Part II

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It’s too early to even say the times; I don’t know why I let myself get into this class this early. I mean I should be doing something else like sleeping. I hate living outside the city I have to get up extra early this morning, so early that it was still dark and right when I was about to leave the house, Voldemort showed up in my driveway to tell me she has being thinking about me, and wants to drive me to college, I really don’t want to see her, or even talk to her. I don’t think I even have to explain she is my annoying ex-girlfriend, the one that dumped me for an older and creepy guy but I really don’t want to either set her crazy ass off and also i don’t want to ride the bus today. So I accept and the whole ride I wanted to kill myself for accepting riding along.

 I mean not only she has the worse taste in music with her crappy collection of Glee Soundtracks but also she is just such a crappy liar, the whole ride she doesn’t shut up on how much she wants me back but how he loves her boyfriend and how sorry she is for cheating on me the last time she did it, how she really just wasn’t thinking straight. I wanted to ask her how someone can’t think straight for 8 months! But I was too tired, I hadn’t slept one bit. I had to work on my project for one of my arquicture class so I don’t have time for this. I get out and start walking to the benches in front of the building where I have my early stupid class, of course I’m the first one there because it’s too early to even ask for the time, until this really odd looking girl sits in the bench in front of me, she is odd looking but in a really sexy way. She is not like one of those hipster that made nerds look interesting now, she is simple but beautiful, wearing a cut off short and a simple white t-shit with blue sleeves, blue vans and she is carrying this big paint I just can’t see what it is.

  And although I’m pretending to be listening to my iPod I can’t stop looking at her, because not only is she beautiful but also I know her… No I really know her, she is Kristen’s sister and who is Kristen? Well she is my cousin’s girlfriend. But not only that she is Ethan’s Olive and Ethan it’s the star student, he is a legend at this college, every teacher dream to have a Ethan in their classes and well I hate the guy, not only because he is a kiss ass but also because he is dating Olive and I don’t know how a girl like Olive can go out with a guy like him, you see her and she just doesn’t belong here that’s how rare and interesting she is and you see Ethan and well he is a machine, a robot a good looking robot, every girl wants to have him and you have no idea how many girls want to just do him counting voldermort, I have seen her but he never pays attention to any of them and I get it he has Olive, who is rare beautiful but for some reason I don’t think Olive it’s the reason why he doesn’t notice all the girls, I believe it’s because he is a robot, a man with a cold heart.

  But back to Olive, the girl of my dreams (literally) although she doesn’t know it, I met olive about two summer ago, my cousin was going to ask Kristen to be his girlfriend and well Olive help him, back then they weren’t as tight as they are now but still she help him, she made this tip to the beach and my cousin Henry invited me and our crew to go with him, stupid me almost didn’t go because voldemort and I had just got into a fight the night before. I remember going to the beach at night wasn’t in my plans but when Henry went to pick everyone up my man Gerald and I had just lit up a blunt so it felt just right to follow everyone else.

   When my senses return, I was sitting right in front of the beach vomiting my guts out and sat on the sand not knowing what was going on when I fell her hand on my back, she then passed me a bottle of water and said “drink it” in a very soft but secure voice and so I did, I turn to thank her and I saw her big eyes, those bug eyes that show who she really is, they showed sadness back then, I recognized it very well. I got the strength enough and control in my stomach to ask her – “Where is everyone?” hoping to not puking while asking her, she then pointed to the fire bunk and how everyone was celebrating Kristen and Henry’s love (ugh) she then said –“They make me sick, so I came here where you and your friend had passed out and well then you starting throwing out and here were are”

-“If they make you sick, then why did you help him”? – I asked

-“I don’t know I thought this was going to make me feel better about love, but it doesn’t” – She then said.

 I know what she meant, being next to people who are in love and happy makes you really sick and then she add

– “ Plus they are listening to really crappy love songs without knowing how really love sounds like” –

This got my attention and I had to asked –“ What’s a real love song for you”?

she looked at me and smiled and said –“If I told you I had to killed you” –

And all of the sudden I was impress and interest in this girl, we talk for hours after that about everything, she told me she liked art and while we were talking she draw on her leg this really cool tree, and around that hour where it’s too late to sleep and too early to ask for the time I lit up a cigarette that she then took from me, draw something on one side, that looked like that night, she then  turn it and wrote “We are just two lost souls, swimming in a fish bowl” ,right then I knew that there were better things out in this world and I shouldn’t put up with voldemort,  she then got up and left where everyone else was. And in case you were wondering I still have that cigarette in my wallet.

Untitled.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora