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    Ethan came at 3 as we planned, as soon as he came into the house he started talking about the project, At first it felt very uncomfortable being around him and not wonder if he at one point was going to punch me for talking to Olive, I guess I just felt really bad about what I was doing, whatever it was I knew they weren’t talking and I know why I didn’t wanted him to think she was talking to me, because the true is that she isn’t telling anything at least not about him.

    We worked for 3 hours straight and accomplished so little, we barely spoke about anything after we decided what part of the project we each had to do. He is so damn good at this, I seriously wanted to punch him in the face but instead I just kept trying to work on my part and finish so he could leave and see him until the next time we had to work together again.

     We both ended almost at the same time, I guess I was trying to rush things and he notice me being uncomfortable and at one point it felt like he was too.  When we finished I walked him to the door and we decided to meet every Wednesday, although I wasn’t thrilled about the day that he picked I didn’t wanted to fight him; instead I choose to just agree on the day but just as he was walking out of the house he turned around and mumble something I couldn’t kind understand.

 -“Sorry, what? “– I asked 

“How is she doing”? – he said and looked me straight in the eye, we both knew who she was, at first I just stared at him

“She is okay, you know being Olive” – I said while I move my eyes from him and started at my shoes, I don’t  know exactly  what that means but then I hear him say

“Look I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, I’m just worry about her and well she has basically shut me out of her life” – he says and for the first time I see that he actually feels something … sadness

“To be honest with you, I don’t know what’s going on in her head and I’m worry but I know you guys are talking, please don’t ask me how I know” – this surprise me and kind of freak me out, I mean how did he know we were talking at first I thought maybe Olive mention something but then

“Please don’t tell her I asked you about her, I just wanted to know how she is “– His voice sounded worry and sad and I couldn’t help but feel bad for the guy for like a second then I remember this is the guy who has Olive because one way or another they are still dating or at least that is what her Facebook page says.

“I won’t I promise, and she’s ok I mean we hang out but she doesn’t really mention you … im sorry man, that’s all I have” – he smiled in a way I knew he was thanking me for the little information I just gave him, turn around and starting walking to his car, what happen next I really can explain why in the world I did it

“Wait! There is something else” – this made him stop and turn around, he look straight at me waiting for my next bit of information, somehow I think he was waiting all along for this information.

“There is something off about Olive, I know this but somehow I can’t see what it is” he walked towards me and sight and then

“Do you have time? .. it’s a long story”

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