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         It’s about to be 3 o clock in the morning when my phones rings, I get up and try to get it but it’s too late Gabriel has waken up, he grabs it and says

“Unknown caller” – we both look at each other and I answer

“Hello, Ethan?” – The voice says, it takes me a while to recognize its Ely

“Ely?” – I reply

“Look man, am sorry for calling you at this hour but Olive, she is drunk and hasn’t stopped crying for an hour now, I wanted to take her to her apartment but she asked me to call you, I know this is big to ask but can we come over to your dorm?” –

“I’m not there, am at Gabriel’s apartment” – I said and my hands shakes, just then Gabriel looks at me and motion to give him the address and so I tell Ely to write down the address.

“We will be there in 20 mints” – and hangs up

      When Ely’s arrived Gabriel and I are in the living room waiting for them, Gabriel has already arrange the room and has it all ready for Olive to lay down, we hear the bell ring and I rush to the door, when I open I see Ely standing he looks pale and his hands are shaking, his eyes are red and it looks as if he has been crying.

“Where is Olive?” – I asked

“She is in the car, I wanted her to come out but it’s like if she´s in shock” – we then go to the parking lot and I open the passenger door and there is Olive with her knees  up and can’t stop rocking herself, she keeps holding her backup and doesn’t stop repeating her brother’s name.  I called her name but she doesn’t turn around and then I grab her hands.

“Olive, baby it’s me Ethan” – just then she turn and look at me, tears are rolling down her face and I can see how lost she’s in thoughts.

“Can you come in, its freezing outside” – she then gets out of the car and starts to walk really slow, but she doesn’t let go of her bag pack.

  We come into the apartment and Gabriel goes into the kitchen to make some tea, he says his grandma always used to say that tea its good to calm the nerves, Ely and I take Olive to the room and she sits in the middle again with her knees up and starts to rock again, I then get into bed with her and wit next to her I put her head on my shoulder and grab her hands and start rocking with her, I whisper that everything will be ok that I’m here now and things will be okay, Gabriel comes in with the cup of tea, I grab the cup and put it on her hands

“Drink it” – I said and so she does, I look up and Ely its standing in front of me looking at me and Olive, I can see he is really worry and right then Olive stops moving and moves looking to lay down.

  I grab some blankets and cover her, we leave the night light on and come outside the room, once we get to the living room I asked Ely what happen.

“She started drinking out of nowhere, the whole time we were at the bar she seemed ok, she danced and kept laughing at my friends jokes, around 1 they decided to leave and so I drove my friends home, but when we were driving back to her apartment she took out her iPod and as soon as the song started playing, she started singing and crying. I asked her if she was ok but she just kept singing, I think that’s the only song it has because it kept playing over and over again, she told me to stop the car and start puking and couldn’t stop crying” – he kept telling me how she asked him to call me, and so he did. Gabriel then gave him a cup of tea

“Drink it, you need it too  ... look how pale you look” – Ely smiled and took the cup, but then his eyes got all red and tears starting running down his face

“I can’t take care of her, I messed up. I did this” –

“No, you didn’t, Olive it’s just in bad shape right now, she is supposed to be with her family right now, at home being upset and helping her mother cook for 50 people but instead she stayed here with you, she wanted to remember her brother and really let herself feel the lost, she can’t do that at home, she doesn’t let herself feel once she gets home she puts walls up so no you didn’t do anything but help her to feel and for that I thank you.” – Ely just smiled and said

“Yes, but I knew better I should have not taken her to that place, alcohol it’s not the answer, tomorrow she will feel bad about this and will regret not being there for her family”

“Don’t worry, I told them I would take her tomorrow so she can be with them”

  Ely then gets ups and asked if its ok with us, if he can sleep on the floor he wants to be there if Olive needs anything, I look at Gabriel and he just nod and smile

“You can’t sleep on the floor, we can move the couch to the room so you can sleep there” – Gabriel says.

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