Chapter 23

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The next morning

Here it is at 11 am after we left breakfast I'm pulling up at the last place I thought I would be. Parking the car getting Riya out and helping Lea out I close and lock the doors then walk up to the door




After knocking we waited patiently the door opened a couple of minutes later and there she was just as beautiful as ever smiling brighter than I thought she would

"Jeremiah?!" She questioned

I smiled and nodded "Hey mama" she pulled me in for the tightest and biggest hug yet she pulled away and seen Riya "hey granny baby" Riya jumped in her arms and I seen a year escape my mothers eyes after they separated she looked at Lea "Wow well hello beautiful" Lea smiled "Hey mama" she reached and a touched Lea stomach "Please tell me I got another grand baby coming" "Not quit try two more" my mom gasped "What twins oh my goodness ok come in come in we have to talk" we walked in and my siblings were watching tv I couldn't believe how big they got I really regret pushing mama out my life because in the process I missed a lot of my brother and sister life. "Hey rug rats" I said smiling they turned and as soon as they layed eyes on me they ran into my arms I kissed my sister all over her face while tickling my bro then dapping "y'all so big" I said letting them go "Yeah that's what happens when you get older" my brother said I laughed "Ok lil smart ass" my momma popped me "So how y'all been.... I'm glad to see you ok and up" moms said holding in tears "Don't cry mama I'm fine alright I came to apologize for how I acted when Riya got taken I never should have went off like I did I was ju---" "No son it's ok I understand I would've reacted the same way but I forgave you a long time ago you my first child" she said grabbing my hand "I love you baby boy" I hugged her tight "I love you too mama".

Aalea ol emotional ass started to cry and shit "Aww what's wrong Bae" she smiled wiped her eyes shaking her head "Nothing baby you know hormones and all but I'm happy for y'all" she said about to cry again I knew right then deep down it was more than that I knew my baby missed her moms no good ass but she would have to wait til she give birth to even think of going to see her. "Speaking of mothers and babies Lea baby how far along are you" my mom asked Lea smiled "I'm six months I'll be seven in two weeks" "What's the sex" that's when I jumped in "I'm having me some boys mama" I said all proud she laughed "Oh lord Lea baby trust me they go be a handful if they anything like yo man" she laughed while I sat there with the "I ate ass face". I smacked my lips "Whatever but I'm glad we talked mama" she nodded "Alright well we bout to get going we got to start on the nursery" "Ok babies come back and visit" we hugged her and left.


It was nice seeing them bond I'm glad they back on good terms it kinda made me think about Stacy (my mom) I still can't find it in me to forgive her maybe one day but for now sine it's the weekend and me and Riya wanted to spend time with Jeremiah he decided to take us shopping and then we would go home chill and watch a movie as a family.

Right after we left his moms we pulled up at the mall 20 mins later I got out and got Riya while he locked the doors he walked in holding hands chicks was either mugging me or lusting after Jer and the same go or the niggas they where either looking at me with lust filled eyes or giving him an envious eye. It's like they don't even care that I'm pregnant I guess it's just the fact that everything either got bigger spread that catch they eyes my breast bigger right along with my ass and my hips spread but the thing that sticks out the most is my stomach of course. The first store we went to was Ashley Stewart I needed some maternity clothes bad I got a couple of dresses and those ugly pants with the elastic waist Jeremiah made me get those we went to for kids only for the boys and Riya clothes Jeremiah went crazy for the boys and Riya went crazy for herself then we went to footlocker for some cute lil shoes for the twins I got a couple pair of Jordan Nike and Adidas jogging pants along with the hoodies we all got a couple of matching shoes and outfits for the family while me an Riya went in forever 21 Jeremiah disappeared some where he came back like 30 minutes later and we were ready to go.

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