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Ever since the morning that Olive showed up at my house, I had seen her more and more. We have keep meeting now almost every weekend, it's now official to meet at the back of the kitchen at the museum, after having breakfast with Sophie we always ended up in weird places, like the top of a random building, or some park big park it takes you all day to fully explore, we have gone back to the beach just to go back to the same restaurant, I have even gone to her college and watch her make her art, she doesn't come to mine thou, we have gone and eat hot dog, she showed me the pub with the best hot wings and they were in fact really good, we even when for lunch to the same bar where she got drunk to visit Jose, he know smile at us when we come in.

And although we haven't talked about Ethan or what happen that night, we have talked about everything else, she has told me about her friend Natalie and how they met and then I mention how I'm also a potterhead.

-" The fifth book has to be the best, I mean come on the little wicked witch, you just got to love how much you hate her-" I said to her one day over lunch, while Jose clean the bar and change the CD and played some music at the bar we have never listen to before.

-"Are you crazy? Come on 6th book was the best, Hermione getting jealous of Ron and then reading about You-Know-Who "- she whisper the last part

-"you do know, we can say it aloud right?"

-"Of course I do, I just choose not to"

-"Why not" ?

-"You're going to laugh"

-"I won't, I promise"

-"Ok" - she says and then sight "I believe its jinxed"

-"How is it jinxed"

-" I don't know, like something will happen or a bad person will show up" - I try not to laugh, and I just look at her but I can't help it, she so damn cute and naïve sometimes I cant stop looking at her eyes that make her look so innocent my thoughts are taken away because right then Jose turn the music up and not only the beat of the song its good also the lyrics, it's a really simple melody this guy just keep saying don't you forget about me we turn around and we see how much he is into it .. Sing out loud and acting like he is playing his imaginary guitar and we just laugh then she said

-"Ok I will admit the fifth movie was better than the sixth one" -

-"Haven't watch it" - I said

-"What,why not? - she asked

-"Well just like you think VOLDEMORT it's jinxed, I believe watching the movies ruins your imagination" - and just like that Cassie comes in, I guess this damn name truly it's jinxed.

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