk to the beach house which I have to say its big and beautiful, it looks like its made of glass because you can see the inside of the house however when we come in, we realized there are parts that you cant see like the hallways to the bedrooms and the kitchen, the part of the living room that hold the fireplace, we go out to the porch and see how there is a lot of people out in the sand, we then realized the house next door it’s a little restaurant/hotel and actually this is the only house because all around us the houses there are hotel or restaurant some both they all have bars and even discoteque funny how Nataly send me to a place full of people. Ely doesn’t say a word the entire time we walk around the street he just look around and check the place out, finally when we find this little pub selling apparently what it seemed the best seafood he says

-“You know all this time I thought you were just an stalker but now I know you are also a kidnapper, I had to see it come right?” – he smile, see all this time I thought he was going to ask what was wrong or why was he here out of all people but this is what I like about Ely he just doesn’t asked what everyone else does.

-“ Yeah I mean it was so obvious, its your fault actually for not really see it coming” – I replied

-“ Of course, boys are always wrong right?”

-“Hahahaha of course!” – I said

-“Ok, honestly thou can I asked you something” – he said all serious now, I knew this was coming and I was prepared to tell be honest with him, I think he deserved that much.

-“Shoot” – I said

-“Its wish you were here, your favorite song of all times?” he asked, and I wasn’t expecting that to be the question after that we talked about Pink Floyd, their best record, concert, song although we didn’t seem to be able to just picked one, then we went to talk about our taste in music, he told me about all this not-famous-band he heard played at random bars, he told me many bar stories.

 We walked by the beach and talked for hours, this time he talked more than I did and told me all about what he likes and dislikes, his bar stories always ended up by him getting way to wasted, see that is what I liked about Ely he was truthful, he didn’t mind tell the true about himself just like Natalie didn’t mind saying what others thought to be rude or mean, I wanted that, I envy that because I felt like I had been hiding the truth for too long and so has Ethan.

Untitled.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora