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It has been almost a month now? And Olive still hides from me, actually now she is just avoiding me, after two weeks of going to her apartment just to find Henry always at the door I gave up trying to look for her, I even went to look for her friend Natalie but she just told me the only time she see her it’s when Olive comes to her morning jobs on Monday and then on Friday to her other job at night, when I asked where does she work she just hang up DOUCHE! i yell at the phone but it’s useless, she has already hang up.

  Surprising enough, no one at my colleges reacts the way I thought they would and that makes me feel that maybe Cassie didn’t say anything but Olive odd reaction just keeps proving me wrong, I had pushed Gabriel away because I just can’t deal with him right now, I need Olive but she is not where to be found, I’m worry about her she is acting the way she was when the accident happen, back then she used me as her scape from the world and now she it’s doing the same thing what worries me its I don’t know who she is escaping with and that worries me even more.

  I need to know she is ok, I need make her hurt goes away even if I’m hurt as well because I want to be with Gabriel but how can I do that and leave Olive, I can’t leave Olive I know that now, but Gabriel doesn’t get it, he doesn’t get how fragile Olive its and how people just keep hurting her, he gets mad every time I see someone like Olive, I jump at the thought and just walk away from him.

  I haven’t been focusing on school either, all I can think about its Olive and how the date its getting here and I need to fixed all of this before that but what if she never let me see her again, what if she doesn’t let me be there for her who will then protected her? All of this thoughts are running around my head while the teacher its explaining our next project, one day he is saying something about groups of two it’s called couple you idiot I hear someone whisper behind me, I think a girl. I really don’t care, he keeps them talking about how he already had pick our partners so he starts reading the name.

“Cassie Brown you are with Ross Smith” – they starting moving chairs around, everyone looking for their partner it’s until I hear my name call I look up

-“Ethan Watson you are with Ely Grey” – he said and then I look to my right where Ely has just dropped his phone, I moved and reach for it just to see he has a message and the name of the sender its Olive.

  I give his phone and he know I read the screen name, he starts to move his chair but just then the class ends and so he gets his pack together and start to leave, I follow him even call after him, he stops and walk towards me, he is about to say something but I jump first

“How about we met tomorrow to start working on the project, say around 2 at your place?” – He is taken by surprise because it takes him a while to figure out I’m not asking him about Olive, I’m actually talking about homework

“Right, of course” – he says and I’m not sure if he is talking to himself or me then he adds – “make it 3 I have something to do before, here it’s my address, see ya” and just walks away

  I could have asking him about Olive, I wanted to however I know she its hiding from me, and I just found who she is escaping with now all I need to do it’s for Ely to show me where are they escaping to so I plan to follow him from now on.

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