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      I wake up to the sound of a ringtone in Spanish, I open my eyes just to see Gabriel and Ethan in front of me staring both holding a cup of tea, however I see Ethan has a phone in his hand and it’s the one who is playing the annoying ringtone

“Oh I’m sorry did we wake you up” – Ethan says in a sarcastic tone, I get up and turn to see an empty bed

“Where is Olive?” – I rush out of the couch and rub my eyes to see if the empty bed is in fact empty

“She left “– Gabriel says

“What do you mean she left?” – I like the guy, he was nice enough to let me sleep in his couch but right now I wanted to punch him in the face, Ethan then hands me a piece of paper

“She told me to give you this, I read it and to be honest I didn’t get it” – he says rolling his eyes, I open the note and know exactly where she is.

  I grab my things and thank Gabriel and Ethan’s for letting me crash last night in their couch, Gabriel offers me a cup of tea and I started to wonder if that’s the only thing this guy can “cook”

“Thank you, but no thank you” –

“He is in a hurry Gab, let him go get her” – Ethan says and smiled at me, I don’t believe in miracles but maybe machine man grew a heart over night, I still not a big fan but my heart its warming out to his presence, I grab my cars keys and drive to find Olive.

    When I get there, I park the car and take 3 deep breath … my hands are shaking, I know it’s stupid it’s not like she wrote I love you too, come meet me at the church and marry me I put my head in the wheel trying to calm down and try to make my hands from stop shaking when all of the sudden I hear someone taping my window I look up and see Sophie standing outside, I bring the window down

“Hey stranger, what are you doing here”? – she asked, it takes me a minute to answer to this I mean I can’t tell her I’m looking for Olive to tell her I love her or can I ?

“ I hum I am “ – she just laugh and says

“ If you are looking for the weird girl, she is inside” – she keeps walking and I watch her go in, its Saturday morning and I wonder what is she doing here isn’t she supposed to be at the restaurant at the museum? .. Talking about being a weird day.

   Last night, Olive couldn’t stop crying and I couldn’t make her stop but then as soon as she heard Ethan’s voice she calmed down and even went to sleep. I didn’t understand why they were together before but now I do, Ethan knows Olive better than anyone else, he stuck to her side when she lost her brother, I wasn’t even around my mother when my grandfather die, I been living in my own world and I keep escaping reality, I don’t know why Olive kept escaping with me this past week I mean she already has Ethan to do that with, besides I’m broken and I have many wounds that I haven’t even fixed how am I going to fix Olive’s ? … I know it’s crazy to think that she needs to stay with Ethan when he is with Gabriel but hey they can work something out, at least I know he won’t kiss her, stop being stupid Ely I mean this is crazy how are they going to work something out, I mean Gabriel it’s a great guy but I doubt he would let Olive sleep in his bed every night, anyways that is not for you to worry about what you need to do its drive back to your life, and stop pretending Olive will accept you, if she only knew what you used to be.

  I decided to not go into the theater and go home, as I was driving home I drove in front of Dash and saw Jose outside the bar having lunch with … a girl WHAT? Wait Jose having lunch with a girl? And not she doesn’t look like she just come out of jail, actually she looks like if she was a teacher, with those big black glasses and the long dress, I kept looking at them and didn’t realized I hit one of those things firemen uses to get water out and as soon as I hit it water start to fill out my car, I got out and saw Jose’s running toward me

 “Dude, that’s fucked up” – he said and I was about to say tell me about it when I realized this is the first time I hear him talk ever, I felt like I have accomplish something big he then offer to call for a tow car but I realized I left my wallet at Gabriel’s and Henry was away with Kristen so there was only one person to call and that was Olive.

    I came inside the bar, and order a beer for the first time in a year I hadn’t had a drink although my system asked me to drink it there was my conscience telling me to not do it, the same conscience who told me I shouldn’t go inside the theater, I was about to take a sip when I heard Olive come in

“Well look who took a detour, my friend you are really far away from the theater” – she said smiling as always and I felt like crap

“Olive there is something you need to know” – I said

“Is Jose going back to jail? “ – She asked waiting for me to follow her joke, but I didn’t instead

“I need to be honest with you, I need to tell you who I was before but there is a part of me that doesn’t want to tell you actually doesn’t have the guts because deep inside I know as soon as you find out who I was I will lose you” – this last part came out without me even realizing what I just said, I couldn’t look at her now, I felt my face turning white and my hand again for the billion time start to shake, honestly there is something wrong with my hands, I need to get this check out.

“And if you lose me, would that be bad? “ – Olive asked

“What that supposed to mean? Of course it would be bad, it would be horrible!” – Again what the fuck it’s wrong with me

“As horrible as when Cedric die or as horrible as when serious die? “

“As horrible as when dobby die”

“Oh that’s horrible”

“That’s what I just said, look Olive maybe it’s better if you return to Gabriel’s apartment and talk to Ethan” –

“Yes I’m going back to Gabriel’s apartment but only to take you to go get your wallet”

“Olive …” – I was about to tell her to stop joking around, I was being serious for the first time when she got closer and said

“Ely” – looking at my lips, she was so close and for some reason smelled like pancakes, I breath her in

“Mm pancakes” – I whisper without even realizing, she look up at me and smiled and right then I closed my eyes and kiss her.

  Jose came from the kitchen into the bar, he turn the radio on and played the first song Olive made me dance, we then stop kissing and she just smiled

“Mm hot wings” – she said and we laugh.

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