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Something it’s up.

After Cassie fined me and Gabriel kissing Friday afternoon, Gabriel try to stop me from freaking out, but how could I be calmed when Cassie Brown walked in on us. Cassie Brown it’s the whore of my campus and she is also a gossip kind of girl, I knew that within an hour my phone and facebook will be full of comments and messages asking me if it was true, at the time that was my biggest worry, until I called Olive that night and she didn’t reply she even had her phone turned off. I kept calling her all night and the next day and her phone was off by Saturday night I was on the edge of collapsing.

 I drove the metro to her and sister’s apartment just to find out she had spent the night at her only girl-friend apartment Nataly, “Oh goodie” i thought, everytime something its wrong with us, she run to Nataly now, I just never thought she would spent the night and actually her sister Kristen informed me she actually was planning on spending the weekend there which meant something was up, something bad. My hand starting sweating at the notification.

  You see, Olive’s friendship with Nataly its not really my favorite one, im not saying I hate Nataly but I just have strong negative feelings about her also I don’t get why Olive would see in her, Nataly its all dark she doesn’t believe in so many things, she doesn’t believe in a religion yet she believe in God, she doesn’t believe in true friendship yet she is always there for Olive (or so Olive says) she also doesn’t believe in true love yet she has date a lot, she is so negative about everything but she called herself realistic, one time she told Olive to not depend so much on me and so Olive started doing things without me, like I don’t know what the hell does she does every Saturday or Sundays morning but she always text me really early, she also goes away once a month to who know where, see I don’t mind Olive having friends at her college I was prepare for that, what I wasn’t prepare for was this whole other secret life she has.

  Every since Nataly pop into the picture I have seen different things in Olive, she knows places like that bar street or the the old building with the scary graffiti, at first I thought oh she might know this place because of her career but when I asked how did she ended there she just simple reply –“ Nataly and her adventures lead us there” – like I was supposed to know what that meant. Nataly has an influence in Olive that she doesn’t see it or maybe she does and like it and she has change I mean she went from jeans with converse to short, green hair, vans kind of girl and im not saying I hate it because Olive its always changing looks its one of the thing I love about her, all im saying its Nataly its showing Olive a side she hasn’t explore yet, so that is why Nataly and I don’t met eye to eye and so she staying over at her apartment just means she wants me to give her distance.

  Tuesday I ditch school and go looking for her, I mean I thought she was going to reply Sunday night but her phone was still off, on Monday when I called Kristen she told me she was still at Nataly’s place but she was getting there at night, I expected her called that night but nothing when I got to her apartment just to finding her pushing bags into her trunk

-“ going somewhere” – I asked, she didn’t heard me walking to her so she jump at my voice, didn’t turn around either she just kept pushing the big bag into the trunk it was wait for a while until I sight and said

- “ look im sorry for disappearing the way I did last week and I get it now because this weekend without you has being … - but she didn’t let me finished.

- “ shut the hell up”- she said, she turn around and she had a look in her eyes I couldn’t tell if she was mad, hurt or just simple annoyed, she really got surprise me I have never heard her curse, at least not at me. I then got upset, I mean she runs away and doesn’t face me and now she is treating me like this without letting me explain.

-“ look im not I did wrong but that doesn’t give you the right to treat me like this”

-“ Yes, because you are the one that always matter right? .. go to hell Ethan you and your lies can go and kiss my ass, now move or I swear I will ran you over” – she then hops into the car, turn it up and drives without looking back.

And right there I know she knows the true.

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