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  I don’t know how things went from great to this.

This morning all I wanted to do was to give Ethan my paint, and make him feel better. Talk to him and just let him know I’m here for him, but one thing led to another and now things are just … No, this must be a dream, a really bad dream.

 Ethan apart from being my boyfriend for almost 2 years now, he has being my best friend he has always been there for me, he see something that no one else does or at least that is how I feel when I’m with him, he was there when I got cheated, when people stopped talking to me, he was there when I decided to not go into med-school and instead take art and moved with him to the city, he was there when I fought my parents to let me come and live on  my own and although I moved with my sister, my parents weren’t so thrilled and I get it why  they were heartbroken to see and my sister and I  leave, after the accident I think this was the second worst thing that  happen to them. The accident, Ethan was there for that as well, I think that is when i got closer to him, the accident made us stronger … so I don’t understand why things are all broken now.

 After Ely and I gave up trying to find Ethan, he invited me to lunch and we sat there for hours I have to admitted he is a really good listener because I did most of the talking, only because I need to keep talking to keep my mind away from Ethan and where he might be,  it helped me to get all this fear out of my mind and just really enjoy the afternoon with Ely, he is really great and we have a lot in common, he is also really funny and sarcastic in a way that just makes you laugh, he is so different from his brother Henry who happens to be my classmate, I known Henry for a while now but he never mention Ely. The only time he did was when he told me Ely and his friends were going to go to the beach when Henry asked my sister out, he wanted an audience although back then Ely had being high and drunk the entire time until pass midnight did he came back to life, back then he gave me the impression of being sad and afraid of something, he has change now or maybe he has just learned how to hide it well.

  We spend such a good time, that it wasn’t until I check my phone to see the time I realized I need to get back home, I had to do a bunch of homework but I just couldn’t didn’t wanted to be alone and wonder again about Ethan and his whereabouts, I was so surprise when I invited Ely for a drink and so was Ely, we went to this small bar on Beadle street or should I say beer street the whole block it’s all about bars, we went to the one where this not so famous band was playing cover of Bob Marley, at first it was awkward because as soon as we took a seat at the bar I order a margarita although I never had one, actually I never even had drink and also order Ely a drink, after the margarita I order a mojito, then something that looked like Ron but tasted awful it wasn’t until I was done with that I notice Ely hadn’t even tasted his first beer he just kept looking at me and smile, hearing how I kept talking to the bartender whose name was Jose,  I kept making him sing along with me and the no-so-famous-band who cover of Bob Marley were incredible, Jose just kept refusing.

 -“You know if you keep screaming at him, he will at one point split on your next drink” – Ely said

-“I didn’t know I was shouting so damn loud!” – I shout and then cover my mouth at the realization of my cursing

Ely just laughed, and right then the so-no-famous- band starting playing could you be loved. I asked then Jose to dance with me and he just stared and then move to asked some couple what they wanted to drink,

“Douche!” – I mumble

-“Oh he is really splitting on your drink now” – Ely said, I turn and took his hand and pull him to dance with me but he just stand there and watch me move around like the crazy, drunk girl I was

- “Dance!” – I said

- “I rather go back and drink Jose splitting drink” – he said

-“come on, am I such a suck dancer?” – I asked

-“No, I am” – he said, so I took his hand and started to move them around my head, I knew them I was drunk.

Never in my life I had done this, I’m just not that type of girl not when Ethan or my best friend Natalie aren’t around; they are the ones that give me confidence. Ely started moving really slow and he look at me and smile, the more I moved the more dizzy I got, at one point everything just look blurry and like it was going too fast, I had to hold on to something and so I hold on to Ely and right there they started playing the acoustic version of waiting in vain, Ely got closer because he could see how dizzy I was, he hold me and i just started moving slow side to side.

 When I look up to him, he was smile and look down at me. I realized then I need it to go to the restroom, I went and sat on the toilet my head was spinning I try to puke but nothing happen, I got out and throw some water to my face, I don’t know what was happening and why I had to get this stupid and drunk with Ely who was probably thinking what a mess of a girl I was.

 I felt better after the cold water hit my face, and I stumble over to where Ely was. At first it look like he was talking to a girl, it wasn’t until I got close where I saw they were screaming he look really annoyed and worried, the music was loud and the place full of people so I couldn’t make what she was saying it wasn’t until I got close enough I heard her said Ethan’s name and how she see him with another guy, I froze. My whole body then turn cold and I don’t know if it was because I was drunk or the comment but all of the sudden I felt like puking, she turned around after the comment of me being a virgin and I felt my face turn red, I turn around and ran, ran as fast as I could to the only place where I knew I could go.

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