Chapter 21

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"I'm sorry but Mr. Smith is in a coma"

"so what now doctor"

"All we can do is wait... If you want you all can go see him"

I nodded and followed the doctor back in to a room and there he was my home boy my brother from another laying there cords coming out of everywhere he looked so pale and dull. I was contemplating on calling Sash and Shan I don't know man shit crazy fuck it "Bae I just talked to the doctor Jeremiah stable bit dew to his amount of blood loss he's in a coma" "Oh my goodness I really should tell Lea" "Bae remember what I said we don't need her stressing you can't alright" she sighed said ok "Now y'all can come see him if y'all want or y'all can wait til tomorrow" "We go wait" I said ok told her I love her and I'll be home soon.

"What's up bruh I know you in a coma in all but they say you can hear me..... If you can you gotta wake up soon you gotta family to take care of just don't stay gone for to long" I sighed sat there and thought "How would you work shit out with my sis if you a vegetable man I know she mad but I know she love you and I know by the time you wake up you go have yo shit together and be the man she need yea Cortez a good dude but we all know you were made for her so whenever you wake up take to ass to ATL and get to family back.... Don't tell nobody I told you I love you man I'll be back tomorrow" with that I got up and went home preparing my self on how to break this to my niece.

~1 Week Later~


It's you again what do you want with me and why would you bring me here Ken. Riya cried realizing that her "Aunt" Ken didn't come just to take her out for a girls day she brought her to a different place but with the same man that tried to kill her dad. Rich. "Shut up little girl damn you irritating" Kennedy shouted Riya cried harder. Why Kennedy you were suppose to be my mommy best friend "Oh trust me I am" right then is when Krystal and Kira walked out they both stood by Kennedy and Riya looked at Krystal "I HATE YOU" Krystal ran up and slapped her leaving a print on her face Riya remember Lea told her to never show fear she looked Krystal dead in the eye and spit at her "I usually don't do this but fuck you" Riya said with nothing but hate in her voice Krystal bagged back wiping the spit off her face. "Look lil girl make a phone call now" Rich said handing her the phone she called the one number she knew by heart "Hello.... Hi mommy I need help Kennedy Krystal and Kira kidnapped me and brought me back to the mean man....ok mommy I love you too" she hung up and Rich snatched the phone.



MIKE FIND HER NOW SHE CALLED ME FROM 305-554-3225 FIND MY BABY. Lea screamed in the phone soon as she got off the phone with her I can't believe they ain't call and tell me she was missing mater of fact where is Jeremiah and why he ain't call this shit pissing me off. "Tez I gotta go they got my baby" "Lea baby calm down sit down we don't need you stressing the boys calm down am I'm sure Mike and Josh and Jer got it under control" I sat down like he said and took deep breaths to calm myself down he was right even though I wanted to be there I had to think about my unborns health and my own "Good now take yo vitamin I'll cook so you can eat" "Thanks Tez" I'm grateful that he here no we still not together but he takes care of me and make sure my appointments are set and everything else we finished the nursery last week after we found out the sex the room is painted red and blue with lighting McQueen and Mater stickers all over its two cribs and two small dressers clothes in the closets and a toy trunk my baby bag is packed and in Tez car ready for when it's time when I say this man prepared everything he prepared everything and he cooks lawd let me stop I been so sexually frustrated lately I don't know what to do this pregnancy stuff is only good if you have a partner cause masturbation don't help and I refuse to do anything with Tez one because in my eyes that's just wrong two because he the closest friend I have. I refuse to ruin it. "We can leave first thing tomorrow but don't go getting yourself hurt Lea" I said ok and tried to remain as calm as possible.

Love Yourself (Urban: Big Girl)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora