Chapter 22

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This chapter is dedicated to @harmonyd thanks for voting commenting and sharing..... luv ya

Mariya continued....

Last night when I saw my dad he was still sleeping we didnt get to stay long since visiting hours were over but auntie Shan promised to bring me first thing tomorrow and she did here I am now sitting in a chair holding his hand talking. Hi dad they told me you were really tired and needed your rest but when are you gonna wake up daddy you can't be that tired. I spoke to my dad as he layed sleeping in the bed I started to cry "Come on daddy talk to me wake up please" as I spoke I shook him he still didn't do nothing "Put me up there Tete" Shan picked me up putting me in the bed I layed on his chest and put his arm around me "Daddy are you sleeping because you don't love me.... What did I do wrong daddy" I kept crying I cried so loud and hard I didn't hear the groan that escaped my dads mouth but as soon as I felt him move and hear my aunt scream I knew I wasn't dreaming "Daddy" I looked up to see him looking at me I cried even harder "Daddy you up" I threw my little arms around his neck "Hey princess" he said in a hard voice next thing I knew the doctor came in and my Tete handed him some water as the doctor spoke "How you doing Mr. Smith glad to see your finally up you gave everybody a scare now that your up we're going to run a few test to see how long you have to stay tell me can you remember anything" my dad cleared his throat "Yes doctor I can remember everything" this he sounded normal I was happy about that the doctor nodded and said he'll be right back "Daddies princess I missed you so much.... And know I will always love you baby girl sleep or not ok" my dad spoke looking into my eyes then looked and Shan "C'mere sis give yo big bruh some love man I missed you too" she hugged him and cried.


Listening to my baby girl cry made me try harder to wake up but I think what really helped was her thinking I don't love her I will always love my baby girl. After Shan hugged me I spoke again "Ay Shan I don't know if I was dreaming or not I hope I wasn't but Lea came to visit me yesterday saying she was back in town is she???" I asked hopeful because that means I can get my baby back "Uh yea she is she is actually a couple doors down" I started to panic "Is she ok is my babies ok please tell me she didn't lose them or something aww man my baby take me to come on we got----" "Hey hey hey hold up she and the babies are fine she was just a lil stressed but you should've seen lil mama handling business last night like a boss" she said laughing "Do you think they go let her come see me" I asked hopefully again "Well she should be ready to go now and if I'm right I know she ain't go wanna leave without seeing you" she said smiling "Aye let me being woke a surprise aight" she nodded and left leaving me and Riya alone "Hey baby girl I want to apologize for leaving you alone and not being there to protect you I'm sorry for everything you had to go through and just know the bad man will never ever get you again ok" she nodded and grabbed my neck tight we heard the door open a couple minutes later and I heard I gasp I knew who it was "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD Jeremiah oh my God your up" "C'mere girl" she walked over "Give me some love ma" she hugged me tried to kiss my cheek but moved to fast and we ended up locking lips.... Damn I missed this.

I moved looking her in her eyes seeing the tears escape "I need you too baby.... I love you.... I heard you was stressing you can't be all stressed out with my seed" she chuckled "I know and I'm better now that your up that's all I wanted I'm glad you ok Jer" she said caressing my cheek "I can't wait to leave girl you go be in for it you know that right" I whispered in her ear she gasped I knew she wanted me too "Imma hold you to that but after you take care of the gift I left you" I looked at her confused "I told you lil mama handled that business" Shan said Lea chuckled "Didn't I tho.... But you handled yours too" Lea said dapping her up I swear these girls crazy. Moments later the doctor came back and behind him was my homies. Mike and Josh "My niggas wassup man" they came and dapped me up "Yo un un who watching those two making show the guards doing they job" Lea asked looking and Mike and Josh "Um Sash is along with you two who are about to go now" Mike said earning him self a death glare from Lea "Yea aight...." Lea and Shan got up to go "Lea what did I just tell you about stressing yo ass ain't going no where" she looked back at me "I love that you're worrying but you must forgot I'm the HBIC all I gotta do is sit in yo office and order niggas around" "Damn aight lil mama you got it and aye..... I'm sorry too" "I know you already forgiven..... I love you Jer and I'll see you later princess" they both smiled Riya hopped down and kissed Lea then went to Josh. The girls left and me and the guys talked as the doctor ran test.

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