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This must be some bad joke, first Cassie shows up at the bar and not only she sees me with Olive she also follow us to her car. I try to stop her, she already made Olive uncomfortable once and she doesn’t need to keep making her feel worse with her stupid drama.

“Just leave her alone Cassie” – I tell her but she just tries to push me and get to where Olive is

“I just want to asked her, why in the world is she doing with my ex-boyfriend; does she know she is playing with fire?” – she says smiling while she ran a finger towards my chest I grab her hand

“Look you don’t want me to go and tell your boyfriend how you been screwing with my boy Gerald “ – Gotcha bitch I think to myself, “Oh you thought I didn’t know? Ha! He is my boy Cassie what did you thought he wasn’t going to tell me? Or you actually thought I was going to care that you did him many times? Open your eyes im over you so over you stinky ass -  I said she then gets her creepy smile on

“ Oh honey, you like her don’t you? .. you really like her, but here is a secret Ely, I might be a stinky whore but I was your stinky whore and she hates me for what I said about her gay boyfriend however do you think she will feel about you when she find out about how you used to drink and get high because I broke your heart? .. she will see the person I made you and she will not like it at all”

“Im not that person anymore, Cassie” – I say and turn around to leave and all I hear its cassie shouting I will never going to change, im still the same alcohol addict she made me to be, and I can see Olive its listen to what she is shouting wondering what it means, but cant tell her.

 Olive only saw me drunk once, but she didn’t saw how bad it was .. how I used to be drunk for days, not caring about my life how the day my grandpa die I was so drunk and high I barely remember, I wasn’t there for my mom when she need my shoulder to cry on. When Henry came and told me about Kristen and their love story, how he need it my help to asking her out I wasn’t there either that is why henry asked Olive to help him. I used alcohol as my escape just like she its using me to escape whatever is that she is escaping, at the beginning I thought it was Ethan she was escaping from and that is why I let her used me, because just the thought of me making her forget about that asshole made me feel a little jealous of him, but now I know its something deeper than that, there are holes in the stories she tell me like when she told me how she and Sophie met, she never told me the reason why Sophie was so kind to her, why Sophie let her comes in every Saturday morning to eat pancakes and why its always pancakes, I know there is more to the story but Olive its not ready to tell me, I know because I have been there so I’m being patience and let her take me to explore the city with her because I will be there when she its ready to come out of the hiding place, I want to be the one who she comes to that is why when Patterson, my art history teacher made me and Ethan worked together I freaked out because as soon as Patterson read my name, I dropped my phone and Ethan picked it up seeing the name of Olive and how she had text me she was close by and to be at the bus stop in 5. So I ran out of class and Ethan follow I expect him to asked me why I was talking to Olive? but instead he asked me to meet at my place at 2 of course the guy was going to asked me about homework first he is a damn machine, all it matter its school, I told him to meet me at 3 I wrote my address down and walked away.

 He is such an ass, who doesn’t care about Olive I keep thinking the whole way to the bus stop, and make myself feel better by thinking that its ok to be there for her, that she doesn’t need a machine to her side, she also doesn’t need a coward who hides his problem on alcohol either but I pushed that last thought away when the red Mazda stop in from of me, the front door open and I hear her say

“Hey stranger, hop on” – and so I do.

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