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Ethan has miss all of the classes we have together the entire week, I don’t know where he is at and no one has heard from him, I wouldn’t care this much but I know from Henry that Olive its in bad shape apparently after she ran out of the bar she went to some friend house, and stayed there for the weekend, she came back Monday night went to school Tuesday just to ask for permission to miss for a week because she was going back home, so she left that same afternoon and she just called her sister to let her know she had made it home.

-“ Why are you asking me about Olive? – Henry asked Wednesday night where the family gets together for dinner, I know for normal families its Sunday however my family its obsess with sports doesn’t matter what it is and every Wednesday we gather around at my grandma place to watch the news or if it’s a game then we watch that it can be tenis for all they care the point its to sit and have dinner

-“ I was just wondering, because I saw her Friday and well she seemed upset” – I don’t mention the bar or the whole afternoon conversation just because I know henry and he will make a big thing about this, since I haven’t talked to a girl every since I broke up with voldermort, I mean not the way I talked to Olive that day anyways, I have talked to girl from college and about homework but that it, and its only because I don’t want a relationship and somehow girls tend to get the wrong idea, also Cassie its always getting in the middle.

- “Has she broken up with Ethan” – I asked trying to sound nonchalant

-“ I don’t know, she hasnt mention him thou and he has being looking for her like crazy almost every night since Friday he calls Kristen to see if she has heard about Olive, but Olive hasn’t really called or text neither of us its like she wants to disappear from everyone’s life” – Henry says and then leave to get more food.

-“ You know if you keep eating this way, Kristen its going to have to you roll around her apartment” – I say, trying to change the subject but really thinking what is going on with Olive

  Its Saturday morning, and just as always its too early to even say the time, to even been looking at the damn clock for the time, I reach my phone that doesn’t stop from ringing and answer annoyed to the person behind the reason why im awake

-“ Who ever this is, better be at the hospital right now calling that you are dying otherwise you have waking me up for no good reason you damn fool” – I said, see im just not a morning person.

- “ im not dying, but apperantly I will be in a few seconds.. well only if you come outside and kill me for waking you up this early.” – said the voice on the other end

-“ Uhum who, who is this?”- I replied afraid of the answer.

-“ This is Olive” – she said

 I hang up, jump out of bed get into the first pants I find lay on the floor and ran to the door trying to not make any noise but trying to get there as fast as I can. When I get outside I see her inside her car, she its about to start the car when I jump in front of it and then she jump letting go of the brake and kind of ran over me, I fell to the ground and she gets out

-“ Are you insane or just stupid!?” – she yells I don’t answer right away, I just stared at her she just looks so damn pretty and I feel like im dreaming.

-“ Ok, I know you didn’t hit your head so bad that you cant answer” –

-“ I uhum, im going to sue you first for stalking me and then for almost kill me with your car this early” – it’s the only thing I can manage to say she then smile and say

-“ Do you like pancakes?”

    At first I thought she was going to say she was going to be back in a second when she park at behind the museum where the people that works there park, but she told me to get out otherwise I wasn’t getting my breakfast. We went throu the back and no one was there except for the officier that guard throu the night, he then saw her and smile

-“ morning shorty” – he said

- “morning Ralph, how your knee? – she asked

-“ feeling better now, that medicine you made really work out”

-“ im glad to hear that, its she in the back?

-“yes, you know the way” – he replies and she just keep walking and I follow her like an idiot, we get to the back and there is the door that lead to the kitchen of the restaurant inside of the museum she just open and goes right in, when I step I spect to see a big kitchen with a lot of chef running around, instead I see a woman in  her 60’s sitting in the middle table with a big book and a calculator

-“ Your early” – she says without looking up, Olive goes grabs to mugs and walks to the coffee maker and says

- “Granny this is Ely, Ely this is granny” – the old lady looks up and smile, at me she then pulls a chair and asked me to sit down

- “ Nice to meet you Ely, what are you doing with this weird girl this early on a Saturday morning?-  she asked with her thick voice

-“ Well I was promised pancake after I got hit by her car”- I answer and just like her voice she also has a thick laugh.

Olive gets an apron and a hat and she makes the best pancakes I have ever tasted, she later tell me its Shopia’s recipe and how she taught her how to make them, Granny’s real name its Sophia and its not really Olive’s grandma that its just the nickname she has given to her, two hours later when we leave she tell me the story of how they ended up meeting each other, Olive used to come to the museum every Sunday every since she move to the city, one night Ethan and her had made plans of a date but Ethan had stood her up and didn’t care to mind and let her know he wasn’t going to make it, so she sat there until the museum close and everyone went home, Sophia come outside and see Olive sitting in the cold benches just starting blanking into space, Sophia then sat next to her and said

-“ Boys cant live without them, but also cant seem to get them uhu? – Olive just smile and said, its not the boy really its more like the date, apparently the date was important for her and althought she didn’t really explain what it was (I bet it was their stupid anniversary) she made it sounded like it was important, she did explain to Sophia thou and every since them they have become friend, she told her to come into the restaurant next time she visit the museum and so Olive did after the first visit, Sophie invited her to the kitchen and taught her the recipe now every Saturday morning or Sundays, Olives comes by only early in the morning to visit Sophie and eat pancakes.

 Im so into the story, I don’t realized where she is driving to until she smile and say

-“Get out, we are here”-

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