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      I have lived in this city all my life, i moved out of my house about a year ago. I used to live with my mom but then she got married and so I decided it was my time to go, my dad rent me his old apartment where he used to have his office, he rented this apartment way before he met my mom, he used to live here but then after they got married he kept it, so this was his writing place, see he is an writer. He has written many books, really famous book but I rather not say his name because you have probably read or heard about him.

       I remember when my parents’ marriage started to fail, he used to take me to his office so I could read all the books he owned and he could work on his next book, every since I was little  always being really mature for my age, or so they say. When my parents got divorce I was 15 I didn’t make a big deal about it, I saw it coming. Plus nothing really change, my parents are still friends you could say they are best friend, I mean my dad gave my mom away at her wedding for God’s sake.

     Every time I mention my parents are divorce they look at me like “one of those messed up child’s” but I’m not messed up because of my parents’ divorce, I mean I do believe in love just not love for me, so no my parents marriage didn’t broke me it just taught me that love is just not for me, and so people think of me as dark and twisted Natalie, but I’m just realistic. I don’t get attached or close to people, because I know they will go away eventually, so when Olive comes into my apartment at 11 pm, I just sigh because I know it’s just again her and her love problems with weird Ethan.

     I met Olive, weeks after she moved into the city we kept running into each other at the main library but we had never say a word to each other, it wasn’t until she saw me grabbing one of the harry potter books that she mention how she loved the 6th but not the movie, because it was all about teenagers and weird hormones and the book was so much more than that, I then admitted to her I had never read more than the first 3 because I hadn’t had time to read them all because every time I want to check them out of the library I always take other books for school and so she tell me that she has them all and that I can borrow them if I want, we then made plans to meet the next week and ever since them we have got closer.

    I have to admitted Olive it’s the first girl who I have to called friends, I have always choose boys instead of girls because I don’t like that they always talking about makeup and boys, however Olive its nothing like that, she talks a lot about everything and she has a lot of confident in her and that I always admired, I made Ethan a month after I met Olive, at first they strike me as a really awesome friends, almost like they have known each other for a while but then she tell me they are in a relationship and so I make no other comment, however I just get this feeling that something its off with Ethan he is just always keeping his hands to himself when they are together you know what I mean? .. but he looks at Olive like she is this light that bright his word it just not in that cheesy way, and so when Olive comes by and tell me how she heard a girl saying Ethan is gay, I believe her.

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