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      I wake up and there is this big light hitting my face, its morning and my head its pounding, my throat feels dry and my body feels like it has gotten beat down, I try to open my eyes and see where the light its coming from and there, in front of me it’s a big window, I look around not knowing whose room this is however I notice how extremely clean it is. I still have my clothes on which I believe it’s a good sign, I turn around and try to look for my phone until I remember I left it at the apartment. Just then I look around to see if whoever owns this room has a clock and all of the sudden I see Ely sleeping on the couch and right then the doors open and Ethan comes in carrying a glass of water and two pills and all of the sudden I remember what happen last night.

    Ely and I came into this really rustic bar called the big foot to pick some friends of him, I could tell Ely was really uncomfortable he kept telling me to wait for him outside, but I really wanted to see his friend and the place where he hangs out because although I know things about Ely I really don’t know his past or anything personal. We came in and I introduce myself and right then this waiter came to say hello to Ely in a really flirt way, moving her curly long black hair and smiling and I got this feeling in my stomach I had never felt before I kept smiling but deep inside I think I was jealous of this girl, my heart starting pounding why was I jealous of this girl?.. I have never been jealous of anyone really, not even Ethan who basically had a lot of admired around him, one or twice I even saw guys being flirting with him and never did I felt the need of throwing a chair to anyone but this Mia girl, she then notice me and rolled her eyes and left.

 I then sat down next to Ely’s friend Gerald, this skinny white boy, who wears t-shirt of old bands ten times the size that he is, he also wears really skinny jeans and I loved his purple converse, I don’t know but I like the way he dress so out of the ordinary, then Ely’s other friend Otto who you can clearly see that he is an skateboard from the way he is dress and the tattoos around his arms it’s just obvious, I kept starting at his arms and asked him when did he started getting tattoos, he started telling me about the first tattoos he got and showed me the 3 kitchen knife, he then tells me how his dad was a professional chef and he was incredible good, he used to go to his restaurant over the weekends and help him in the kitchen, then he got cancer and passed away when he was only 15 so he decided to get the 3 knifes in his memory.

  Im so into the story, I don’t realized Gerald and Ely are having a little argument, when I turn to ask Ely if he has ever thought of getting a tattoos I hear Gerald apologizing for try to take the cigarette I gave Ely about two summer ago, right after my brother’s death when we went to the beach to help Henry asked my sister Kristen out. I remember writing part of the song I love the most of Pink Floyd because my brother used to play for me in his guitar. I turn to look at Ely and he is looking back at me and my heart its pounding really hard and fast, my stomach feels really small and I get the urge to kiss him but I don’t, instead I take Gerald beer and drink it all at once, they all started at me and don’t say anything and then I put my hand up and snap my fingers to the Mia girl, who gives me the dirty look and comes close to our table probably to punch me, but I don’t let her talk instead I asked her to bring two bottles of tequilas and for 4 glasses, I look at Ely and ask him if he wants something else and he just shake his head and says no thank you.

  Mia bring us 2 bottles of tequilas and a plate full of lemons, we keep getting shoot after shoot and as the night passes I feel my body getting lose, I cant exactly remember how I got into the car, or when did we drop Ely’s friend off but there is one imagine it keeps coming back. Im in the car and plug my ipod to the radio, I then hit play and I can hear my brother’s voice singing wish you were here, and right then I start crying and I cant stop, I start puking and asked Ely to call Ethan.

     I grab the glass of water and take the 2 pills, Ethan then points me to come outside and not make noise, since Ely its still sleeping. I get out of bed trying to not make any sound and come outside the room to this small apartment, he then goes to the kitchen and I follow. He place in from of me a plate of fruits and a big cup of coffee he sits in front of me and says

“It’s time to talk Olive.”

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