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Olive gets in my car carrying a big backpack, she then takes out 2 sandwiches peanut butter and jelly I don’t mention that I hate peanut butter and jelly I just take it and start to take it out of the bag when she stop me.

“What are you doing”? – my heart starts pounding, and I can’t help but wonder if she can read my mind or saw my expression of disgust on my face.

“Uhum I was going to eat it? “ – I don’t know why it came out as a question when she grabs the sandwich from my hand.

“Are you hungry? Because I know a place where we could go and grab something good to eat but please don’t eat this nasty PBJ sandwiches, they are gross” – and right then I want to kiss this girl, but I don’t. Instead I laugh and I know she is wondering why I am laughing

“I’m sorry, I really thought it was for me and I didn’t wanted to hurt your feeling but yes I hate PBJ as well” – she just looks at me and smile

“You are unbelievable” and right then my heart stops and I hear this voice in my head telling stop with the cheesy thoughts!

       We drive to this little pub, it remind me in a way of Central Perk and right then I realized I need to stop watching Friends, it ended like a decade ago and I need to let go of Rachel and her nipples always showing thru her shirt, but going back to Olive, we have a big breakfast and she explain why the PBJ, she says that they are our tickets to get into the movie theater

“I don’t know if you know this, but now there is this thing called ticket we can actually get them outside the theater and they only cost like 9 bucks” – I said this while we wait for out pancakes to arrive, we have each order 2 extra orders of pancakes, this is one of the things I love about Olive she eats like a guy, when I was with Voldemort we always had to go to clubs or places that had an all you can eat salad bar.

“Ha-ha funny, well smart pants not to the one I’m taking you. Trust me you will love this” – when the pancakes arrived she asked the waiter to make the order to go, she looks at her watch and says that we are behind. We paid for our lovely breakfast hop into the car and drive.

We park outside this old theater and I know its old because they a poster of Pocahontas and Richie Rich showing, it looks like it closed and it hasn’t been open since late ’94 I look at Olive to see if this is just a joke but she is already walking to the tickets stands. A black guy about our age it’s sitting inside the booth reading One Hundred Years of Solitude, he is so into the book that doesn’t see Olive standing outside holding the 2 PBJ sandwiches.

“ROGER!!!!” – she yells and hit the glass, he then looks up and I see he is also listening to music, he takes one of his earphones out and smiled

“It was about time girl, I was wondering where you were” – he stands up and come out of the booth and hugs Olive so tight that she lets out a little puff

“I’m sorry, we stop for coffee and pancakes” she says while showing him the bag, he then turns his attention to me

“You must be Ely, I’m Roger … Olive’s friend”

Olive explain how Roger it’s her partner on her photography class, how they have share the same passion for books and photography. He actually works at this theater which to my surprise it is open, his grandpa owns but now they have 5 others and well this one it’s just there, he doesn’t want to closed it or sell it he doesn’t even want to remodel it since it was the first theater he owned. They showed old movies every Friday and Saturday night, however this only attracted to certain amount of people most are from the neighbor, when I look around I see a lot of old people just as old as the building they are living and I see why Olive loves this place, it feels like its stuck in time.

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