Chapter 16

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~1 Day before Lea Birthday~


No no no no this can't be happening why. I cried as I slid down my bathroom wall I've taken 10 pregnancy test and they all came back positive I knew I was because I had all the symptoms I wanted to unreal so bad but it wasn't here I am 18 a senior in high school a pregnant by a man who tried to kill my best friend and beat me I had to have been pregnant then now I gotta make an appointment it's too late today I guess I'll have to do it tomorrow.
The Day of Her Party...
I cancelled breakfast with the crew and went to the doctors instead walking into the clinic I signed my name and sat down nervously waiting. I waited for thirty minutes "Kennedy Harrington" I heard the nurse call I got up a walked to her she had me follow her to the back and into a empty room "The doctor will be with you shortly" I nodded and took a seat. Five minutes later the doctor came in "Good morning Ms. Harrington I'm Dr. Parks how are you doing today and what brings you in" "I'm ok I'm here because I took a couple pregnancy test and I wanna make sure they were correct" he nodded his head wrote something down and said he'll be back. He came back with a nurse pushing a cart with a machine on it she left he sat down and rolled next to me "Lay back and roll your shirt up and relax" I nodded and did as asked he cut on the machine squeezed the blue gel on my stomach and ran the wand across shortly after you heard a rapid beat he pointed to the screen "Do you see that Ms. Harrington that's the baby and you are indeed 2 months pregnant" I sighed he turned off the machine said congratulations and he cleaned me off "I'm going to go print off the ultrasound pictures and get your script for your prenatal pills" I said ok and just sat and thought about how my life is about to change drastically after hearing the news I didn't want to go out he came back gave me my things and told me schedule my next appointment at the desk and said he would see me in a month after I scheduled my appointment I left and went home. Not wanting to talk to anyone I cut my phone off curled up in bed watching tv thinking about how I'm going to break the news.

Present day....


🎶Woke up this morning

With a smile on my face

Jumped out of bed

Took a shower.... Dressed

Cleaned up my place

Make me some breakfast

Toast two scrambled eggs


I sang Jill Scott as I made me and Jeremiah some breakfast swaying my hips and flipping the pancakes all I had on was one of Jeremiah shirts and my hair was in a messy bun I guess you can say I was in a good mood. Jeremiah woke up went to the bathroom I heard the shower and 10 mins later he was coming out in his jogging pants and nothing else he smiled seeing me in his shirt walks up behind me and say "You know they have people for that it's called room service" I laughed and said "I know but I was in such a good mood I wanted to make my baby breakfast as a thank you for an amazing birthday" soon as I cut off the stove he turned me around and kissed me and said "You deserve that and then some" I kissed him and said let's eat I made our plates we sat and ate and after we were done we decided to get dressed and check out. "I miss my munchkin" Jeremiah said I laughed and said "Yea me too we should have a family day" he smiled and said fa sho with that we got in the car and I drove straight to mama Linda house. Almost 45 mins later we were pulling up we both got out and headed for the door we were about to unlock the door when we seen it was already cracked open and heard screaming Jeremiah pulled out his gun and I did the same pushing the door open we both walked in going to the front room we see Linda pacing and crying loudly we put our guns up and ask her what's wrong.

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