Chapter 18

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4 Months Later


It's been 4 long months and Jeremiah has been doing everything to show me he cares he's slowly gaining my trust back I let him move in our master suite about 2 months ago he was to happy but so was I it was the first night in 3 long months that's I was able to go to sleep in my baby's arms. It's now close to the end of April Christmas was awesome mainly for Mariya but me too my husband got me a new car that's right ya girl got a new Mercedes truck but Riya got every toy a little girl could ask for and as for Jeremiah lets just say he was all smiles when I gave him his silver diamond encrusted MK watch along with a silver bottom grill and a new pair of Jordan's with a outfit to match. I even got a job Jeremiah didn't like or want me to but I couldn't live off the savings I had from Stacy nor did I want to live off of him I wanted to be independent especially since graduation coming up I can't wait. I already know what I want to go for. Kennedy is as big as a house but she is beautiful and glowing like no other she found out she's having a girl I'm happy for her. Shanti and Mike still going strong she even moved in with him and she's still my aceboon of course we argue but we make up like 5 mins later I swear I love that girl and Sasha and Josh decided to get engaged him Sasha Shanti and Mike and Ken all live in the house next door to us so of course we at each other house everyday. Right now we all at the trap just chilling making sho everything running smoothly "Umm boss man somebody at the door said they need to see you" one of the guards said to Jeremiah he nodded and said "send em back" I instantly pulled out my gun instantly I really don't trust people Jeremiah looked at me shook his head soon as the door opened I pointed my gun at the face I saw "Bitch what the fuck you doing here I told yo lil friend to tell I was go fuck you up nex--" I stopped mid sentence when she fully stepped in the room you could see her small pudge by how tight her shirt was "Oh hell nah bitch you pregnant" she nodded Jeremiah stood up real fast "The fuck you mean you pregnant" he said through clenched teeth she took a deep breath "I went to the clinic yesterday I'm almost 5 months pregnant with your baby" when she said all I heard was your baby echo through my head and once again my heart came crumbling but I didn't cry I just got up and told everybody else to come on well the girls anyways but Mike followed anyways I just couldn't take being in that room we all went to the basement I just had to let off some steam so we went to the room with the gun rang and slowly unloaded my clip in to the paper man I still didn't feel better so I just sucked it up and went back up stairs by now they were sitting talking but what I saw just pierced my soul he felt he stomach smiled looking into her eyes faces inches apart he was about to kiss this bitch right in my face rage grew inside of me and I charged at him and hit him dead in his jaw not smacked but I gave that nigga my mayewheather right hook. I was about to hit him again until Mike pulled me off and took me outside everybody came out behind him "Lea are you ok baby" Shanti asked I just broke down she came and hugged me I wiped my face trying to contain my self "Mike and Josh do y'all think y'all can help me move my things please" they said Fasho and I got in the car with Shanti and Mike. When we got to the house Shanti helped me pack all my things I had like 4 giant suit cases 3 medium and like 3 small carry on size cases plus totes and shit I had a lot of stuff before leaving out the room I took off the promise ring and put it on the bed Josh and Mike came back for the last things and we left. I left in my fusion never looking back since I have some cash I went and rented an apart near where my mom stays after they brung my stuff in Shanti gave me the keys to my Mercedes since it's in my name I had her drive it I told them we can shop later right now I wanted time alone so after I locked up I went to the one place I knew I could clear my head which was the park I always went to when I had a lot on my mind. When I got there I just sat on a swing and thought silently wondering why was I not good enough he always told me I was beautiful and always showed me I was but these two times he cheated on me made me feel like the ugly fat bitch everybody said I was. I sat there for a hour or longer then decided to call Shanti so we can go get my furniture I decided I was go pick her up on my truck. I got to they house in an hour honked my horn and waited I was happy when she came out with Mariya they got in the car and Mariya gave me the biggest hug and kiss ever and said "Mommy I missed why weren't you home when me and daddy got there and did daddy throw his phone and cry he was holding your promise ring ma do that mean you won't keep your promises" she asked in one breath then got teary eyed and said "do that you mean you won't be my mommy no more" I turned and looked at her before I pulled off I made her look at me and said "Whether me and daddy together or not you will always be my daughter and I will always be your mommy.... Mommy has her own place we going to pick out furniture now you can come over whenever you want you can even spend the night but you have to promise mommy to never tell daddy where I live ok" she sniffled wiped her eyes smiling nodded and said "Ok mommy" I smiled started the car and took off. Walking through Macy's my girls helped me picked out all of my things as I was reaching for this shower curtain I liked I seen a brown masculine hand reach up and grab it I looked over and this tall brown skin brother with pretty brown eyes a killer set of pearly whites with dimples and biceps like shemar Moore this man was sexy with his dreads pulled into a bun I just sat there and analyzed this man all over before I was done he chuckled and asked "Are you done BEAU or do you need me to turn around as well" I smiled and giggled a little and said "No I don't need you to I'm quite sure it's just as nice as your front" he hand me the curtain and said " I'm surprised you answered to something besides your name" I laughed and said "Only because I know what it means why not answer when someone calls me beautiful" he smiled then said "Well I wouldn't mind calling you by your name" I stuck out my hand and said "Aalea you are" "Cortez" I shook his hand and smiled.

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